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 Apr 2017 just live
Follow that burning you feel in your bones. That tingle of pure fire running through your veins
Ignite your soul.
there is so much I would love
to see

These trees
wrap their arms around my blossoming soul; my true home found in the purest laughter of the wind
and the dancing call of the creek

I am you and you are me

                                 we are everything

To be anything. Moment. Living present to recieve our presence. You are only ever here. Now. Embrace the breath found in these rolling forests
our glittering banks
Embrace your breath.

We are freedom. Living simply, living peacfully. We are love. Embrace this moment always.

The sun brushes kisses upon my upraised face
bringing warmth to my soul
opening in delicious appreciation of the wonderful heat that he is.
Everyday. bestowing kisses and asking nothing in return.
What can be more beautiful
then that?

Take this body. Release tension. Breath deep. Breathe to remind. You are anything. Everything. Take your body and live in your truth. Imagine if you did, how free you would be!

My soul is expanding, wide open hugging the earth in all her glory. So diverse, so intricate, so simple. She is everywhere. Fingers of wind running through my hair, salty kisses of the ocean, brushing my toes. The burbling laugh of mountain streams hopping rocks in their journey of release.
There is no search. There is only now, and the enjoyment of the chickadee calling goodmorning to the toes of sun running between the cedar trunks. There is only now. Breath.

I am you and you are me.

                          **we are everything
tides come and go
people live and die
memories are like a parked car
made to be filled with love making

days gone
friends forgotten
stand by my window sill
forget why we have names
true we were never friends

days gone
monotonus religion
jazz looses tune
**** its luster
my life spins

fluid fills a strangers eyes
tears from her cheek
she was a goofball
he was Asian as ****

my life filled his ears
my friendship founded in the first impression
bagpipes make you cringe
sunlight makes you wince

your breath ******* reeks
you were ****** for weeks

why did you hate me
was it simply to spite me
maybe you never liked me

but at least you never lied to me
spit balling
a gentle look of affirmation
eyes so beautiful
yet lost in the requiems march of time
don't lie.
A soft hand on the shoulder
a gentle kiss
the warm air on your cheek
reminiscent of an ambiguous time.
I took one path but found my story fell like a stone upon your chromatic life.
A long drive to the finish was only a perception in my mind.
My eyes were closed.
I never thought I'd wake up to the sound of your sorry voice and confused gaze.
Lay on your side and ill refresh your memory.
Did you really get comfortable in my pain?
The ache of my story was your cool glass of water.
A late talk is actually an early step in your game
I call foul play
but pawns never had a say with a queen.
My ostensible look
the facade of my game
a true story with no linearity
a heathen.
Concealing sadness
stay beyond reproach
yet careen into the oblivion that is love.
The shivering isles of our commentary.
The dark scare of being tucked in by a stranger.
The translucence of a foreigners eyes
my monotonous speech to your ever prevalent change.
Her persona.
a wave in the ocean.
The scarcity of oxygen.
The dearth for love and yearning of coitus.
Degradation of my psych
the wasting away of my body
a pleasant atrophy
your love kept on the fringe.
Decay like wood among a termitary.
I beg for your love to permeate the confounds of a yearning soul.
time and distance
merely ambiguous excuses
a rose in your window sill
ambitious but broken in gesture
a love song
your name fell flat amongst a sharp tone
an altruistic chord i sang
truly, truly fell to disdain
a call from the dark shadows
you withheld light
a change in tone
a style to frown
and yet more form and dissonance
a distilled fever
a vessel of love now a cacophony of disappointment
hate burns in a heart tethered by jealous love
circumstance has deteriorated a chance at a shared joy
please don't leave
please don't go
the gentle touch  of your lips
the only song i know
a turn of your head
a phenomena turned Greek
a system to terminate
the irate sound of a lovers fate
a complex mind finds the soft complex of the simple
watch the same moon
what color is it?
what lies can you pour for me to drink?
the everclear percentage
a disappointment in whats to be hidden
the wisdom of your decision
the fools ransom
the jesters plea
creativity lost amongst dying intimacy
rhymes beckon my name
i become addicted to their cry
i am not to blame
buts its not my name that caused  your fall
please don't bother at all
**** your words and monotonous pain
you simply replicate the dancers flame
poems to find fever in the form
all the times i fought for you
there was never a doubt in my mind
maybe it should have been a story for a simpler time
one without reason or rhyme
homeward bound
i will walk to the ends of things split
the tip of any iceberg
the bottoms of valleys long

and i will stand for you
you will be my greatest adventure

may i call you darling?
may i please hold your hand?

you see chance has been calling my name
she told me to whisper in your ear

"i am not falling anymore... i am in love with you"

but that sound?
what comes towards me?

the failed echo of my voice has shouted back
i am coming to a dark truth

i have been speaking to the valleys i have walked to for you
the mountains Ive climbed
and the distances Ive driven

sickly i allow my voice to haunt me
and truly now i can tell myself

I am alone
The jazz drops
Your voice stops

The ***** i have left to give
Somewhere else

Go look for them

The company i used to keep
And the same beat
Stomp your feet
Its the end of the week

Find the *****
Pick up the pipe
The time is right
Tell that ***** shes a ****

do you really think i was put on this planet to be liked?

Lips that buzz would sure make her happy
Stay a few inches above her ******

Lips that buzz would sure make the best music
But make sure the beat sticks

Lips that buzz would share the best news
To bad its all gossip

Lips that buzz would be pretty ******* funny to watch
**** shame nobody would know your name

Lips that buzz would definitely play the best brass
****** you're an atrociously late ***

Lips that buzz?

Mine don't do that anymore
Guess I'm stuck with a sour set of memories and a ****** poem
cheats have it easy
they don't speak what they do
**** they just do
they are the silent

fakes have it easy
they pretend yet never say anything
they are way better looking too

crooks have it easy
they get to do whatever the **** they want to
and get a pretty window to look out of upon getting caught

liars have it hard
we speak with out spaces
so as to keep truth from sneaking through the cracks

unlike all the others
liars are not branches
we are not the roots

we are the trunk of every bad choice
once you make the liars vow
you can choose to grow down any of the sinners paths

but i then beg the question who will fix my crooked branches and aspen trunk that claims the name birch?

the sun?

**** no

the sun allows me to grow
to be twisted and mangled like the facade i am
not to mention its just a ******* ball of gas

the water?

**** no

the water gives me new flavor for my lies
lets me grow wider and fat on my mistakes

the other trees?

**** no

the other trees strangle me
shade my sun and drink my water
they are why i lie

the earth?

**** no

the earth is the whole reason i am an aspen claiming birch
why hold me
why birth the water to nourish me
why circle the sun to grow me
why plant the other trees to **** me

the sad truth is no one can fix you and your ****** mistakes
you just have to grow the way you are exposed
climb the way the vine does
seasonally find new ways to be different

i do not give a ****
i know who i am
serenade the fools with talk of perfection
but i will graciously pass
i am human
i am gifted
indefinitely spew the sap of hate
i am wonderfully made
i am divine

i am a liar
 Jan 2017 just live
Andrew T
Kiss me good-bye until the thunder stops clapping,
until the moon starts glowing, until we all crawl
back to the fireplace, where the logs are burning
and the kids are laughing. Take me to the underground,
to a place I’ve never heard about.
Make me forget how I’ve hurt you.
Ask me questions, even if I can’t give you
all the answers.
Please accept my excuses, even if they’re useless.
Drink coffee with me, beneath the terrace,
as the smokers vape, and the drinkers guzzle.
Tell me what you love about the sunshine
that peeks under the rainclouds.
And tell me to stop,
if I’m talking too much.
Because I can listen to you speak,
on this cassette tape, over and over.
Press play.
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