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2.4k · Mar 2016
It's okay to be different.
RM Robiur Mar 2016
When everyone wants to go to the north,
I want to go to the ‘other side’ of the earth.

Not because I reject their opinion, em;
But because I'm differentfrom them.

I want to think why we're leaving south,
And why heading to the northern mouth?

Yeah, I want to live at present.
But, it's okay to be different.......!!
I don't care if you this I'm not like others.
Because, I think it's okay to be different.
2.0k · Mar 2016
Sweet Words, Sweet Lies.
RM Robiur Mar 2016
When a person falls in love at first,
He uses 100% sweet words.

Getting hurt, he takes second one,
Then he forgets 50% of sweet words.

At his third love, he thinks love is nothing,
And forgets most of the sweet words.

For the next life, what happens then?
He hates and ignores sweet words.

And then, when he hears **‘I love you’
He thinks it's just a sweet lie.
Loving someone who got hurt many times, means to love a stone falling from high of spring.
RM Robiur Jan 2016

   ✿ A question, that's is not answered by anyone till now, is burning in my mind for a long time that: WHAT IS THE TRUE MEANING OF LIFE?

     ➯ First time, when I was in my childhood, I thought that *LIFE IS A PLAYING WITH PARENTS.
     ➯ When I was student, I thought life is not only playing but LIFE IS FULL OF STUDYING AND LEARNING.
     ➯ As the time passed, my thinking changed. I realized that life is not only for learning but LIFE IS A PRACTICAL GROUND TO IMPLEMENT WHAT I HAVE LEARNT.
     ➯ When I stepped on the practical life, I faced a problem. I found that I've learnt many things; but I could not apply everything together in my life. So, from where should I start the journey of my life, it was a great problem then. I felt LIFE IS FULL OF PROBLEMS.
     ➯ I, after it, thought about earning money to support my life. Working long time of the day put me away from mass-contact, even from my parents. So I thought, LIFE IS A COMPETITIVE GAME TO SURVIVE ONE'S OWN LIFE.
     ➯ I took it as a selfish definition of life. I, then, thought that I should be with my parents and stay connected with relatives and friends and enjoy life with everyone. Then I defined life as LIFE IS THE NAME OF SETTLING MYSELF WITH OTHERS.
     ➯ When I came across some boys and girls, I found then talking about love. I was curious to know what does love mean. I heard that only true love can make our life successful. So I thought, LIFE IS A HOUSE OF LOVE.
     ➯ After that, my curious mind flew to religious matters. I tried to think what is the meaningful role of religion in human life. I came to know that only religious belief and spirituality and faith in God can show us the true way of life. I realized that LIFE IS AN EXAMINATION HALL TO PROVE HOW MUCH I BELIEVE IN GOD.
     ➯ Then, political activities attracted me. I found many great famous fighters and social workers to sacrifice their lives on political stage. At this, I understood that LIFE IS BATTLE FIELD WHERE THE MAIN TARGET IS TO WIN OVER OTHERS.
     ➯ But when I opened my eyes to look at the modern world, I found a new definition of life. That is LIFE IS A SHORT TIME TO ENJOY THE WORLD, SO EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY.

➲ Oh my God !  Now I'm totally confused !
What is life!?!
Is it a playing!?!
Is it for learning!?!
Is life full of problems!?!
Is life only love!?!
Then life is a battle field!?!
Or, life is only for enjoy!?!

469 · Dec 2015
What is love?
RM Robiur Dec 2015
Love is seldom getting mad
Love is giving all you had
Love is taking moonlit walks
Love is sharing private thoughts

Love is sweet and innocent
Love is always Heaven sent
Love is smelling sweet perfume
Love is watching a cartoon

Love is acting like two kids
Love is shutting toilet lids
Love is turning off the light
Love is vowing not to fight

True love is never ending
Love is never condescending
Love is never talking down
True love makes the world go 'round

Love is dressing up real nice
Love is never thinking twice
Love does special things for you
Love is true and made for two

Love is frilly underwear
Love is fixing up your hair
Love is losing your appetite
Love is always looking great

True love lasts to Infinity
True love lasts for Eternity
True Love never goes away
I know love is here to stay

Love is fresh-picked wild flowers
Love is April and May showers
Love is funny greeting cards
Love is purple leotards

Love is a slow dance
Love is lots of 2nd chances
Love is calling when you're late
Love is flavored Coffee Mate

Love is roller-coaster rides
Love is giant water slides
Love is bicycles built for two
Love is me & love is you

Love is walking in the rain
Holding hands, singing a refrain
Love is romping on the beach
Love is never out of reach

Love is great joy
Love is "Oh boy! "
Love is a sly grin
Love ain't no sin

Love is a silly song
Nope—love is never wrong
Love is never long enough
Love is sharing your best stuff

Love is a great big surprise
Love is watching the sun rise
Love is wishing upon a star
Love is riding in the car

Love is playing tricks on you
Love is hoping you don't sue
Love is never growing old
Love is color; love is bold

Love is trying to please you
Love is strolling through the zoo
Love is never getting bored
Love is love down to the core

Love is the apple of my eye
Love is that gentle sigh
Love is letting you go first
Love is smiling through the worst

Love is writing love duets
Love is eating crepe Suzettes
Love is singing long love songs
True love is love that lasts as long.
by Susan Sparks
386 · Mar 2016
My Life
RM Robiur Mar 2016
Once, there was a candle standing alone on the top of a Minar, no light and no shine.

Then suddenly came a FIRE, kindled the candle shining brightly from nadir to zenith.

But, sometimes the flame of the candle becomes dimmed and again gets back bright shining from the fire.

Again it slows down, and again hopes for the light of fire.

Even then, it never extinguishes.


I don't know why I wrote this.

But, it's my life.

278 · Dec 2015
Do Something
RM Robiur Dec 2015

Open thou eyes, and close beasts in you;
   Don't hear their cries forming all hue?

              If alive you are,
             Why silent there?
Thousands hearts wait to get a life new.

      Yes you, oh !  and oh it's you !
    Stop their pains and pay thy due.

     Lo, thou art the first to stand in any cost;
Hope, thine shadow can bring 'em happy most.


                ▪▪▪▪▪➠ Robiur.
196 · Dec 2017
RM Robiur Dec 2017
Every little lie you lie
Brings us closer to goodbye.
102 · Jun 2021
Something Great
RM Robiur Jun 2021
✒ Write something worth reading 📚
🙋 Do something worth writing. ✏

— The End —