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I have left the imprint
of my body

on your wild grasses
under your wild hedges

I have slept the sweet
sleep of an embering fire

in your arms
and known

your lips on mine
as a sweetness of the

dancing rain on leaves
your soulhands have

blended me together
like the scent of meadowflowers

sweetening the air
and I have been embraced and

in the ground of your sweet being

been received by and have received
your sweet soul Love

you have made of me
a meuse

an imprint in wild grasses
under wild hedges

in your generous and generating

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Love cannot be caged,
as it drifts inside a conscious mind.
As it echoes from mind to heart,
from heart to voice.

Love cannot be tired down,
as it moves inside a deep breath.
As it pushes clouds away
to reveal a bright sun.

Love will never be stopped,
as it travels through the universe
As it moves from the Divine's voice
to be implanted inside all.
Sarita Aditya Verma inspired this poem
when she said "Love can't be caged."
Settle in my heart, swoon with my soul
In a human delight, human after all,
Where beauty blooms without bounds
Where flowers dance with no sounds
In a living soft drum, red, red-red;
Beats resonate a rhythm never been heard
With a flow of passion migrates red, red-red.
O, this floods of regular love rhythm,
It counts my sighs in cadence with them,
When you packed memories, body and will,
And departed countries late that evening,
And returned with angels in a dew cell,
On a harvest day, early one dear morning
With songs of birds on kindled wings,
Invisible heavenly bliss, joyfully swings
In meadows cradle that seems still,
A bliss has chosen my heart to dwell,
A human heart, a will with machine skill,
That lives, loves and imitates a drowned bell.
As he gazed on my face
I saw waves of emotion
rise and crash
in his deep almond eyes
and I became a river
hurtling down to join
the mighty current

When he whispered to me
honeyed words of passion
in the enormity of silence
I blossomed
a red tulip of love

As he played on the strings
of my heart’s violin
I got tuned
into an alluring symphony

When he held my palms
I evolved into
a beautiful painting
on a blank canvas

When he cupped my face
to stamp on my lips
the seal of love
I became
a flitting butterfly

When he lifted me up
in his arms
all the stars came down
to see the spark in my eyes
wondering if it outdid
their combined lustre
my cuneiform heart
marks me indecipherable
to all but you

I am the superheroine
in Hawthorne’s tale
a transcendent A
marks my heart
pure and Angelic

my Ogham soul leaves messages
readable by none
but you

I am the Wonder Woman
safely hidden
a transcendent A
marks my soul
pure and Amazonian

my hieroglyphic being speaks
to none
but you

I am the kindness
the strength
the protection
a transcendent A
marks my being
pure and Awakened

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
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