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 Jan 2013 Robyn
Anon C
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Anon C
Broken glass lines the path
as if they were shattered dreams themselves 
fragments of hopes lost in the whisper of the wind 
in the night they lie still
I feel like I am dancing on the shards
as I walk, knowing I am blessed
but it makes me sad too
trash litters the ground
life is tossed into slums
many never get the luxury to escape
merely adding to the glittering pieces 
they pile up unending 
eroding, until the glass is no longer discernible from sand
I am talkin' 'bout the ghetto baby
and it ain't no easy road
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Soma Mukherjee
Once a bridal gown met a suit to be worn by dead man,
No one knows how they ended up in the same van.

Did someone set them up
or was it a part of higher purpose or plan?
And people agreed because these two
had to travel together only for a short span.

Anyways, so the bridal gown was obviously shocked and traumatised
and feeling kind of sick looking at the suit,
The suit however had no such problems
as he knew his journey would end with the wearer,
so why sweat or fret?  How astute!

To overcome the uneasiness the bridal gown though
of making fun and mocking the suit as her wearer
would have done had she been in this situation.
She taunted the suit for trying to fake calmness,
laughed at such a short life for he was going to be buried
as soon as he was born, and that he and his kinds
were cursed to eternal damnation.

The suit initially seemed amused
by all that the bridal gown was saying
and refused to take the bait,
He knew there was going to be no outcome
if ever they engage in a debate.

But at some point I guess, he just got bored
and decided that he has had enough,
The bridal gown was now irritating
with baseless talking and prodding
and now the journey was becoming torturous and tough.

So he said very calmly,* “Dear I feel sorry for you,
a long lonely life with very little to do in future,
which you must be aware of or so I hope,
May I ask if you have all the support
you need or else how will you manage and cope?

You are going to have a tough day today
saving yourself from all the wine, grease and food stains
You have to, or else won’t be forgiven by people
who made and wore you, taking so much trouble and pains.

Once you have been worn today,
you will be packed and kept in a trunk or a chest,
And the next time you will be out will be when
your owner’s daughter or someone that close decides to wear you,
that too if you are still in your best.

And god forbid if during this time fashion changes drastically
and you can’t be altered and worn,
Or maybe the tradition of wearing bridal gowns
is completely out and gone!

Plus have you ever thought what if you were not kept properly
after you have been used,
With All the oil, air and insect attack,
you will end up shredded and abused.

Pardon me if I had been too calm or looking a bit recluse,
But it was because I knew, I am going where I came from,
soil will always be my last refuge.

I don’t know if I had a long life how I would have spent it,
But I know my life is short and the choices are,
enjoy every moment or crib and resent it.

Yes you will have a long life and I, a very short one,
but how will it help if in this big life,
all you do is wait for it to end!
Short or big life, wouldn’t it be better
if we all do the maximum we can and cherish all the god send?”

The bridal gown really hadn’t expected
the funeral suit to reply back and
he just confirmed her worst fears,
She sat stunned and shocked for the rest of the journey,
and tried to quell her tears.

I wish I had something more to tell
but their journey together had come to an end,
The bridal gown was received with a lot of relief and cheer
and in the next stop the suit had a funeral to attend.
What more do I have to do Lord,
Please tell me what I must do
so I may be release from
this life and come to you.

My life is full of pain and sorrow,
I have gone through so many
tribulations and trials.

I need to know what more I need
to do so I am able to leave this
life and come to you.

This life I lead is full of crying,
This life I have lived is full of dying,
I have lost everyone I have loved
I am the only one that is alone
when all I need to know is what
more I need to do so I am able
to come to you.

Release me Lord, so I may live in
peace and happiness,
as there is no peace and happiness
for me on earth

I look up into the skies,
tears begin to fall from my eyes.

Please tell me  Lord what I need to do
so I can be released from this life and come
to you.
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Hayley Neininger
A thin black eye lash on my sweater
One of the dark cloaked guardians
That stand so close together in line
and puff out their thickened chests
To guard my fragile blue eyes.
Their bodies drawn in tight like curtains.
But it seems the weakest
Link has fallen off its post
Not as mighty, or as fit as the other
Bristles that still remain.
Why is this the one I am to wish on?
The feeble pray of the huffing wind.
The unfit shepherd who let my
Sheepish eyes be eaten by wolfs
I pick it up between my thumb and finger
Place it in my palm and
I would tell it, but in a whisper
My wish
And I would latch it on tight
And as I blew it away with
Pursed lips and eyes closed shut
And I think that perhaps a lighter
Lash will carry my wish further to you
Than the stronger ones I have plucked out
And wished on Before.
That it will not be weighed down
By its own girth as my wish is already heavy
Enough to hold
And then perhaps my wish on a lash
Will find its way to your lap
And it will sit there in my place
And tell you in the things that my voice
Cannot scream from here that
No one has ever wanted anything more than
I want you.
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Michelle Joanne
It's hard to adjust,
I know.

The twists and turns
They're all abrupt
As everything is.

Nothing slows
Nobody dies
Just shifts
Deviates and changes
In fluctuations.

It's hard to adjust,
I know.
 Jan 2013 Robyn
V Messy
 Jan 2013 Robyn
V Messy
my tongue has needed some reason
to give it's lick at love for once
o yet my eyes gloomy and bright
hanging in an infinite headspace
go pull in meaning for heart
o heart you get all the boys
o heart you get all the pain
you poor fool
why does love belong to me?
my body feels strange knowing it’s harboring this capacity
so put it elsewhere
put it in the sheets themselves
let them remain
as i do not
neither do you
i haven’t made my bed in weeks
i sleep on the floor
drawing the indent from your body
that you left behind
there is a strange depth that my pencil cannot etch
there is a bad bend in the bed it cannot get
about love
that only i can fit
 Dec 2012 Robyn
Victoria Jennings
I can't
Because every
Thing feels
Like its crashing over and
My shore just crumbles
With every wave.
 Dec 2012 Robyn
rachel g
500 pieces
 Dec 2012 Robyn
rachel g
I know it's kind of crazy
but I wonder about our hands sometimes,
and how they can fit so perfectly together,
and whether the fleeting happiness
that comes from solving a puzzle
is worth the process
of making it.
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