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164 · May 2015
R May 2015
I'm afraid of what I'll do.
163 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
I know who I am.
You will all see one day.
163 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and I wondered if you could feel my pain, but then I remembered that it's probably masked by the lust that suffocates your mind.
Listening to a lot of the weeknd... He's so good tbh.
163 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
she needs tenderness and love, why can't you see that?
163 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
i'm not sorry for being happy.
I feel the need to say that this isn't towards anyone. I'm just not apologizing for my happiness anymore. I think that's something that everyone can understand in some way or form.
163 · May 2015
R May 2015
and I can't set my hopes too high because
every hello ends with a goodbye.
Catch Me//Demi Lovato
163 · May 2015
R May 2015
and the quickest way to lose sight of what God has to say about you is to only care about what others say about you.
Labels are ****
163 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
in matters of the heart,
I am dying.
in matters of everything else?
I'm doing just fine.
162 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
You're gonna burn for the lies you've told.
Don't worry, it gets worse.
162 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i had you in my hands,
oh darling,
why did i let you
162 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
what would relapsing accomplish? why do I even feel like this right now?
I should at least try to sleep. At least there I do not think of anything.
R Sep 2015
"I have to talk to you about something."
here we go
162 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
wait, what changed?
I can't keep up anymore.
162 · May 2015
R May 2015
this silence is much needed.
161 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
How liberating it is to say "No", even if it is only in my dreams.
One day I'll be able to though. That's what excites me the most.
161 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
I bet you kiss your knuckles
right before they touch my cheek.
Oh, you make me feel so weak.
161 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
And maybe it's a bad decision, but also, maybe it's a good one.
Guess we'll find out
161 · May 2015
R May 2015
I should look, but I cannot.
161 · May 2015
R May 2015
and if the last thing you ever said to me was "*******", then that would be okay. It is much better than an "i love you", because I know you do not mean it.
Wrote this and kept it in my drafts for about two months now.
Lies//Marina and the Diamonds
160 · May 2015
R May 2015
I cannot sleep, *where did you go?
******* hell
160 · May 2015
R May 2015
one half of me says, "**** yourself", but then the other says, "I'm already dead".
It's a constant battle, I suppose
160 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
you're nothing more than a leech

*( ******* all of the blood outta me )
160 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
Who is your oxidizer that keeps you aflame?
Burn, baby, burn
160 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
You never could keep your word
159 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
i sing because it's the only way i may get someone to truly hear my voice
la la la la laaaaaaaaa
159 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
This feeling equates to the pain I felt all those years. Why now?
159 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
is it a coincidence?
I'm trying to untie these heartstrings.
159 · May 2015
R May 2015
Your touch is lethal, i wish to be poisoned.
159 · May 2015
I Am Whole
R May 2015
I used to write about how you were my "other half" but that's *******. I am whole with or without you. I do not need another person to "complete me". I need myself, and I need to love myself *equally and forever.
Just something I'm realizing more and more everyday.
159 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
Everything gets worse at night
159 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
My heart aches that you won't share your pain and the source of it with me.
For my friend
159 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i just want him to dance with me, all throughout the night.
to tell me that I'm lovely, and that I'm worth the fight.
158 · May 2015
R May 2015
and I don't need you, I don't need you, I don't need you, but I still want you
The Worst//Jhené Aiko
158 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and I wonder if you could feel my heart slow as I looked at her. How could I still feel so much love for someone who has caused me so much pain? I wonder if you asked yourself that question when I hurt you.
A friend laid on my shoulder and I'm pretty sure she was watching me as I checked on you. It's okay though. At least she knows I'm vulnerable. (Not like I try to act like I'm not, because I am)
I hope you're having a good night, be safe.
158 · Apr 2015
"For when you leave me"
R Apr 2015
Do you remember how I wrote some letters to you for different things?
like "for when you're feeling sad" and "for when you miss me" etc?
I kept one of them, because I never really entertained the thought of you leaving. I also thought it was ridiculous to think that one day you might not love me anymore. But I wrote it, and I kept it, and I keep reading it over and over again. How stupid could I be to think that you could've stayed?
I've written many letters to you, but that one by far was the most heartbreaking.
158 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and without your love, I'm getting somewhere
Without Your Love// Ellie Goulding
158 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
things may have changed, but my darling, we're still the same
158 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and in the light of eternity, does this really matter?
*no, no it doesn't.
Something my pastor said tonight. Applies to a few things in my life right now.
157 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i cannot think of
a forever where i am
always put down, luv.
i wrote this so long ago.... figured it's about time for it to see the light of day.
157 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and last night I finally dreamed for the first time in a long time. and it was completely wonderful.
I had the silliest dream and I almost didn't wake up this morning because I did not want it to end.
157 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
breathe into my neck again
i swear this is fine
ooohhhh boy
157 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
Let's move on.
I know we can.
157 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
you've broken another promise,
but i guess it wasn't important enough to keep it
once again.
guess i wasn't important enough,
157 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
you've got a fire inside, but your heart is so cold.
I'm begging you to keep on haunting me.
157 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and to think that this time last year I was so in love... Where did it go? Does love just come and go as it pleases? Does it leave whenever things get hard? Does love wish to destroy when all you ask for is peace? No, no it doesn't. So does that mean it wasn't love?
I've been thinking a lot. It was love, just not the love you'd want to keep forever.
157 · May 2015
R May 2015
Maybe it's another high, or maybe it's a realization. But whatever it is, i like it.
A lot of pretty good things happened today even though today was still bad. But it's okay. Things will be better soon.
156 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
I wish I could regret it, but I have learned so much from it that I am only grateful for the experiences, joy, and even the pain.
It's okay if you aren't, but I am.
156 · May 2015
R May 2015
How many times will I have to bleed out before you realize my heart still beats for you?
soon enough it will beat for no one, not even myself
156 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
if it would've been summer then things would've been easier
I miss the Sun
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