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 Jul 2013 Robyn
Passion fire hope
Nobody likes anyone whose perfect.
yet how come we all strive to be perfection?
seems like we always want what we don't need.
we make it our every effort to be flawless for everyone else.
caring so much about the way others see us,
we forget to just be our selves...
Feeling so disconnected from the world
yet trying so hard just to feel accepted
we forget what it means to just be, without striving all the time.
never realizing that perfection is the you, without trying.
 Jul 2013 Robyn
Passion fire hope
God bless America
this so Godless America...
this cold world... anybody give a ****?
everybody living for everybody
life living for everybody...
Leaders teaching that being blessed means being rich
having ten different women.... having **** to smoke and beer to drink.
Don't get me wrong im not saying im all that different.
how can anybody be different
when we are standing in the middle of it?
God, **** this is *******...
where can anybody find you in all this?
when all we hear about is war from religion, poverty, and sickness?
God, help me find you in all this. cause i cant help but become so blind to you in all this.
My minds in a blur cause im just finding out there's no ******* cure to this scary disease.
its a cold world...
God bless America
this so Godless america
 Jul 2013 Robyn
Jesus Christ
 Jul 2013 Robyn
without You here i can't see;
i may as well be blind

You called Yourself Light
and it seems i've crawled inside a cave because all i see is darkness

(i am so so so sick of myself)

when You look at me,
what do You see?

do You still feel the love You've had for me
when You were dying on a rugged cross
at Calvary?

i've touched the holes in Your hands
and i ran away in fear because i finally understood that You are who You said You were

and i am a mess, i am a mess, i am a mess
and i let go of my Maker's hand to dance with a world who wanted nothing but to **** His Son

Jesus Christ, will You still believe me if i tell You that i love You?
after all of these things that i do?
i feel like i can't keep up;
my sins are swallowing me whole

Jesus Christ, i want to fall in love with You
i'm trying to grab a hold of Your cloak
but the crowd has trampled me under their feet and i can't get up from the ground and it's getting really cold

Jesus Christ, i know You love me
and sometimes that can be so hard to believe, but i know that it's true

because even when i was drowning in iniquity
You were still holding out Your hand and whispering that You still love me and Your love is unchanging and faithful and full

and when You saw me at my worst—
You still chose to bear my sins
upon that ***** jagged wood

in this darkness, Jesus Christ, it can be so hard to see,
but i believe You when You said
that You have never, not once, left me

*You love me,
You still love me,
You will still love me,

i am still Yours
and You are still mine.
 Jul 2013 Robyn
Society Is
 Jul 2013 Robyn
Society is a clay mold
Taking every newborn into its fold
Kissing each brow with insecurity, shame
Releasing it's victims, carbon-copies, all the same

Society is a line graph's *****
Plotting point ever upwards in hope
Shunning those who are different, who fight
Loving only those who are "normal", all outliers denied

Society is a disease, nipping at the soul
Filing and wearing down on the young and old
Breaking every innocent into a pessimistic, jaded mess
Rending, tearing, stomping, destroying whatever is left
 Jul 2013 Robyn


You're making my skin crawl.
I don't respond well to kindness
So, please, do as the rest do
And just call me a *****.
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