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 Jan 2013 Robyn
John MacAyeal
The rust-colored rooster
Hemmed in by rusted mesh wire
The white crane
Looking down on a floor of white clouds
One is boastful
The other humble
 Jan 2013 Robyn
 Jan 2013 Robyn
I can be whatever you'd like,
Just tell me who it is that you want to be "me,"
Give me a face, paint me a mask,
Select my personality…

And for today, that's who I'll be.
©2012 Courtney Perry
 Jan 2013 Robyn
 Jan 2013 Robyn


          n                 i
             i               n
                  g         m        


glittery             b   i   t   s     of


                  e  v  e  r  y  t  h  i  n  g


wanted               to

           F  o      r           g              e                    t ...
©2012 Courtney Perry
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Chase Ventura
She grabbed my hand, and pulled me to the dance floor,
And I thought, ****! I should hold onto these hands more.
So I did my best to impress her,
Palms sweaty from the pressure,
But I wiped them off, on the dry of my pants,
And reached over, to try for her hands.
Success! We rearranged our fingers until they were laced,
And my kind of dry palms finally felt her embrace.
So they began to sweat again from excitement and being hot,
And though Lost was on TV, I was hearing little and seeing not,
For my entire focus was on our hands clasped by my side,
And how at first I was so nervous, I nearly collapsed when I tried,
But now that are hands are together, nothing could go wrong,
And now are hands are together, as I had hoped for so long.
And I realized,
Her hands are like hot chocolate when the weather is cold,
There’s nothing more in this world, that is better to hold.
And you really start thinking, how they get all this in a mug,
And I can feel my heart sinking, because now I get a kiss and a hug.
But I still feel at ease when I’m holding on to her hand,
And so I was wondering please, could I hold on to your hand,
When we sit on my bed, play cards and just talk,
When all morning I’ve read, and I need to just walk,
When we drive circles in the city, and walk the same streets,
When we each get one headphone, and rock the same beats,
When I see you smile, and my heart power starts and can’t stop,
When I start to smile, thinking about flower parks and those **** cops,
When I walk you back to your room, but I wished you could stay,
When next time your back in my room, and I’ll kiss you all day.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I really like these and all,
But the best in when you hold my hand, for no reason at all.
She still holds these hands.
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Anon C
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Anon C
Such a vast world
would it not be enough
one life touched
one loved
loving back
in such emptiness
what more could be asked
seven billion
the largest fight is love
if even for just one
in seven billion
a whole other world
could be crafted
in such a light
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Anon C
Of a mood
crouch down
eyes filled with ferocity
take that which is mine
and succeed
let the fire feed
impossible to lead an army alone
can you lead yourself into an abyss
still finding a foothold
to climb to the top
and conquer
screaming the whole way
the truth
honesty is mine
no more lies
 Jan 2013 Robyn
"I'm a married man. And my wife won't live with me for reasons that I think most women would consider sound... Or I should have made love to you long ago."
There came a silence again
"I don't care," said Ann Veronica
"But if you knew anything of that-"
"I did. It doesn't matter."
"Why did you tell me [you loved me]? I thought- I thought we were going to be friends."
He was suddenly resentful...
"Why on earth did you tell me?" he cried
"I couldn't help it. It was an impulse. I had to."
"But it changes things. I thought you understood."
"I had to", she repeated. I was sick of the make-believe. I don't care! I'm glad I did. I'm glad I did."
"Look here!" said Capes, "what on earth do you want? What do you think we can do? Don't you know what men are, and what life is?- to come to me and talk to me like this!"
"I know-something anyhow. But I don't care; I haven't a spark of shame. I don't see any good in life if it hasn't got you in it. I wanted you to know. And now you know. And the fences are down for good. You can't look me in the eyes and say you don't care for me."
"I've told you," he said "...Apart from everything else, this meeting of ours is a breach of a good rule."
"Rules are for everyday," said Ann Veronica, "This is not everyday. This is something above all rules."
"For you"
"Not for you?"
"No. No; I'm going to stick to the rules... It's odd, but nothing but cliché seems to meet this case.You've placed me in a very exceptional position... The plain common-sense of the case is that we can't possibly be lovers in the ordinary sense. That, I think, is manifest... We can't be lovers in the ordinary sense, but we can be great and intimate friends"
"We are" said Ann Veronica
"You've interested me tremendously... I want to be your friend... Let us be friends- as near and close as friends can be"
"What is the good of pretending?" she said.
"We don't pretend."
"We do. Love is one thing and friendship quite another. Because I'm younger than you... I've got imagination.. I know what I am taking about. Do you think... do you think I don't know the meaning of love?"
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