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I know this feeling
I know it well
And on the day
Which they did fell
Red flag, green flag
Blue and gold
A story which remains untold
The kettles boiling
The birds have flown
They match the letters on the gravestone
Assassination, a cold surprise
The bullet which we hide behind
The red flower falls
The deed is done
But do we know who really won?
This poem is dedicated to W.A Pearce
“My Granpop who I will always love, respect and remember”
And so, all that is left is a whisper,
a shadow,
an imprint of you.
Fleeting, yet vivid
as scars left over
from battle.

You may no longer shape
my mind,
my thoughts,
my heart...
but you are still here.

though escape may be found
in the summer air,
pressing down on my blushing
there is no escape at night.
You come in sudden
waves of passion, the ghost
of a memory pressing
down on my skin, feverish
and trembling, urgent in
it's hunger.

It's hunger for you.

And I wonder,
is it the same for you?
Do I still hold a place,
a part,
a piece of your flesh,
of my own?
I wonder,
and I hope that I do.

I hope that sometimes
the ghost of me
haunts you.
Not in vengeance,
there was never a need for that,
but in heat.
That at times your memory touches you,
in your vulnerability,
and so,
I do too.
Battling the incredible weight of eyelids,
Searching for knowledge, happiness, a productive purpose
Conflicting thoughts
Sway like the branches full of morphing leaves
On firm, yet flimsy trees
Anticipating a violently destructive storm

Darkness, a black blanket...
Covers the whirring sounds of uncertain  numbness

Eyes closed



c   l         o            s                   e

Drifting into a hope for tomorrow
Or today
4:27 am now

Sleep is a natural thing
 May 2013 Relenymous
Sean Banks
I was talkin’ to the night
And she said
Baby wait for tomorrow

I was listening to the night
And she said wait
Baby its almost tomorrow

Some girls get the clue
Some girls listen for you
In the distance
And tomorrow morning

I was talking to you about tonight,
That’s when I noticed
You weren’t there

“Things will be different tomorrow”
Are they?

I sure didn't write this much yesterday
or the day before that
or, when we were sleeping together
and, you listened to me

Ramble off what was written
About what we were going to do tomorrow
but i never wrote
About what happened
until today
 May 2013 Relenymous
Sean Banks
This girl
With more formal
creative writing
gave me a few lessons tonight

One, don’t be so self indulgent
So this poem is already a joke

Two, don’t be too abstract
Well, Moon and the Stars to that!

Three, simplicity is always key
Well – this should be easy
 May 2013 Relenymous
 May 2013 Relenymous
My most damning
Are the ones inside
My head.

It seems they'll never
Quiet down until
The day that I drop

Too afraid, I'm
Living in the shadows of
My body.

My own desolate
Heart aches with
The burden of
 May 2013 Relenymous
Anderson M
She quintessentially embodied the phrase
‘Paragon of beauty’
Perfectly chiselled face
Symmetrical features and a smile that could
Smoulder one’s heart in a millisecond
She had an aura of nonchalance around her
And an umbrella delicately balanced over her head
Despite it being scorching hot
She walked as if in fear of hurting
The very ground she trod on
Attracting surreptitious glances from passers-by.
I stood rooted to the exact spot I had stood ages before
In utter awe and wonderment at the breath taking sight I beheld
Then out of the blue she appeared to be on the verge of kissing the ground
I instantaneously lurched forward to her rescue
She, landing appropriately in mine outstretched arms
The look on her face * priceless*
Discomfiture and fear apparently evident on her face
Soothingly I assured her all was indeed well
Whilst revelling in the idea that I had come to the rescue
Of the exceedingly beautiful lady.
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