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Rickie Louis Dec 2016
If I could
I'd fashion words
That'd pierce your soul.
Rickie Louis Nov 2016
Sometimes I'm filled with an overwhelming sadness
It's like a Madness
but not the kind with rage

It's almost like i have a deficit of joy
A black hole
Or a reoccurring void

It's like that feeling when you're far away from home
But I'm home
Yet here with you's alone

When it comes it is impossible to hide
There's no pride
No ego to confide

It's then i seek for some kind of affirmation
Acting out this sickening deprivation
My desperation

I'm not alone
..My misery calls me home..
Nothings ever finished.
Rickie Louis Nov 2016
I found a shiny stone
Along the sparkling sea
It looked so all alone
So i couldn't let it be

As i look upon its grace
Among the other stones
It looks so out of place
So with me i brought it home

Everyone i know
Thought it couldn't be
This stone i had to show
Mesmerized majestically

But soon it became dull
The glimmer was no more
The sparkle in its soul
No longer touched my core

What was i to do
I knew it had true beauty
But with me it became blue
Then i felt i had a duty

Along that glimmering beach
Upon the other stones
It had a certain reach
Here its not alone

So i cast to the sea
It was the hardest to let go
But now that stone is free
For the world to see its glow
Rickie Louis Sep 2016
Give me a woman who's loving
Ill take any who'll care
Give me a woman who'll sit down and listen
One who is actually there

Im seeking a love that won't falter
Given we're all on our knees
Im seeking a love that can stand back up
One resistant of all this disease..

I'm seeing so many who glisten
These people so sparkling cool
They add up to false advertisement
Who seemingly take me a fool.

No warranty false expectations
Just bid you a fair well adieu.
Once things get shaky and different
They're off to find something brand new.
Rickie Louis Jun 2016
It's funny the mess we make when in love our hearts collide, we hardly think ahead or of the time to say goodby. It is the moment that we're in,  and fulfilling our desires, love rarely keeps its bond in times of forging in lifes fire. The work it really takes to mend, and bend, and fortify, it is greater than most wills and that's when love will thrive or die, and sadly here I am once again upon some ashes, but I will not repeat the same as precious time elapses. I've finally learned the truth after reliving all these lessons, that's investing in myself and fortifying my own essence. So here's to me, myself, and I, and may this future bring, all my efforts, dreams, and passions, unto life so joyfully.
Here we are again
Rickie Louis Jul 2015
There's an apple in a tree that I want so miserably
and I jump and I climb, but I just can't seem to reach,
and I know everyday that the tree's a lil taller,
but that apple is so red and it isn't getting smaller.
So I try even more and I give it all I've got,
while I imagine how it'd taste and I know it'd hit the spot.
Then one day the apple falls upon my weary feet so tired,
just to hold it in my hands only to find it had expired.
It is then I look around
just to see how easily
it'd had been to take a moment
and see other apple trees,
because I've been within a forest
and my stomach had deceived me
and my eyes they had ignored it,
just to get that one to please me.
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