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 Aug 2013 Robyn
I look at you
Or what's more,
Look through you.

I miss the days
When things were simple.
You and I...
We used to catch fireflies
Every Friday night in summer,
And have races to the pool
at the end of the road.
And even though you usually won,
I always ran with you
Because in that moment
Nothing else mattered.
Your eyes lit up,
And your infectious smile
Spread across the street.

Now, we're going into senior year
And I don't see you anymore.
I see through you.
Right through you.

On good days,
I can almost see a jar of fireflies
In your 9 year old hands.
 Aug 2013 Robyn
Anon C
My veins are creeping ivy
the feeling slowly enveloped my soul
as I lie under the stars crop circles form in the sky
begging the question yet I cannot yet reach the sun
I shut my eyes, as I drift into the milky way
gravity beckons for my return
yet that I cannot do, forever lost in a lone vacuum
I smile when I feel pain no more
in the absence of nothing, never to return to reality
an excursion to a black hole
it is here in the unknown I find my affinity for love
 Aug 2013 Robyn
C'est La Vie
 Aug 2013 Robyn
Maybe if I twist my cigarette a little more,
I can shift the world.

Maybe if I can just look you in the eye,
I can let you in my mind.

Maybe if you touch my hand a little bit,
the snow would melt off my fingertips.

My skin is a little chilly, ice-ridden,
you might just get frost-bitten.

But the fire in your eyes,
tells me where your intentions lie.

I'm in the mood for someone,
someone like you.
Amara Pendergraft 2013
 Aug 2013 Robyn
Dear Father
 Aug 2013 Robyn
Thank you for the wind in the trees
Thank you for the sun and the breeze

The sound of the rushing waves
When you whisper, the sound the leaves make

The rain on my skin
The soil beneath my feet
The fragrance of flowers in spring

For the aches in my heart
But the peace in my soul

Thank you for the sun and the breeze
Thank you for the win in the trees
 Aug 2013 Robyn
Passion fire hope
The ashes fall
The wine spills...
Whats appealing to me I know it's not humanity.
How can I sleep when there's all these people falling around me.
I'm loosing my mind.... I see it running off now ha.
******* to my head pow pow, I fake it all the time.
Who am i to not even realize that there's people out there chained to brick and just **** like that.....Lord.
My daddy told me when I was young to stay away from **** like that.. He's seen it with his own eyes... God bless America. Sweet land of **** them all and let them die......
I wanna leave my mark on this world.... They say you can make someones day by a smile. But you can save the life of a child.
**** Lord  show me how to do it.
YOU where the one that touched the untouched, gave voice yo the voicless and healed the ones that had no hope, am I wrong?
If your inside me Show me how I can be that strong...
Cause theres a stirring in my heart God.
Tell me there's some way I can feed the hungry or give hope to the hopeless.
Cause to me it just doesn't seem right for me to be sure about his hope in my heart and not share it.
Joy is the atmosphere of heaven...
Help me be that atmosphere Lord.
Help me change the coarse of this generation..
Show me.
 Aug 2013 Robyn
Passion fire hope
God I just wanna know you.
You say you know me by name,
Well I wanna know you by name.
Lord what will it take to know you like your own son knows you?
I just want to fall in love with you God.
Just to dance for you
Just to sing for you
I would want nothing else God.
Nothing else... Cause your all that gratifys.
I wanna speak like you speak.
And have the faith that you had to heal so many hearts, God I want that.
You brought a dead body back to life countless times.... And if you live in me, doesn't that mean I have that?
If you were heaven on earth and you're in me doesn't that mean You are  heaven on earth  going through me?
Ihave such a longing and passion to just dwell in you just to romance you lord. I would be forever satisfied.
Be my all consuming fire.
I don't want you just sometimes
I don't want you just tommarrow
Or just today
I want you in every minute of every hour because Lord you define me.
You give me an identity that is longer than temporary.
Romance me God.
Show me you're deepests passion
Lord I just wanna know you.
I would be forever satisfied.
 Aug 2013 Robyn
Excuse me, can you spare a minute
To hear all about Chaus?
She's a raving, mad poetess
And she's looking for some love.

Now, please, if you'd just listen
You'll understand it'd be no chore
She'd listen to everything you have to say
If only because she wants to write once more.

I apologize in advance if she seems too desperate
It's just been awhile since she wrote something from the heart
So it'd be absolutely wonderful if you could make her love you
And the rend her heart irreparably, gruesomely apart.

I hope that didn't scare you away, it is a scary request
It's just, she can't find her inspiration
The future of a poetess, an author, rests on you
We've already tried games, ***, and vacations.

We're more than willing to compromise
If it would help, maybe she'll be something someday
In fact, that'd be a lovely way to break her heart
Lure her in with love, then steal her money and run away!

Unfortunately, you must audition for a callback
Well, no matter, I'll leave you with a contract
Should you decide you want this job
You must leave her anything but intact.
 Aug 2013 Robyn
Body Parts
 Aug 2013 Robyn
When I asked for a hand,
You lent me your shoulder,

When I tripped over my toes,
You caught me by the arm,  

So I found it funny that
When you asked for my heart,
You were already my backbone.
 Aug 2013 Robyn
 Aug 2013 Robyn
slip into the numb embrace
of the little white pill
that puts your brain to sleep.

littlered is so bent
a bicycle doctor couldn't figure her out.

sliding into bathwater
is nice
until your
head goes under
and you never
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