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 Jan 2013 Robyn
Wedyan AlMadani
Music might set you free,
but words will be your only savior.
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Wedyan AlMadani
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Wedyan AlMadani
I write my best work past midnight,
when I'm drunk off insomnia.
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Passion fire hope
Robyn,  my dear friend, my sister....
Forgive me....
What I say is true..
I wish my words could have been heard in a different place, at a different time.
You are so precious, so beautiful, and wise....
You straighten peoples crooked paths
You invite people to dance through their hardships and smile in their best.
You are a gem, you are valued you are important you are blessed and beautiful...
What I was feeling... I did mean.
I felt like no matter what I said I was wrong...
But listen, that does not mean I don't love you, you are the world to me,
You are and always have been A sister to me...
We have An amazing bond ...
To many inside jokes to count..
Fifteen years going on sixteen,
You know me like noother as I know you:)
We tell eachother everything because
we know we can trust eachother:)
Forgive me,
Forgive me for the times I have hurt you, forgive me for the times I haven't been there to support
you and lift you up..
Forgive me for anytime I have ever turned agInst you and took someone elses side,
Forgive me if I have favored someone else over you.
Dont let people bring you down....
Dont let others make you feel like your less then who you are.
Dont let the harsh people craft you into something your not.
And I know your amazing at being yourself and it's beautiful.
Be encouraged by knowing God IS WITH YOU
He WILL stand hand and hand by your side,
And he will never ever EVER put you in a situation that you can't handle,
Meaning you will get through every hardship and every situation you are approaching or already in.
He has given you what it takes, he will provide the courage that you need to have.
I love you girl. I love you as my friend and my sister
You are amazing girl I'm here for you :)
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Sharp Soul
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Deep, dark, thick tar on my heart.
I drink water to wash it away,
Yet it clings like sticky stubbornness.
I pray to rid myself of it, but it knows my name and will not leave.
It whispers to me when I long for stillness.
It is elusive when I search for it to cut it out.

It knows me and yet I cannot name it.
We are familiar, but it controls.
Like a parasite, it feeds.
It bites at me- provoking, leaving little marks.

Am I not able to be cured from this heaviness?
Was I brought to this earth with a shadow in me?
I do not know how to dress with this, and present myself.
It is prickly and I poke at others out of frustration.
How is this Lightness?
I can’t let a ****** thing go.
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Comfy couch
a cup of coffee...

cheerful company

cuddling close.
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Our Love Story
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Six years later, and I'm still here,
tapping on these keys,
sentences of our love story.

And it goes like this:

He was a boy,
And she was a girl,
both with the best of intentions.
He liked her,
And she liked him,
And that was that for a while.
But the girl had another fella,
One that always made her sad,
So to him she said "See ya later."
Now the boy and the girl
they could be together, and it was right,
And they laughed by day, and they kissed at night.
The boy would look into the girl's eyes,
And say, "I love you. You're mine."
So months went by,
But for the boy, his attention span grew short.
He made the girl cry,
He told her he tried, but their love just wasn't for real.
She wondered, what the hell?
Because in love she had fell,
And the boy just said, "I'm sorry."
Now the boy and the girl, were no longer a pair,
They both went their separate ways.
And the girl slit her wrists,
And the boy clenched his fists,
because it was the biggest mistake he made.

And our love story died
A long and slow death.

The boy strung her along,
for far too long.
And more than once,
told her he wanted her back.
And the girl, she believed him,
because she couldn't do anything else,
and the boy, he left her,

And our love story died,
it finally died,
the day you looked into her eyes
and said, "I love you. You're mine."
 Jan 2013 Robyn
Francisco DH
I saw this article
It screamed
Leah Shipman, Ex-Teacher, Marries North Carolina Student She Was Accused Of Having *** With

I read it and now I am furious
I am sick
I am disgusted

She had *** with him when he was 15
She gets married to him Yay for them
But for me

I am prohibited
Not allowed
Restricted from marrying the guy  I want

Good Job Society
Good Job North Carolina
Good Job
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