She’s got stars in her eyes
But not the good kind, no,
The kind she hides behind her smile
She laughs and jokes, of course,
But she’s a little off today
I can see it
It’s in the slump of her shoulders
When no one’s looking,
And the way she stares into the distance
When there’s a pause in the conversation
I wish she wouldn’t
I wish she was as happy as she says she is,
When I know she’s not
She’s got the blues today
Her parents don’t help
This morning when she got out of the car
She had to put up that wall
To make everything seem alright
When it’s really not
She’s got stars in her eyes,
But not the good kind, no,
The kind i would take away in an instant if I could
If only I could.
Something I noticed about a friend of mine