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May 2014 · 345
all of me
rose14195 May 2014
What would I do without your smart mouth
drawing me in and you kicking me out
got my head spinning
no kidding
I can't pin you down
my heads under water
but I'm breathing fine
your crazy
and I'm out of my mind
cuz all of me
loves all of you
loves your curves and all your edges
all your perfect imperfections
give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
May 2014 · 156
Dont cry
rose14195 May 2014
I hate to see you cry
I don't know why
my feelings for died
a while ago
but i hate to see you cry
So wipe your eyes
for me
Apr 2014 · 265
rose14195 Apr 2014
Music is a language only some can speak
When a song comes on and you get out of you seat
When the strum of a violin means more the the words he sings
Music is amazing
Words strike the mind
but music strikes the heart
Music can tear your world apart
Then put it back together
Music tells a story
a story only some can hear
Music can sway you
and destroy all of your fear
Music is amazing
Music is always near
Apr 2014 · 245
Spilled Milk(10w)
rose14195 Apr 2014
You cry over spilled milk

While I clean it up
Apr 2014 · 470
rose14195 Apr 2014
Apr 2014 · 152
Half full(10w)
rose14195 Apr 2014
The glass isn't half full

I just finished drinking it.
Apr 2014 · 149
rose14195 Apr 2014
some words are empty and meaniless
they are said make things up
so the real world seems less harsh

some words are crisp and cool
they can make you fell sharper
and can make you fell like a fool

Some words are warm and comforting
they are said to console
and there meaning can't be controlled

words can change someones life
they can break it too
so beware what you say
more that what you do
Apr 2014 · 337
rose14195 Apr 2014
I want to forgive you
but our relationship was like a wave hitting shore
we had our rises
right before we crashed
and we always crashed

I want to love you
but you have filled my heart with hate
I will never be able to look at you the same way

I want to be there for you
but you were never there for me

This roller coaster just complicated things
I can't just just stare at you and fell right anymore
I think this is the last time our wave hits shore
Apr 2014 · 6.9k
rose14195 Apr 2014
I sit across from you at lunch
but your to busy hanging with you bunch
to know I'm there
you only care
when i get in your way
Listen to what I have to say
because you and me are the same
but you act like I'm nothing
like I'm a punching bag
your to busy to push
like the trash
your to lazy to take out
You make me wan a shout
because you can't see me
through my invisibility
but that's on me
you see I have brick walls
but you don't try to break my walls
and thats not your fault
or your problem
and maybe I'm the one wrong
mad at others because I have walls
but my invisibility stays strong
Apr 2014 · 619
rose14195 Apr 2014
You thought I would fail
You expected me to crack
You wanted me to run and never look back
then your confused when I don't do that

Your pressure I pushed it of
Your challenge I took it
You told me I was nothing and I ignored it
I beat it

I didn't fall
I stood tall
I beat you all
You can't make me look small

Because I am unchangeable
not tolerable
but favorable
I am Unbeatable

You thought I would fail
you expected me to crack
but I beat you
and I'm never looking back
Apr 2014 · 429
rose14195 Apr 2014
She got pregnant a 16
and he actually stayed with her
so the first time he hit her it was just a bad day
the next time a bad week
A few months later she said it will be ok
but she needed to get away
she knew what was happening
but she said her love for him will stay the same
she was acting like it was a game
she thought it was her fault
she thought she deserved it
until she had her baby
and things started to change
he would scream at the child and call her names
her child would cry every night and ask go to take the pain away
then one day she asked her mom why she stays
her mom answer stayed the same
"My love for him will never go away"
the next day
the girl walked out the house with a packed suitcase
Apr 2014 · 216
Always there
rose14195 Apr 2014
Time passes
dreams come and go
but I just wanted to let you know
that Jesus is there where ever you go
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
Fingerprint (10w)
rose14195 Apr 2014
Our diffrences aren't reasons to be jealous but God's fingerprint
Apr 2014 · 216
Her Dad
rose14195 Apr 2014
She sat in her room
hands on her ears
scream out
but no one could here
because her screams where drowned out
but her dad throwing things downstairs
You see her dad had a temper
but it never came to this
it was as if the walls where filled with fear
trying to hear
she couldn't believe
that her dad was a sterotype
and she couldn't see
until now
with sweat on his brow
her dad screamed and yelled and punched and kicked
then he went up a floor
she was so scared she scream louder then before
he went to her room and shut the door
Apr 2014 · 195
rose14195 Apr 2014
It's kind of hard to forgive you
when your knife is still in my back
Apr 2014 · 403
rose14195 Apr 2014
I went in headfirst, never thinking about who what I said hurt
In what verse, my mom probably got it the worst, the brunt of it
But as stubborn as we are, did I take it too far, "Cleaning Out My Closet"
And all them other songs, but regardless I don't hate you
Cause ma, you're still beautiful to me, cause you're my mom
Though far be it for you to be too calm, our house was Vietnam
Desert Storm and both of us put together could form an atomic bomb
Equivalent to Chemical Warfare and forever we could drag this on and on
But, agree to disagree, that gift for me up under the Christmas tree
Don't mean nothing to me, you're kicking me out? It's 15 degrees and
It's Christmas Eve, "Little *****, just leave," ma, let me grab my  coat
Anything to have each other's goats, why we always at each others throats
Especially when dad, he broke us both, we're in the same boat
You'd think that'd make us close, further away it drove us, but together
Headlights shine, and a car full of belongings
Still got a ways to go back to grandma's house, it's straight up the road
And I was the man of the house, the oldest, so my shoulders carried
The weight of the load, then Nate got taken away by the state at 8-years-old
And that's when I realized you were sick and it wasn't fixable or changeable
And to this day we remain estranged and I hate it though
I heard this song for the first time today, and I realized it was atcually good lyrics, a good song, even though it was by Eminem and I looked at some of his other songs and I realized he was actually a good artist.
Apr 2014 · 276
rose14195 Apr 2014
I feel empty
you screamed at me
and I would be crying
if I didn't stop feeling

I don't know when that started
when I started to feel nothing
but I know its happening

Because while you where screaming at me to stop
telling me that what I was saying hurt you
I didn't

I wanted to
or at least I wanted to want to
but I stopped feeling

I can only put out what I had left
and all i had in me
was hurt

when all of my hurt
grows to much
and pushes out my joy and other things
I can only give out
is what' left in me

That is why I cant stop hurting
Apr 2014 · 307
Part of me
rose14195 Apr 2014
You say you know me
but you only know a part of me

I tend to act diffrently
depending on how you treat me

it is all just me

But you wouldn't know that
because you don't know me
Apr 2014 · 415
rose14195 Apr 2014
I never told anyone how I felt
When your the bad guy no one really cares enough to help
you see I lied

I hurt my best friend
and every single day people wont let me forget it
So I've had to live with it

You see I felt trapped
trapped in my ways
I said I could stop if I wanted to
But i wanted to stop everyday

If someone would of found out I was lying
and said they would still be my friend when I stopped maybe but
things don't really happen that way
I was what people call a bully

I was trapped in that box
and that was the one time I knew what it was like to be forgot
because people forget

they forget your a person
they forget there must be a reason why you lied
they forget that you still know how to cry

you see it is easy to help the victim
but the bully well thats the hard part
when you try to help a bully you wont know where to start

because the bully has a wall
that looks like no one can get through
and behind that wall the bully is crying
they don't cant stop lying
they are hurting
they need saving
but you just keep sayin
" Just stop bullying"
like its that easy

well this is a message from  me
the common bully
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
rose14195 Apr 2014
People always try to put things into boxes
they want to put people in boxes
all of the boxes have labels
The boxes limit the things the people are able
to do
Like saying your black that is to white for you
or even your son is to young to learn how to tie his own shoes
all of these boxes
that have been carried from generation to generation
they of names and criminal in the makin
but I want to tell you that these boxes are mistaken
you see people put things in boxes
because they dont want to see what happens when they come out
they are to scared to think outside the box
and let how they really feel out
so they use extra tape to try to keep them close
the tape of steryotypes and bullying
and even calling people cold
they try to keep us in because they dont want our stories to be told
well i am stepping out of my box
breaking the tape
doing things the boxes say werent meant for me
I am going to break my box and for once in my life feel free
I will leave my boxes behind me
Apr 2014 · 734
Just for me
rose14195 Apr 2014
He was tortured
and humilated
for me

He was hung on the cross
while people screamed hurtful things
for me

He rose from the dead
and from Satin he took the key
for me

He broke chains for me
made a path that I can see
A path that lead to heaven
he did that, for me

Jesus died for me
Apr 2014 · 243
My Greatest Hits
rose14195 Apr 2014
I was born
4. I woke up this morning
3. I survived turning 13
2. I wrote my first long poem called Copy Cat  
1. I became saved
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
rose14195 Apr 2014
I am like a crayon
I may not be your favorite color
but one day you will need me to finish your picture
Apr 2014 · 227
I am
rose14195 Apr 2014
I don't want to be anyone else
there is only one me
I might not be your favorite person
but that is who I will be

I am amazing
I'm amazing because I believe it
I can see it

I am beautiful
and I know I am because I have a mirror
anyone who says I'm ugly needs to see better

I am smart
I know this because I know about amazing things
and I am as smart as I can physically be

I am me
Apr 2014 · 263
rose14195 Apr 2014
I am a liar
as simple as that
I know you don't see many people
stating their problems as a fact
but I am

I am judgemental
I judge everyone
on everything
I know I'm not the only one judging
but right now I am the only one admitting

I'm a manipulator
I change things to my will
so that people will believe everything I think

I'm not perfect
and neither are you
so I suggest you let it out
so you can make you a better you
Apr 2014 · 2.3k
True story please help!
rose14195 Apr 2014
On August 2010
something changed him so he will never be the same again
he was disabled even before
but he fell into the water and made it worse
you see he was disabled but wouldn't let it show
he was even a parole officer he wouldn't let his injury let him slow
but then he fell in the lake
his son was standing a few feet away
he screamed then the ambulance came
his fall awoke a sleeping giant in his spine
so now he cant move his legs
The goverment  gave them a raise of 1 percent
but that didn't do much of anything
to this day his injuring is the same
and it wont go away

His name is Larry Phillips and he is entered to win a disabilty truck that will change his life forever. All he needs is your vote. So please go on the website and vote vote vote! Trust me this will change his life.
please vote.
Apr 2014 · 414
I wont give up
rose14195 Apr 2014
When the walls fall around me
and I feel like giving up
when everyone around me hurts me
I wont give up

When you say I'm ugly
when you call me gay
when you insult me right to my face
I wont give up

When you try to break me
with all you might
When you say nonsense and try to start a fight
I wont give up

No, I wont give up
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
Night Sky
rose14195 Apr 2014
When she opens her eyes
she doesn't just see the night skies
she sees her mom looking down on her

you know her life wasn't that great
she didn't have everything on a golden plate but
at least she had that

her mom didn't call her fat
or yell at her for this and that
and even though her mom is far away
she knows she looks down on her everyday

So when she opens her eyes
she doesn't just see the night skies
she sees her mom looking down on her
she is looking right into her mothers eye
Apr 2014 · 285
rose14195 Apr 2014
I dont have natural hair...
Get Over It.
yes being natural is great
I wish my hair would look the same
but it's not

My hair, its filled with knots
and they wont come out
when I was younger when I saw a comb I would shout
so my mother got tired of me screaming out
and she gave me a perm
when it first went in it burned
but after that it was fine

my mother just did what she thought was right
no need to start a fight
I think my hair looks alright
so your the one with the problem
you have hated my braids ever since you saw 'em
and you tell me I'm wrong
then you go sing your 'I'm natural song'
Yet your insecure
You don't like you hair as much as you like mine
and to tell you the truth I don't care if I'm wrong or right
I like my UNNATURAL HAIR just fine
Apr 2014 · 463
rose14195 Apr 2014
One upon a time there was an eagle in a chicken pen
All his life the other chicks teased him over and over again
they told him he was nothing and he believed them
so they keep on teasing him
He stayed trapped in his pen thinking he couldn't fly out
If only they didn't fill him with doubt
He had the potential and possibility to fly to the skies
but he was held back by their bullying and lies
They covered his eyes
so he couldn't see
all he would grow up to be
Because he was an Eagle
Even though he didn't live that well
He was an eagle and the world he should tell
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
rose14195 Apr 2014
Being over a size 2
Doesn't mean you are fat
Apr 2014 · 144
rose14195 Apr 2014
You make me so angry
You live your life separately
Them come home and take your anger out on me
You say you don't like the way this house is running
But maybe you would see if you apwere home when it was moving
You see a ***** bowl
While I have the memory of our child eating
You tell me I should spend my time cleaning
Well I think you should spend your time living home
Because this house is no longer your own
Apr 2014 · 216
The Robery
rose14195 Apr 2014
It was late at night
I was so tired I didn't even put up a fight
I didn't realize my front door was open
I wish I would of known
And made sure my door was closed
Because that night I wasnt alone
I was 9 months pregnant
The day before
It was the day after I had my baby they came through the door
3 men all dressed in black
But it only took one man
To make me lay dead my back
They didn't just take the tv
They took away my babies mommy
And she went to live her daddy
But her daddy couldn't stop drinking
I don't think those thiefs didn't know what they were stealing
Apr 2014 · 133
rose14195 Apr 2014
Love .......
It's complicated
Apr 2014 · 177
rose14195 Apr 2014
Talking is so difficult
so I will make this easy for you friend
I will hold out my hand
so we can start again
Apr 2014 · 371
Sticks and Stones
rose14195 Apr 2014
Sticks and stones are ******* bones
they can rip your life apart
Words can sting like anything
But silence breaks the heart.
Apr 2014 · 2.7k
rose14195 Apr 2014
There's something in a simple hug
That always warms the heart,
It welcomes us back home
And makes it easier to part....
Apr 2014 · 143
rose14195 Apr 2014
Time never stops
but I think thats a lie
time stops when you see a beautiful bird grace across the sky
time stops when you look into the person you love's eye
time stops when you see a dance that makes you wanna cry
time stops when you look at the beauty of life
Apr 2014 · 255
rose14195 Apr 2014
You hide
You hide behind your jokes and lies
you hide
you hide behind your disguse
and don't want people to realize
that you hide
you dont want me to see with my own eyes
and that makes you like me
so you can keep hiding
until you let me see
who you are and who you will  be
Apr 2014 · 288
rose14195 Apr 2014
Don't try to tell me what I can do
my whole life people have told me things about myself that aren't true
Don't tell me who I am because you don't know
You dont know the troubles I face or the places I go
Don't tell me you hate me
because you don't know me
and I dont know you
Don't try to confuse me
I know that is what you're trying to do
Just shut up
because I'm done listening to you
Apr 2014 · 187
My baby
rose14195 Apr 2014
My feelings dont matter to  you mom
that was the last thing my baby said to me
I was so mad I didn't even say sorry
I knew I was right and she was wrong
but I wish my baby didn't die mad at me
I know if she was here she would tell me she loved me  
but she would say it sarcastically
I'm just not sure what that means
All I want to do Is tell my baby I'm sorry
I just wish she died happy
Apr 2014 · 234
rose14195 Apr 2014
She wanted to stay asleep
I tried to tell her that if she doesn't wake up she will miss amazing things
like prom and graduating
but she didn't reply
all I heard in that room was the beeping machine
that machine was keeping her breathing
and for 3 years I have tried to tell her to wake up
I told her I loved her and that she was my baby
but I understand that waking up isn't always the easiest thing
she  doesn't want to live worrying about things
it may be easier just to sleep
so that day I stopped the machine from beeping
Apr 2014 · 174
why I write
rose14195 Apr 2014
When I write
I never know what I am going to write about
I  just take my pencil and start writing things
and my words are powerful
I let go of all my emotions
And this is why or write poems
Apr 2014 · 4.1k
rose14195 Apr 2014
Respect me
because I am the daughter of a King
respect me
because I have true beauty
respect me
because I am amazing
respect me because I am respect-worthy
Apr 2014 · 238
rose14195 Apr 2014
Listen to the whistle of the wind
The laughter of a child
The drips of rain
The world is amazing
when I listen I hear personalities
rain can be calm but also annoying
kind of like me
sounds are filled with beauty
And you can hear them if you listen clearly
Apr 2014 · 274
no one listens
rose14195 Apr 2014
No one listens to me
My whole life has been listening
To people complaining
but no one knows the troubles I'm facing
Because no one hears me
When I try to speak
All I am is someone to lean on
But no one is ever there to hold on to me
When I fall
I always have to stand tall
Even when I'm broken
So people lean on me
Not knowing I'm the one who is really hurting
Apr 2014 · 994
rose14195 Apr 2014
Trust is like glass
Easily broken
Hard to restore
Apr 2014 · 190
rose14195 Apr 2014
I don't want to be alone
But alone is the only thing I have ever known
Apr 2014 · 140
Deep Question Of The Day 1
rose14195 Apr 2014
If you could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be?
Ok guys I am going to post one of these everyday and I want you to write your answer in the comments. Thanks!
Apr 2014 · 401
rose14195 Apr 2014
You hurt me
but I don't wanna hurt you
you pushed me down
while I was trying to help you up
you broke me
when all I was trying to do was put you back together
I learned something about people
when you make it to the top of the hill and you try to help them up
all they want to is push you down
but I will still try to help
because one day they will realize
by pushing me down
they are only hurting themselves
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