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V3NUS Feb 18
stop asking my how I feel
I will always say I don't know
V3NUS Feb 2
I swear my parents arent divorced
my dad just lives in a different state
we see him on the weekends
we're going to live with him perminatly after the school year ends
yes my mom is coming too
my friend keeps telling me my parents are divorced and my explanations make it seem like I'm proving his point
V3NUS Feb 1
why would you do that?
you know im a lesbian
you know I think 7th grade is too young for dating
so why would you tell my sisters I have a boyfriend?
because you know they'd buy it?
even though they know too
because you know they'd tell my parents?
because you know i'd get in trouble with my parents?

God... why are we still friends?
You all remember Skye?? yeah, she told my sisters I have a boyfriend. Not only that she told them that it was some kid I've never talked to in my life. so now I gotta deal with that
  Feb 1 V3NUS
You’re right—
I’m just making excuses.
Why am I so 𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥
All of the time?

“You get more sleep
Than 99 percent
Of your friends,”
You said.

So doesn’t that mean
I am supposed to be

“Be happy,”
I say to myself
In my head.

I am supposed to be

But I am not,
And all I have left
Is excuses.

And yet,
Why do I look for more?

I want somebody
To tell me
That you are not right.

But I know you are.
V3NUS Jan 27
they needed you more
so I ignored myself
easy doesn't mean happy
V3NUS Jan 23
saying "I'm sorry" is like putting a bandaid on a stab wound
it makes you feel better about yourself
makes you feel like you solved the problem
and if the person is still mad?
then they're overreacting
but in reality
you didn't do anything
slapping a bandaid on a stab wound won't stop someone from bleeding out
saying I'm sorry wont change the fact that what you did was wrong
I'm so tired of petty *******
V3NUS Jan 22
you're being irrational
you aren't being bullied
your parents are loving and caring... for the most part
you have lots of friends
you're "normal"
you're pretty
and you're privileged
and you have a lot
your friends have it way worse
you're overreacting
I may tell myself this, but reminder: just because someone has it worse, doesn't mean you can't feel a certain way. your feelings are valid <3
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