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Ricknight Oct 2010
The gas in my tank,
was low,
I was trying to find
fault with the road
Ricknight May 2012
They say I am high off life,
But I never seem to levitate,
I don’t do drugs still,
Instead I meditate…..

Then I put this
pen to this paper
And I gravitate,
No rehab for me
this lyrical therapy
seems to medicate…
Ricknight May 2012
So pen is
mighty than
the sword,
My Lord!
If it wasn’t
I would have
my faith restored
They opened
when I spoke
and I knocked
on the door,
Ricknight Oct 2016
beyond the three words,
or any word could describe,
no time or space can decide,
beyond the cliches
of love poems,
or the ring which
I can take off every time I shower,
Or calls I wait for
every hour,
beyond the loyalty,
if words could deceive,
not conditional,
but a joy to receive,
no wasting time,
no foreplay of sacrifice of mortal flowers,
no wall of promises,
that towers,
over all that makes sense,
no I am not talking
about no strings attached,
no messages
no pressure of trying
to match the party wear,
no matter where I go,
you are always partly there,
a voice
so unmistakable,
share a bond
so unbreakable
Ricknight Jun 2012
Revolution will not be televised,
The same way television will not be revolutionized,
That's why I use this pen,
The revolution in my hand,
A generation cannot be defined,
What is a definition of a generation?
Where do we draw the line?
I am trying to push the line,
Mold it into words,
Never get over this crush
Unlike a high school infatuation,
Look again, in fact what you are facing,
Deeper than my dead skin,
My heart racing,

Genuinely, I am in love,
All my love in genuine plus all of the above
Ricknight Mar 2011
You can only dream of
places I have been
All the things
I did for my family,
All they did,
instead of helping me,
Is trying to
put sense in me,
When I come to a point
Where I am
about to plead insanity,
A room of variances,
Out of body experiences,
Mental *******,
Heart full of spasms,
The ones
my past couldn’t fathom,
This ain’t a struggler’s anthem,
But I can’t help but,
And I can’t undermine,
That I felt heaven,
At least on my fingertips,
I found hope,
At the brink of disbelief,
Don’t blame the postman,
If you put the wrong address,
Life is a *****,
depending on how you dress her,
Let the broken glass,
Mess up the dresser,
Rosewood, Redwood, any wood,
If I could I would,
The more I clench my fists,
the more sand I loose,
But I choose not to,
just my screws,
My life is like a travelogue,
No just ticket needed just travel along,
Like a broken pen and a moleskin,
A DSLR and an eye to watch closely,
No backpacker,
Just a bad actor,
Modern day rye catcher,
Self financer ,
A mere puppet on the string,
That life hangs by,
finding questions to some bad answers,
Putting up with bad promise makers,
When a promise may curse,
Life is just a makeshift,
Life is what you make it,
Or make of it
Ricknight Oct 2010
Should I grab my crucifix tight in these dark ages,
Or should I blast them all, fill up these pages,
My anger rages on,
The page is torn,
There is a cyclone in my mind,
You might go there and find,
Demons on a leash,
Freedom of speech,
Women on a wish,
Crimson and sweet,
Wisdom of discreet,
There's so much I want to do
But so little time,
My heart is already broken,
Why you tryna fiddle mine?
Leave me alone, Coz if I rebel,
You wouldn't like it,
Strip you all off your Nikes,
So called ryderz strap you on your bike seats,
I m supposed to be nice kid,
My last name ain't Shakur,
But me against the world
Now that's more like it
yes I said Versus not verses
Ricknight Mar 2012
If I knew my life’s purpose
what’s in store?
what if is the question
can I ask one more?
If I knew what I was meant to do
I wouldnt waste time
If all I could fit everything I want to say
In one line
I wouldn’t waste so much paper
save one tree at a time.
what if I wasn’t born in India
And I wasn’t color blind
I was racist
eradicating natives,
What if I could read people’s mind
know their true motives
What if Gandhi was a soilder
Rather than a messenger of peace
what if british raj continued
we trying find the missing piece,
What if success
wasn’t measured by money in your bank
or the car you drove,
but by how much love
to and fro,
What if I never came to Canada
and the struggle added
nothing to my character,
what if I had more business sense
than talent,
If I had one wish
and I could save the planet,
what if i could tell
I have a nasal piercing
What if we can’t let
emotions overwhelm us
and hold the tears in,
if I wasn’t a needle in a haystack,
if there was a rewind button
on my life’s playback,
But no regrets
so how could I say that,
what if love was more
than a four letter word
if it really meant
something in today’s world
not mere limited to poems
writings on the greetings
what if you could back
it matching feelings
what if I couldn’t write this
just keep it in my mind
and wouldn’t be labeld selfish
Ricknight Jun 2012
Let the breeze sway me,
I caught the wind in my hand,
Of course, I wasn't ready
I am new to Haiku.
Critique welcome.
Ricknight Oct 2010
the itch was so bad
that I scratched till it bled,
I felt so much pain,
that I cut till it was dead,
and your love was so good,
I loved till it hurt,
And life is short,
what’s the measure of its worth?
is it worth it?

— The End —