Does anyone really know what the true meaning of happiness is?
Because I don't.
Sometimes I feel like I'm happy, but then that gets taken from me.
Almost like you get caught up in the moment and you can't see straight.
What does happiness mean?
Happiness is the state of being happy.
Gives you pleasure, makes you content, you are satisfied.
But why doesn't that happiness stay with you?
Why are you afraid to remain happy?
Is it because you know that someone will go wrong so you're scared?
Or is it because no matter what you do, you feel like you're not good enough?
Which is it?
Explore your happiness.
Get lost in the moment.
Don't take anything for granted.
Make memories.
Laugh until you cry.
Love with every inch of your body.
Be passionate about what makes you happy.
Don't give up on your dreams.
Be reckless.
Be free.
Just find your happiness.
No matter what.
Be happy.
Live your life to the fullest.
With no regrets or take backs.
Just be happy.