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Ricknight May 2015
They say its all about the destiny,
Whatever’s meant to be,
All I need was a little air to breathe,
First, it didn’t make sense,
Time to make a few cents,
No pretence,
I left it at the last airport,
Though I had hope,
Coz life had come at the cross roads,
Where I met a few lost souls
Equally confused,
Exploited and abused,
Even my own blood,
I had to open the third,

Its getting cold
And I don’t mean weather,
But hopeful for the better,
And that’s not when I never did dope,
My only ray of hope,
Had me going against the world
Its all about the word,
Like two pieces of puzzle,
Will I ever learn to hustle?
I passed on,
From the school of the hardknocks,
The battle was long and hard fought,
I m still ready for whatever,
Hail or high water,
The trouble was never with the bent,
It was God sent,
It made me who I am,
All part of the plan,
To you it may seem nothing,
10 years and running….
Ricknight Jan 2012
Life is a about striving,

Life is about diving,


Life is about setting goals,

Without the penalty


But did you ever,

Lend a hand to a stranger,

Not thinking about the interest


Do you have friends you can call,

At 2 am, without telling

what the reason


So you have a career in medicine,

Respected by peers, Admired by juniors,

But to get there, were your sacrifices worth


Did you find a loved one?

Yes you did,

But did you find a soul


You drive a big car,

Live in a big house,

But do you have a heart to match


Dress up, put on the make up,

Wear only designer,

But can you stare in your own


Wake up everyday,

What a perfect life,

Ask yourself what did you really

Ricknight Sep 2014
If paradise is prison,
Then I am bound to have a vision,
The enlightened one,
In the stare of the sun,
If I ever miss a step,
No route to this mental map,
The bottle I threw away, should have kept,
Now lost amongst the kelp,
I ask for no help,
My aks knows,
Betrayals of foes,
This enemy within,
Can't control my Saimese twin,
This Feeling,
Learnt through annealing
Is biased beyond a greeting,
When I say farewell,
Even my better half couldn't tell.
aks means reflection in hindi.
Ricknight May 2012
I am a prisoner
of words
done said,
to the those
deep in my head,
brilliant light
that turns us
into circling moths
and it grips
like the lines
that forms the dots
for those
a blurred
coming into being
like a meme,
ever present
like the shadows
waiting to be one
beyond the dark,
unseen like
the underground movement
the arteries felt
the choke of the smoke
more work for my heart,
there is method to my madness
otherwise, this wouldn’t be an art
Ricknight Oct 2010
beauty is something
that cannot be defined,
beauty is something
like love
you know when you
see it,
beauty that I am
talking about
isn’t the sunset
so beautifully painted
or a picture perfect
its in the lines
that cannot be drawn
its in the self aligned
rain drops
weaving a symphony
its in the birds
choosing a perfect
spot to nest
its in the bees
buzzing for attention,
its on a sunny day
when you are staring
down the sun,
its in the coincidences
that leaves you
without a reason
its in the winds
commanding the trees
calligraphic words
on the invitation
for the change of seasons
its in the quiet stares
on the rocking chair
looking for introspection
its in the child
losing his way
begging for attention,
its in the tears
that refuse to cooperate
and thats because
we have difference of opinion,
and then we reconcile,
its in the waves
testing the rocks
and then the rocks lose it
and send the waves crashing
its in the disappointments
and the clock keeps ticking
what you thought was a setback
was a disguised blessing
its in the rhymes
that are beautiful liquid
my brain is a strainer
the beats couldn’t be perfect
make your soul feel nourished
its in the female body form
alive and post dark room
that curves got you stumbling
and by form I didn’t mean shape,
its in the feeling
when you come back home
from a vacation
knowing the best view
is from your bed room window,
beauty is something
you seek
when you find
beauty is nothing more
than a state of mind
beauty is...
Ricknight Oct 2010
the chain of thought
doesn’t seem to break
and streetlights doesn’t seem to fade
and the pills wouldn’t take.
the battery from the alarm clock
adorn the floor,
the faintest whisper
seems like a knock on the door,

ubiquitous anxiety
plays a tug of war
with my cousin of death,
the stares at the ceiling
grow heavy with each breath,
the page lends a shoulder
the pen a helping hand,
the highway traffic finds its way
to my ear,
and its only darkness I befriend.
Ricknight Oct 2016
the evening sun sets
fleeting through the hands of time
blessed is the present
Ricknight Oct 2014
If patience is a virtue,
I have things I want to undo,
8 pm was the curfew,
Where could I run to?
I ran to Canada,
False promises, my only damager,
They try to assassinate my character,
The struggle is never ending,
And I ain't done defending,
The thin strings once severed,
There is no mending
Ricknight May 2012
from open skies to blooming flowers,
through my darkest hours,
through pain and persistence,
to my lack of vision,
tossing and turning,
something four walls couldn't confide,
till my veins collide,
from fingers through her hair,
to my "I just don't care"
if words could lie,
my failure to comply
my actions speak louder,
but through these pages I found her,
my stare into nothingness,
but I settled for nothing less,
than an ocean of words,
mend wings for these birds,
more than a speck in the sky,
the tears that never saw the cry,
fears that never saw the light,
but the light walked me through the night,
more than a pen that I am holding,
dear moleskin...
Ricknight Jun 2012
I am drawn
to you
like sketches
no, its not a metaphor
that's coz I am an artist
and you
are my favorite masterpiece
Ricknight Jun 2012
Had a dream, the dream
Known by Coretta Scott King
Without action don’t dream
New to Haiku
Critique Welcome
Ricknight Feb 2011
If it wasn’t for this pen,
My whole present would be spent,
With lost souls,
Finding peace with consoles,
Would I be able to bear the onslaught,
Only God knows,
But all I muster is false hope,
Coz my audience lesser than dog shows,
No skull or crossed bones,
Only dive deeper than the bottom of the glass,
My bottle has been smashed,
After few shots it all makes sense,
Don’t bother with the blend,
Keep pace with the bleeding pen,
My only weeping friend,
the feelings won’t matter,
coz the hope gets lost,
and the dream shatter
Ricknight Oct 2016
Driven like passion,
Unlike cars with no gas in,
The journey begins
Ricknight Oct 2010
I wish I could put down,
In words
What I feel,
But words are just words
They can never express what I feel,
And feelings change,
Just memories remain,
And overtime,
Memories fade
like the dark circles
under my eyes,
Only impressions last.
Ricknight Mar 2012
The tears have melted
And returned to the streams
And streams into falls
Ricknight Oct 2016
The unknown,
the unheard,
the unseen,
the unwitting,

I have loved you in ways,
Your heart couldn't fathom
Ricknight May 2012
They say
I am a man of few words
I shouldn't be a poet
But, I have to remind them
Its not how many words you used
Its about using as few words as you can,
And still saying a lot more.
Ricknight Mar 2012
I set fire to the rain
split the veins of the grain
if you doubt, i will do it again
and all for the sake of pain
Ricknight Jun 2012
I saw a bird with broken wings
fly through the cracked sky,
I flap my one wing
And get ready to fly,
But I fear to soar and be hit by
An astray plane and die today,
Atleast tried
But why? you say

my skin hates my bones,
my brain hates my heart,
it wants my heart to be pulled apart,
But i follow my heart,
Coz I was told so by the Father,
Life is getting harder,
the skies r getting darker,
I m ready for whats after,
So I wouldn’t lie,
Lord give me wings to fly
Ricknight Oct 2010
With every line written,
All I have given,
These rhymes nothing more,
Than self made prison,
Trying to avoid tunnel vision,
The pen that left crimson,
The petals of emotion,
The decals of wisdom,
Rip apart
Like faint heart,
This ain't art.
This dirt on my shoes,
Ain't wishing for me to loose,
Every step taken,
The pages left brazen,
True rhymes feel like a haven,
For the endangered species of the kingdom,
I ain't talking about reading between the lines,
I am talking about freedom.
free again
Ricknight Jun 2012
All the women dream about it,
all men do beyond accepting,
Through years of finding
Reasons to do it,

From the crimson petals
That tailor the tux,
To hours spending
Never thinking
I was out of luck,
From the perfection,
To persistence of joy,
I passed the test,
To a man now,
No longer a boy,
What has God brought,
together, No man destroy

Waiting for the day,
For my angel,
And her day to be,
Unless God makes,
The makers labour in vain,

The magical sight,
Where the background
Gets blurry,
Visions of the past,
Find winds to fly,
If ever in doubt,
A mother's eyes
Couldn't hold,
From now to the
Six feet fold,

A promise to be,
A promise to keep,
In a meeting of minds,
The rings collide,
This feelings never subside,
In a dream like a collage
Forever abide,
No words could describe,

Against the world,
Inside the heart of a girl,
I found a place,
Glee on her face,
To me not looking beyond,
The cliche's of settling down,
I came around,
I care to inherit,
Getting married
Ricknight Oct 2016
the winds of change blow,
I fight and try to stay afloat
But my will gives up
Ricknight Jun 2012
Brilliant like the glow,
Of the dazed circling moths,
Until the lights go out
Ricknight Oct 2010
I see the mosaic leaves
And I think,
God has to be an artist,
When its autumn,

Then I am feeling rock bottom,
And I listen to the silence,
With the waves,
And at times when the birds chirp,
And I think God has to be a DJ

Then I see all the Violence,
And makes me think otherwise,
But my God doesn’t sleep

I pray every night,
Read the word,
And see the next day,
How He works,
Makes me think
God has to be a magician,

The volcano, the floods
The famine,
And then you see His fury,
Reminding of our duty,
God has to be a teacher

Then a great man said,
God is Truth
And so I seek,
The future looks bleak,
The grey clouds gather,
But on second look I find,
They come with a silver lining
And I get on my knees,
This life is redefined then.
God has to be the weatherman.

I see a mother and her son,
I see unconditional love,
And I now know for sure,
God is love,

I travel seven seas,
To find Him
And now I find,
God is inside me
Who am I to say?
Who God is…?
# God is eternal.
(Deuteronomy 33:27; Jeremiah 10:10; Psalm 90:2)

# God is infinite.
(1 Kings 8:22-27; Jeremiah 23:24; Psalm 102:25-27; Revelation 22:13)

# God is self-sufficient and self-existent.
(Exodus 3:13-14; Psalm 50:10-12; Colossians 1:16)

# God is omnipresent (present everywhere).
(Psalm 139:7-12)

# God is omnipotent (all powerful).
(Genesis 18:14; Luke 18:27; Revelation 19:6)

# God is omniscient (all knowing).
(Psalm 139:2-6; Isaiah 40:13-14)

# God is unchanging or immutable.
(Psalm 102:25-27; Hebrews 1:10-12; 13:8)

# God is sovereign.
(2 Samuel 7:22; Isaiah 46:9-11)

# God is wise.
(Proverbs 3:19; Romans 16:26-27; 1 Timothy 1:17)

# God is holy.
(Leviticus 19:2; 1 Peter 1:15)

# God is righteous and just.
(Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 11:7; Psalm 119:137)

# God is faithful.
(Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalm 89:1-8)

# God is true and truth.
(Psalm 31:5; John 14:6; John 17:3; Titus 1:1-2)

# God is good.
(Psalm 25:8; Psalm 34:8; Mark 10:18)

# God is merciful.
(Deuteronomy 4:31; Psalm 103:8-17; Daniel 9:9; Hebrews 2:17)

# God is gracious.
(Exodus 34:6; Psalm 103:8; 1 Peter 5:10)

# God is love.
(John 3:16; Romans 5:8; 1 John 4:8)

# God is spirit.
(John 4:24)

# God is light.
(James 1:17; 1 John 1:5)

# God is triune or trinity.
(Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14)
Ricknight Mar 2012
There are dreams
And there are dreams,
That fuel the passion,
The rest all are nightmares.
Ricknight Oct 2010
The angels can’t have it,
This sentiment is human,
What good are wings for?
If you can’t feel the wind on your face,
This feeling isn’t democratic,
But can make it to every king’s wish list,
Every day dreamer wishes for,
A realist’s reprise,
The line that is pushed,
For the wishes to bloom,
Turn back the arms of the clock,
Who could have known the joy in learning,
Stand back and read,
Behold! the jealously of mediocre minds,
For this art is a dream
Dare not awake the demons.
The angels can’t have it,
This sentiment is human,
Ricknight Sep 2014
Through the ebbs
and the flows,
Beyond the ones,
The new born knows,
In struggle
And through pain
The rain
What the sun
took away.
learning from experience is a wonderful feeling.
Ricknight Jun 2012
In a room full of,
Disappointments & trials,
I couldn't find hope lost
New to Haiku
Critique welcome
Ricknight Oct 2010
I m mightier than sword,
If my owner uses me right,
I can **** without a stab,
I can start a war,
Stop a war and a lot more,
I give light to all those who lost cause,
For all those who got something to say, But can't say it,
I help them make it,
I don't discriminate, by color, race or religion,
I help them write, I give them a vision,
I got you your first job,made your parents proud,
I help move crowds.

I m a workaholic,
I like to keep spitting ink, without a pause,
I m a writer's weapon of choice,
I m the silent voice,
If you use me right, I can make your girlfriend moist,

I m your Sunday solitude,
And Monday news,
I m the only thing you might own,
When you die broke,
I can help your last words,
In the form of a suicide note,
Or clog myself at your father's last breath,
Make your inheritance go to charity,
So make sure you use me right and not play with me,

I *******, leave the pages *****,
Leave stains hard to wash away,
For my owners who lost their way,
And don't know how to use me,
Call me moody, I can make your shirt pockets get noticed,
So I just pray, my next owner be a true writer,
Who has his mind aligned to me, and wouldn't lose focus,
I hope one day I will help him write an opus,

I can make you nostalgic, give you memories,
Help you remember things,
You can use to sketch,
If my cousin's lid breaks,
I don't have the same shades he has,
But it depends on the user's skill,
And if I ever run out you can refill,

My golden age has passed,
But I still got it,
I fight against 100 keys,
But then again I got it locked,
And the keys on the keyboard,
Are like Nas,
What would you be without me?
I gave you power
I gave you power
Inspired by Nas song- I gave you power
Ricknight Oct 2014
Climbing the mountains
Only to find one more,
Its like I am climbing
a never ending mountain
but isn’t that what I asked for
about to rip the mask off
or is this the last of
the peaks I need to put this flag on,
or is it the white sand
my feet need to drag on
the past behind me,
Why do I still brag on?

Is my best behind me?
coz that is what defined me
all my failures beside me
time to redesign me
All I need,
Inside me
Ricknight Feb 2013
back where I belong
twenty eight hours in transit
come home to jet lag
Ricknight Oct 2014
We have never really talked,
But I think I can,
Knowing I am the son of the same soil that anointed you,
And I come from the same city you started it all,
Before I say something I would like to touch your feet,
Pay my respects
I don't know where to start from,
Probably, in school they taught your lessons,
I didn't know back then it was a blessing,
Instead I made fun of you,
disfiguring your picture in the textbook,
Now I think, How could I?
I hope you can forgive me
And you said "hate the sin, not the sinner",
But it was 2nd October and didn't miss your movie,
It feels so nostalgic to me,

My grandfather once saw you,
He used to tell me stories about you,
How a nation was saved,
And the struggles you braved,
They say your thoughts are obsolete,
But not for me,
What you have instilled in me is priceless,
Beyond caste, color and race,
I wish I could tell you face to face,
From shaking the empire to your fasting,
Time in prison to the Salt March,
I wish I could take a part,
Shaking the foundations,
To making us a proud nation,
Bringing to us that moment of Salvation,
From Indigo to salt to cotton,
You fought them,
To millions under starvation,
Making us think from a common man's point of view,
It was you,
From self reliance,
To defiance,
You did it,
And all that without use of force,
I wished you could have stayed longer,
Bless some of the lost souls,
Left some of us on crossroads,

And they say Jesus told us what to do,
You taught us how to do it,
Forgive me, younger me was stupid,
You paved the way for King Jr. and Mandela to aspire,
And many others feel inspired,
But the sad part is that,
Against you they still conspire.
Living free,
Not knowing you did it for us,
How a thin barely clothed man could do wonders,
You taught us to stand for injustice,
You don't need a Nobel Prize, the only true ambassador of peace,

And the loyalists still follow,
Your word is never leaving,
Words are not enough,
But I feel your sorrow,
You made me believe,
Anything is possible
If you stay focused and work for it,
There's so much more to learn,
Nothing but gain knowledge,
And I try to pay homage,
Statues around the world,
Left us true word
The legacy lives on,
No matter how much I say
It will not be enough
Nobody can fill your shoes
Even if they try to,
The world calls you Mahatma, I call you Bapu
Oct 02 is the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
Mahatma Gandhi is known as Bapu, meaning Father, in India.
Ricknight Jun 2012
My patience is vague,
Lost and gone, spent days in vain,
Only my fists red.
Ricknight Jun 2012
I am a monster,
If there's such a ******* thing,
No, It wasn't a dream
I am new to Haiku
Critique Welcome
Ricknight May 2015
Let me patient,

Let me be kind,

Make myself unselfish,

Without being blind

I may have faith

To make mountain fall,

But if I lack love,

I am nothing at all
Ricknight Jun 2012
The pen is calling,
Ink is bleeding non stop,
I am tired of it.
I am new at writing Haiku,
please correct me if you feel so.
Ricknight Feb 2013
poetry is pain
words otherwise left unsaid
my hand's been aching
Ricknight Nov 2010
Patience is not a virtue
When the world is pushing me into a vacuum
Who do I run to?
My future is doomed,
I slit my wrists and paint the room,
I should paint the sky instead,
It should be enough for the liters I had,
And with both hands I bled,
Yes, its true what you read,
Like winter miss me, when my green leaves are dead
Ricknight Jan 2012
Through emotions that brim,
My devotion is deep,
For every instance that I sleep,
I am glad we made it through,
Few shattered cell phones,
No broken glasses known,
Few broken dreams I am trying to collect,
Watching golden sunsets,
Not yet,
But I have no regrets,
I traded pain, for highs and lows,
Till the time froze,
This is the life I chose,
Through poetry and prose,
You, my only outlet,
From the outset,
To vent my frustrations,
My guide through strange nations,
And my vague patience,
My stronghold through age races,
Can't escape when my face makes it,
Appear so clear,
My only near and dear,
When I least made sense,
Sorry, When I saw past your every defense,
And my every pretence,

Glass with wine and incense,
Travels with no nonsense,
All this traded for a today,
For which I have nothing to say,
But a better tomorrow,
Not a promise that is hollow,
Don't worry, In time,
I will make your miseries mine,
Beyond a diamond ring,
And everything,
That has a place and time,
No words to define,
God sent, Something so divine,
To share my life,
Empower you with the title of wife,
Beginning to renew,
I understand your point of view,
All the things we have been through,
Ineffable tears that ran through,
The valleys of disappointments
Memories and moments,
And all this,
Against my parents wish
Ricknight Oct 2010
You can’t tell
to everyone
but if you choose
to do so
some will
fall behind
I am just
trying to
play with your mind

when you
think hypothetical
Its amazing
what you
can find,

isn’t a dying
but everyone’s
every help
cash or kind,

you try to spread
the light
but the one
on your porch
is lighting up
the neigbhor’s
while you
turn blind,

Knowledge is like
a well
dig deeper
quench the thirsty
make sure
a degree in social work
you don’t
fall behind,

time is like
a river
flows eternal
go with the flow
coz you might
realise in the mourn
the alarm wasn’t too
tight to unwind.
reflect on it
Ricknight Nov 2010
rising tide
finds wings to ride
little children run at ease
all reckless told to say cheese,
i die with a moan
my breath finds itself grown
my name is desire
my religion to aspire
Ricknight Jun 2012
The world is ending,
My patience is running out,
can you close the door?
Ricknight Feb 2013
time slips through your hands,
and all you try to do is
make strong sand castles
Ricknight Oct 2014
Silence is golden,
And I am breaking the barriers,
Silence in golden,
And I am coming with the chariots,
Silence is woven,
And I am untying the labyrinth,
Silence is golden
Call me a maverick,
Silence is broken
And I am bleeding the floor,
Silence is golden,
I am like a fly knocking the door,
Silence is olden
I am rewriting the history,
Silence is golden,
I am unfolding a mystery,
Silence is interwoven
The message is subliminal,
Silence is golden,
But keep your words minimal,
Silence is golden
Every night I turn a criminal,
Silence is golden,
Every verse is pivotal,
Silence is golden,
For those willing to prey,
Silence is golden,
Only for those who don't know what to say
Ricknight May 2012
For brothers with sisters,
You hug her and miss her,
See her grow up,
From the time she didn't know much,
Now see her go the distance,
From the innocence to influx,
Of all the things you didn't wish her,
From arguing to mix ups,

For brothers with sisters,
All the love and the insults,
Her first friend and confidant
When she doesn't feel that confident,
The only peace maker,
For the nervous teenager,
The secrets you are sharing,
You couldn't tell your parents,
The only one who knows about your secret girlfriend,
The only one you can trust for certain,
From the "Stay away from her mister!"
To "my cutest sister"

For brothers with sisters,
Fighting for the smallest things,
Thinking you could win,
Do anything to make her smile again,
Promise to never see her cry again,
Until those funny things you whisper,
From a brother to a sister
Ricknight Oct 2014
Yes, I have found my self,
Between the wrongs and the rights

The long and the nights,
The fought and the fights,
The frost and the bites,
My lost and the sights
The cross and the kites,

In the last pages
of respite,
But I did it all,
The winds in my hair
The grin in my chair
Without a whim of care,

And I lost my self
The poetry and prose,
Knowingly that I chose
Focusing on the most,
If I ever need a host,
Romancing like a ghost,
And all of this,

Knowing I was close
Ricknight May 2015
So they thought,

I must have lost the bragging rights,

I thought I had it twice,

Nice with the flow,

Even nicer in person

Until you irk me,

I found these numbers to work with,

This pen to hurt with,

And be one with,

My only passion in life,

Coming back from setbacks

No head rests,

Just work my *** off,

Something I am blessed for

Life, and much more

Thank you God for this challenge,

No sandy beaches or beverage,

Where would I ever be?

I passed on every thing I knew,

Just lessons on lessons,

I did it my way,

Another brick in the wall,

Never quick to fall,

I aint got a prove it,

My worth to you,

It comes and goes, time flies

by the things money can't buy

Rich and richer,

Don't worry you won't get the picture,

Until you meet me,

That's the beauty,

that's imperative,

just adding another chapter

to my narrative
Ricknight Oct 2016
Bring me your quite,
Bring me your hurt,
Bring me your storm,
All of it,

Even the aftermath,

Watch me,
Watch me,
coz I have been through many myself
Ricknight Dec 2012
Through trials and tribulations
I learn to live the life,
Sure! I can put it in words
critique welcome
Ricknight May 2012
I can’t tell you

what to do
and what not to
tell you ride the wave
till it crashes
why I left my land
or about the moutain
that I stand on
I can only tell you about
aim higher
when one loses
how battles left
and fights
only left bruises
what it feels like
when its
me against everybody
I am glad I did
Can’t tell you how
I came through
I can only tell you about
things that I have been through

I can’t tell you
how life is unfair
I think everybody knows that
I can’t tell you to be happy
just tell about how
you can look past the negatives
just like I can’t tell
to be vegetarian
just be nicer
to the fellow human,
I can’t tell you
do you part
and the rest will follow
I can only tell you
one thing
there will be
a better tomorrow
I can’t tell you
you can win too
I can only speak
for the things
I have been through
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