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Feb 2017 · 385
Reyn Moico Feb 2017
" We dance
In the melodies of our heart
On that night
When everything shines so bright
Our hands
Holding tight
Like it's gonna be the last time of ours. . . "
Feb 2017 · 341
Reyn Moico Feb 2017
If I'd be given a chance to live another life
I will choose to wake up every morning by your side
And fall asleep over and over everytime I hear you lull

If I'd be given a chance to live another life
I want to feel your hands over my arms again
As I take my step when my knees can't stir enough

If I'd be given a chance to live another life
I want you to be my date in every day of the Month
Cause I don't want any girl other than the most beautiful lady on my sight

If I'd be given a chance to live another life
I want to spend the rest of it by just looking into your eyes
The way how I saw the joy in them when you see me smile

If I'd be given a chance to live another life
I will wish upon the stars to have you for the second time around
And cherish every moments we should ever had
Ma. . .
Jan 2017 · 378
Reyn Moico Jan 2017
The Sun rises, it's a new day.
But nothing's new.
Different date but same atmosphere.
I had to wake up, not because the **** started to crow or the clock started to rang— never set an alarm either... But because of morning sunlight entering the room hits my eye, and I had to get up to close the curtain and to continue to sleep again; which I started for about an hour ago.

I get out of bed at 2:00pm.
Having a sip of coffee nor a slice of bread and cheese is out of my thought. Who would have had a breakfast at afternoon anyway?
I already misses lunch.
Because I'm dead asleep when my brother came into my room and tried to wake me for food.
All of them have already eaten, and the dishes are waiting for me.
Am I hungry? Perhaps... Maybe I'm too lazy to prepare my own food, or maybe I'm too exhausted... Too exhausted to live.

Nothing excites me anymore.
It felt like I'm a dead soul inside a living flesh.
I do often ask myself, why do these things happen?
Why do I continue living this sort?
Why am I still breathing?
Why I always fail to end it in my own hand for many times for which I cannot comprehend?
Is this the wrath they are saying?
And the Gods and Goddesses wants me to suffer for all the impieties I have made.
Maybe I was lucky.
A lucky ******* indeed.
Too lucky to live, too unfortunate to have this ****.

Else I was just exaggerating words out of things.
Yeah, I'm not the only one who's in this boat.
Others suffer in their boot.
Tomorrow's another day, but surely it's not new to me.
Life's a wonderful adversary in a tough battle.
And I will surely lose— no one have ever won anyway. Maybe successful. But they all had their tombs.
It's a tough battle in which nobody wins.
But I will never let my guard down.
Death is not for me at this time.
But will surely come to me.
No... It will come for us.
They're just hiding in silence waiting for the right time to bite.
Jan 2017 · 297
"You as an Art"
Reyn Moico Jan 2017
You are a work of art
A canvas drawn with scars and painted with blood
You are a work of art
A beautiful scenery amidst the dark and the odd'
You are a work of art
An abstract which I barely understand
You are a work of art
A luxurious piece I will never had—
Jan 2017 · 264
Reyn Moico Jan 2017
A preacher
Who preaches
To be able
To get richer—
It's nonsense
Jul 2016 · 387
Reyn Moico Jul 2016
"I am the 'toughest warrior'
The bravest of them all
Behind this shining armour
A galoot starts to topple"
#4lines #foolish
Jul 2016 · 483
"La Estrella"
Reyn Moico Jul 2016
Out of gloomy skies
There's a flickering star
That reminds us no matter how shrouded the world could be
There's a light waiting from afar
Reyn Moico May 2016
Here, in the darkness
I am free
Here, in the darkness
I can be whatever I wanted to be

Here, in the darkness
I am my own God
Here, in the darkness
I forget everything I had

Here, I'm all alone
With nothing,
But the devil in me
'Coz I'm a fool
Who's afraid of light
May 2016 · 1.4k
Reyn Moico May 2016
"Father, Father
Don't leave me here
Father, Father
Promise me you won't"

"Oh son, my dearest Son
Father is here
But please do not weep,
Father had to leave for us to live"

"But Father, my Father
I can't bear
For I was a child,
Losing you is my fear"

"My Son, my Son
Don't be scared
Father will return
And I'll drown all your mare"

"Father, Father
I'll wait for your return
Father, Father
Promise me you will"

"My Son, my dearest Son
Just wait in here
And promise, I will"

"Father? Father?
It's been years
Mother is sick
Still waiting for your return"

"Father? Father?
I'm afraid
You promise you will be back
But still, waiting here in vain"

"Father? Father?
I'm afraid
Mother is gone
I'm still here, holding the promises you will"
Mar 2016 · 461
Reyn Moico Mar 2016
They think you are fool..
That they can use you as a tool..
They will offer you all..
In exchange for your soul..
Feb 2016 · 252
"A Letter for the Unknown"
Reyn Moico Feb 2016
I don't know who you are..
How your face looks like..
Your flaws..
Rather the whole in you..
Basically, I don't know anything about you..


You don't know how much I want you to be mine..
How much I endear you..
How I long for you..
To be in my arms..
And I to be in your heart..

It is just; I don't know who you are..

— The End —