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Riq Schwartz Mar 2012
Beware of armour
that shines too bright. Who knows if
it's never been used?
Riq Schwartz Mar 2012
It's your sunday best
that no one ever sees again.
When its written down in stone,
well no ones questioning it then.
But when you stand confronted
with the parents, brother, friends,
how can you say:
I never really liked him anyway.
Riq Schwartz Mar 2012
She took a hundred candles
and burned them all to stubs
to watch the life go burning out
of each and every one.

And once she took a person,
and meant to light their heart.
She missed and lit their lungs, instead.
Now they speak flaming darts.

One time she took to drowning
in oceans vast and deep.
But she is dreams, and dreams don't die,
so she just fell asleep.

When she would sit up lonely
and watch while all the rest
would lay, and dream, and breathe, and stay,
then, gorgeous she was left.

As she would search for beauty
from uglies, odds, or couths,
she oftentimes would find herself
and still not know the truth.

I watched her light a candle
and burn it to the ground,
then say that hers was not the hand
that scattered flames around.

I watched her light a candle,
then try to blow it out.
But she inhaled, and now instead
shes left with burning lungs of red.
Her words, still burning in my head,
I recognize when late, in bed
my candle won't go out.
Riq Schwartz Mar 2012
apologies like stones in homes of glass
i watch you sleeping, drowning all the while
a sad array of closets stuffed with bones
veneer release -- a desecrated smile

i take my leave of life devoid of love
and turn it to the mountain precipice
a metaphor of solidarity
where Aphrodite earns no sacrifice

i leave you laying in the urban sprawl
a pearl among the sands of broken dreams
where i cannot articulate my fear
that everything may wind up as it seems

and so i prematurely take my leave
and so i leave your life as love leaves mine
i write upon the walls of this, my cave,
"a tribute to the death of life divine"
Riq Schwartz Mar 2012
im slowly slipping into crazy.
im laying down with lunacy
and asking her to lie close.

because i cant lie with myself
     if i expect to sleep,
and i cant lie with others
     if i expect to hope.

so ill call up crazy at two A.M.
and tell him i depend on our talks
and ask for him to sing me to sleep

and lunacy will keep me warm,
and when the birds sing the morning in,
i will finally fall asleep beside myself.
Riq Schwartz Mar 2012
All my friends keep dying--
I buried one today.
All this time we're buying
all gets whisked away.
All these words defying
what I want to say
as all my friends keep dying,
and all their corpses stay.
Riq Schwartz Mar 2012
sins of thieves are born
of patience, care, courage, strength
virtues every one
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