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 May 2013 Relenymous
 May 2013 Relenymous
I remember when you
told us your dad abused
you and would lash your
bare skin on the ground
till you bled bones and
hair but he's your hero
now, I wonder if you
remember the lies
that you told, you
are so caught up
in yourself, I
can't stand it.
But they say
the things we
hate in our-
selves we
hate in
(c) Brooke Otto
 May 2013 Relenymous
andy fardell
The voice of sweet silence spoke volumes
To a generation of the lost
At last I was here
Bad times in a past
Now faded to a whisper
As the audience await my true

The soft roar from the quiet
Let my lips burn
Words formed in my mind to a quiet
Yet nothing prepared them for my onslaught
No one thought my devilish grin
As waves of warmth stole
Their voices
Be mused hypnotist spin

For now they be mine
Disciples for the broken mind
Ready for the world to hold
Preach my prose
Express my will
Spread the word
My verse is here
The world is ready and my work has
Only just begun
 May 2013 Relenymous
I was little and afraid
Of your anger in the world
That we made.
The loudness and the shatter
Of my heart when nothing else mattered
In the dark, but not at night
I knew nothing could ever be right

I really tried and I lied
When I swore I wasn't tired
Of all of this
Of the constant panic and alone
Too familiar in this awful home
I remember running and
Wanting to get caught
Because i just forgot
That you were nothing like i thought

And I want to let go
But your anger eats away
At all i should have been
And now it's dark all day
Do you even see me?
Did you even know,
That all I ever wanted
Was for you to let go.
Peace of mind.
A breath of harmony.
Become lost, then find
the thought so free.

Discard each limit.
Both high and low.
Take a hit...
Desire to know.

The loss of fear.
A comfort so near.
Passion so deep.
These things so dear.

Darling take a leap...
The dead can sleep.
Welcome to the soul's premiere.
Meaning you shall reap.
A dream so vivid and vile...
Love ceased to exist.
Happiness  banished to exile,
and heartbreak left to persist.

Do dreams presume to foretell one’s fate?
Or simply explore the mind in every fabricated way?
Time shall tell, and one must always wait.
Though your nightmarish departure has caused much dismay.
 May 2013 Relenymous
 May 2013 Relenymous
can you feel my demented thoughts

from where you lie.

pressing upon you
moving through the slew
of my thick ego
reaching for the tenderness
of the promise of one more kiss

I didn't mean for this.
 May 2013 Relenymous
Let down like a (metaphor)

On this mild night.

Surely not a wild night-

Physically speaking-

Internally tweaking-

Shrieking, speaking in one tongue,

For that's all I have-

And I feel as though it should be removed for what it said today...

Clumsily written this poem probably is-

Clumsily smitten I very well might be-

But that's okay-

Because I don't think I give a ****

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