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182 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
How happy I was to be feeling the sun on my body and y'all's laughs all around me.
You all are so wonderful.
182 · May 2015
R May 2015
I found a picture I drew of you today.
And then Paul McCartney came on the radio.
What a coincidence.
Im not sure what to do with it.
182 · May 2015
R May 2015


                                   broken strings


I'm such a fool
181 · May 2015
R May 2015
You're death.
181 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
help me to forgive myself
I just want to love
I just want to love
181 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
I want to know many people, but I only want to understand few.
181 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
i'm so proud of you.
i knew you could do it.
181 · May 2015
R May 2015
I want you to cleanse me with your pure love.
181 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
I dream of drugs and blood; I only wish to bleed color-coated pills.
181 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
I hate the way I look at you...
with loving eyes and kind thoughts...
you'd think that everything you and I have done would
sway my thoughts about you or change the way that I look at you,
but instead it has only made me grow even fonder of you and I'm not
really sure how I should go about handling this.

But whatever I do, just know that I am fond of you and that
I adore you.
Not about anyone in particular, just feeling adoration and love since last night.
180 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
what more do you want from me?
180 · May 2015
R May 2015
Caring is not an advantage,
180 · Sep 2015
The Crisis (2)
R Sep 2015
"And even mercy, where conquest is the object, is only a trick of war..."
-Thomas Paine
180 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
knock me down, I'm dying, hold me under, I'm ready to drown
inspired by hold me down//halsey
180 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
I don't know what I want anymore, for everything has been lost in the rubble you left behind.
I'm so sleepy and completely depressed. Why do I feel this way?
179 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
just tell me how to stop it, tell me how to stop seeing it. tell me how to stop seeing the lies and the pain and the hurt, please tell me how to not notice it anymore.
179 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
seeing you calms the ever brewing storm inside of me; I've never known this feeling before
you excite me, yet you make me so calm and collected. what is this?
179 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
I've quite mastered the art of unrequited love, can't you tell?
More from my drafts
178 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
how much blood will seep from my skin
until you can figure it out with your
tiny mind that i am not yours to
use and i am not even my own
anymore and i am dead,
i am dead,
i am dead.

how many times will i kiss your
scars until i realize I'm the one who
put them there and what will it
take for me to feel something other than
the numbness i feel right

how many more days and nights will i
have to endure this pain until
i just end it for myself
you mean nothing to me
(i like to lie, i guess)
178 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
we both were stirred from our slumber when
you smiled and said, "Hello."
I opened my eyes, smiled at your sweet smile,
and said, "Good morning."
We looked at one another for awhile before you
asked how I was doing, how I was feeling, and
if my dreams so far had been sweet.
I told you I was okay and that I was feeling better.
It was the first time you've ever seen me cry.
I had never planned on it, and I mumbled how sorry
I was the entire time, but you still tried your best to console me.

My dreams had been awful, but all I said was that I couldn't remember.
I didn't want to keep you up any longer, because we both needed sleep.
So I asked you the same questions, and then I said that we should try to sleep again.
You snuggled back into your pillow with your adorable yellow blanket and
with your glasses on and I said, "I really appreciate you, okay?"
Your face became serious as you told me that you feel the same for me as well.

"Goodnight, please have sweet dreams. You deserve them."
i am unworthy
but i am not worthless
178 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
suddenly i feel as empty as the pint of cherry garcia sitting on my bed next to my thousands of used tissues.
good thing i have sad records to play, i sure as hell need them
178 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
a star is a star is a star.
The sun is a star... so....
178 · May 2015
R May 2015
he owned me and
I let him
177 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
the road to hell is paved with good intentions
Mr.A just said this and I thought it fit with everything going on
177 · Aug 2015
R Aug 2015
I watch you carefully, wondering how
happiness could be so fleeting and
love could die so quickly.
your green eyes tells lies
177 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
can't you see that i'm yours?
177 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
maybe love can transcend all of space and time. even with all of this space between us and after all of this time, we're still feeling something for one another and it grows with each day.
i can't wait to see you again
i love you, I'm not sure in what way, but i just know that i do.
177 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
maybe third times a charm?
176 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and everything feels completely pointless, but everything's fine, I promise.
I'll get over it, I always do
176 · Apr 2015
Dreams II
R Apr 2015
you may have stolen them, but I have new ones now that are completely mine.
I'm just writing jibberish at this point. It's become quite fun.
176 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
You're better off without me, maybe everyone else would be too.
176 · May 2015
R May 2015
Please stay.
I like two words i don't know
176 · Dec 2015
R Dec 2015
“I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.”
― James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time
175 · May 2015
R May 2015
And when violence becomes numb to us, who's to blame?
government? Media? Society?
Any thoughts?
175 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
how do you turn it all off,
I'm sick of feeling like this.
sometimes i know I mean so much and other times i don't think living is worth it. which is pretty dangerous right now considering I'm alone.
Someone just tell me how to turn this pain off so I can focus on something other than the pain.
175 · Dec 2015
R Dec 2015
You pulled me so close; how did you expect me to breathe?
175 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and yet somehow, I still feel powerful.
Very empowered right now
175 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
Be grateful for the blood that cleanses you.
I love you, Lord.
I missed the first hour of prayer with You this morning and I felt quite awful about it. Will be starting up tomorrow though. Cannot wait for this hour set aside to praise and talk to Him.
175 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015 had always made the future feel so safe. as long as you were in it too, right beside me, i could be okay.
and i will be.
174 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
I want nothing more than to tell you the truth about everything.
It floods out of my mouth like I've been waiting for someone to ask.
174 · Sep 2015
if i stay:
R Sep 2015
"sacrifice--that's what you do for the people you love."
the next few poems will probably be from the movie/book If I Stay because i love it and i watched it again last night and it brought back some memories and a lot of pain so yeah here's a quote that stuck out to me
174 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
You're right, I am reckless.
But you are too.
174 · Aug 2015
R Aug 2015
you say sweet words, but I simply cannot believe them.
I hope you'll understand
174 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
my heart has bled enough
you'd think i'd already be dead
but the blood has stopped flowing
and the thoughts are just in my head.
173 · Mar 2015
D (8w)
R Mar 2015
You make me smile so much it hurts.
I talked to you all night and you helped me smile so much. Thank you so so so much. My mouth hurts from all of that smiling haha. :)))
173 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
My last love letter to you is coming soon; and so is the calm of the storm.
172 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
****  you
172 · Mar 2015
Letter to Him:
R Mar 2015
Dear God,
Please strike me with your electric love.
I wish for no one else's love but your own!
Love always,
you're sweet like candy in my veins.
every night my mind runs around you.
i can't let you go now that I've got you!
172 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
To all of my friends who know me
The only way to contact me is through HP
Don't even bother with my phone
172 · May 2015
R May 2015
Being around him takes away the feeling of loneliness that I have known for quite some time now.
I am not lonely around him, not like how I have been around most people lately.
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