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128 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
you're not what I need anymore,
because why would I need someone who
hurts me constantly?
Don't put yourself through anymore pain than is necessary. You're all worth so much more.
128 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
which one hurt the most:
hiding behind your tears or ripping your heart from your sleeve?
I am untouchable now.
128 · May 2015
On leaving:
R May 2015
"you can't just say bye and knock on the door again, that's not how it works."
-Blake P.
127 · May 2015
R May 2015
"if I could put it into better words, I would... I love love love you."
126 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
The eyes of many surround me, but all I search for are yours.
For B, as per usual
His eyes are magnificent...and all last night I couldn't stop thinking about them
126 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
you're burning me to my core
i don't think i can take it anymore
126 · May 2015
R May 2015
You're lucky, at least you have someone. Most of us have no one at all.
You win some, you lose some, I suppose.
Back to the drawing board.
126 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i'm worried i won't make it, i'm worried i can't take it.
i just can't keep hanging on, and i don't think i will for long.
126 · Aug 2015
R Aug 2015
I took the wrong path
and I couldn't make
love stay.
125 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
5w this the end?
125 · May 2015
R May 2015
And I dont want your past, for I can barely take my own.
I'm sorry, I just can't.
125 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
And whatever this is, I've never known it.
Am I afraid? Yes.
But only because I don't know what's to come.
125 · May 2015
R May 2015
it was never about you?
124 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
you sit across from me
and you try to rub your leg against my own like
we normally would do
but today I cannot look at you
I cannot speak to you
and I wish I didn't have to do this
because I miss you and
maybe I shouldn't miss you
but I do and I'm sorry.
I can't let this go on because I'm so scared that
I'll hurt you and that is the last thing I'd ever want to do.
So for now, I will let you go.
I'm so sorry.
God, I miss you B.
Maybe it doesn't even matter to you, but sitting across from you is so hard. You keep trying to get my attention...I'm sorry, I just don't want to hurt you.
124 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
It's okay, I did too.
124 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
you make it so easy.
124 · May 2015
R May 2015
Can you feel it too?
124 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and I'm very bold, very bold indeed.
123 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and it's time to let go of these feelings, too.
No time, no time at all
123 · Apr 2015
Totus tuus
R Apr 2015
and I am completely yours, my God.
123 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
If you're happier without me, then I'll go.
Guess I'll find out sooner or later.
Being friends will take awhile though. But I would love to rekindle the friendship flame. We were just friends before, surely we could do it again. Right?
Closure will come soon enough.
123 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
"I wake up to your voice and I fall asleep to it as well. I could say that just by that little bit of information that I absolutely love talking to you. I couldn't ask for a better way to start and end my day, Rachel."
It's not a bad way to start and end mine either, dork.
122 · May 2015
R May 2015
It's been two months since you left,
and while these past two months have been hell
I'm still alive
And I'm still growing.
That must mean something,
121 · May 2015
Take me away
R May 2015
I asked him to take me away,
let's go around the world, you and I.
It would be wonderful, I promise.
We could hold hands under the stars,
And talk all night long.
And you could tell me the darkness
That lies behind your deep blue eyes.
There would be nothing to stop us now,
We would only be slaves to time,
But even then we wouldn't be.
For we would have all the time in the world,
To understand each other fully.
I already know his darkest secrets, but what about the good ones? The ones that make him smile, the ones from his childhood? I want memories of a little boy playing in the water, or asking for his mothers help to make a sandcastle? Maybe him telling me of the first time he went on a date, or had his first kiss? Maybe I just want to know what he thinks about at night, because I don't care if it's me. I just want to know. He has become so dearly special to me, and I truly miss him so much. If anyone is my best friend, it is him.
121 · May 2015
R May 2015
dig the dagger a little bit deeper, *i promise it doesn't hurt that much.
121 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
what does this have to do with anything?
121 · May 2015
R May 2015
and I want to feel your lips on mine; they're so divine, *so divine
121 · Nov 2015
This summer
R Nov 2015
You lied when you said it would make me sad.
120 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
and somehow after all of these years, you still know me better than everyone around me.
i cherish that so much.
more good news: I've lost 10 pounds.
120 · May 2015
R May 2015
and it was when we were starting to lose each other that I started to find myself.
120 · May 2015
R May 2015
I used to write "I love you's" with my tongue down your spine, in hopes that you would know the love I possessed for you until the end of time.
120 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
The Stars talk to me from behind the clouds, but they only tell me bad things now.
120 · May 2015
R May 2015
I was too nervous
119 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
looking and saying are very different things
you may be able to do one, but certainly not the other
what would you have said worth listening to anyways? I know you would've yelled. I wasted my time in there and so did you. I'm ready whenever you are, but it would seem that you aren't.
119 · May 2015
R May 2015
what gives you the idea that I could ever do that?
I cherish you more than you'd ever know.
I've kept everything.
I'm not heartless, dear.
119 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i still continue to fall to my knees for you, even though i know you won't be there to help me up.
119 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
you died in my arms today.
i didn't know true emptiness till
november 24th, 2015
118 · May 2015
R May 2015
and if you loved others with at least an ounce of love that you have for yourself, then maybe you wouldn't be so confused when everyone is gone.
You sure love to use people, don't you?
118 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
I'm doing what I should've done with her. I'm going to protect you from myself, so I'm saying goodbye. I'm sorry.
I don't want to hurt you, I'm falling into my depression again and I don't want you to get hurt. Please understand. I have to say goodbye, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.  But I'm doing this so I don't hurt you in the end.
118 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
I was too afraid to admit it to myself, but not anymore
I can still see the scars, they keep calling me and telling me to visit them again. I'm learning to say no, I'm too happy for this ****.
118 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
It's all I want.
118 · May 2015
R May 2015
I never was the best dancer, but with you I felt like I could've been.
Want to know a secret? I'd ask to practice with my stepdad whenever I could in February to get ready for prom with you so I wouldn't embarrass myself.
Didn't know I was never going to get to use it.
Maybe one day, though.
117 · May 2015
R May 2015
and I want to travel far away, because then maybe I'll be able get you out of my head as I get out of my own.
I'm going to Greece next summer, and most likely Spain this summer. I need to get out of here.
117 · May 2015
R May 2015
and I keep trying to think of ways to say hello, but they all end in goodbye, *so what's the point?
it's my note
117 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
do you think i can be so easily beaten?
*think again
116 · May 2015
R May 2015
and I realized that I didn't need a last dance with you. you never gave me one in the first place. All I ever truly needed was myself.
116 · May 2015
R May 2015
I wrote poems in your skin with my lips. It's not fair that someone else gets to read them with their lips now.
116 · May 2015
R May 2015
It's okay though, we didn't get to do a lot of things.
It's not that obvious to me
116 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
i keep myself constantly busy in fear that if I'm not, then my mind will wander till it gets back to thinking about you
get out get out get out get out get out
(please stay)
115 · May 2015
R May 2015
I will not let my sadness get the best of me. *I will win again.
I can do this.
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