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 Apr 2013 Robyn
Even my
      coloring books
  where my
             fierce loyalties
Outside the lines...
 Apr 2013 Robyn
Anon C
Do you bleed
from the paper cut
the cut from the tree you defile
to so worship your paper
do you choke
on the fumes
the fumes you expel
when you speak your vile intentions
do you drown
in the water
the water you taint
to promote your heinous acts
do you die
live to die
is it worth it
is it worth the graves trodden upon
if you so believe in the afterlife
will I see you there
or will it be in Hell
where the whip I will at last hold
and then you will realize what it is to plead to no avail
We* are bold but yet so cold,
         Live and die.
         Move on don't lie ...
         Fear no fate of you're to late
While I stay you would not wait.
In your thaughts felt so scarce,
Left behind in a lonely place
with left grace into my place I'm my light
dark in the fright.
 Apr 2013 Robyn
Inland Waters are safe and Sound, gentle winds and trees surround.

Cove and inlet, shore and bay, lighthouse, markers show me the way.

But open water, ocean swell, boundless vista who can tell,

which way is home which way to Hell?

Christ of the Mysteries, can I trust you on the sea?
 Mar 2013 Robyn
I shall not cry, I shall not weep
Lest my tears wake the world from sleep
Under the peaceful starry sky
With the Moon smiling on high

I shall not cry, I shall not weep
Lest tears should fall in a heap
And turn my room to water
If that were to happen other people would be smarter

I shall not cry, I shall not weep
Lest I should wake this world from sleep
And they would ask me "why?"
I so loudly cry

I shall not cry, I shall not weep
Lest my tears should fall in a heap
But if I would they would turn to a lovely Jade
That my salty tears would have made.

I am not sad or depressed I was just inspired by Neva Flores poem: "Tears Cry Tears Of Their Own" to write this! So, thank you for your inspiration, Neva, my dear friend!! <3<3
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