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195 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i'm not at home in my own home
195 · Jun 2013
well, do i?
R Jun 2013
do I come off as
as well?
194 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
You could've talked to me, to give me a heads up.
To tell me that you were feeling that way.
That is what trying is.
Red and plump with an uncapped liquid.
194 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i just want to hold you, to know what I'm feeling is true.
three months away, hopefully.
if not, then six months ugh.
194 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
I'm not particularly sad, but oh am I severely depressed.
I've never wished for a cold gun in my mouth, but hey, I do now.
194 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
and there's a lot of things you'll never know about this summer, but i guess its best to keep it that way. no need to dig my hole any deeper, right?
194 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
I wish I were the one on the coroners table.
I'm going to go see an autopsy tomorrow.
Can't wait.
194 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
And the thought of you brings me to my knees.
Doesn't matter, I've done it all before.
This is what I live for,
Isn't it?
He told me I was holy, he's got me down on both knees.
But it's the devil that's tryna hold me down.
Hold me down//Halsey
194 · Sep 2015
My fear as of late
R Sep 2015
The more you learn about me, the more scared I become.
I'm scared that you'll leave when you find out more and more about me.
You want to know everything.
Not because I'm this "interesting" person that you say I am,
but because you're actually genuinely interested in who I am and who I will become.
Just don't let anything I say change anything, okay?
I keep telling you things and they come out like word *****.
I hope it doesn't change anything.
193 · May 2014
R May 2014
My mom is sick.
as usual
But, I took a moment
to tell her hello and
get her some water.
We talked for a moment
but she stopped and saw
a trailer on the TV of two
girls kissing and put on a
look of disgust on her face.
I became silent with fear and
an overwhelming shame ran through me.

What if she knew? What if she knew that I am in love with the girl of my dreams? That I wish to hold her in my arms forever and to kiss away her pain for the rest of my life? That I have fallen for a girl whom she trusts?

I now sit in my room contemplating why God would have made me gay if my own parents would end up hating me?
not shameful for being who I am, but more filled with shame because I can never tell them how I feel unless is want to be put on the streets...
193 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
why do I need to understand you so badly
193 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
and this too will end soon enough...
I just wonder when?
I'll always fall

we're not infinite, baby
none of us are
193 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and as he walked into the room, my eyes lit up. everything inside of me combusted and I could feel every single vibration in my bones as his heartbeat quaked around me. but he would never see what he has done to me. *he will never know.
I miss him already... Ugh.
193 · May 2015
R May 2015
Come on Rach, give it a shot. It only hurts for a second
No, I cant. I made a promise. I only did it a few times but It has been forever.
You're worthless, I'm the only one that wants you. Why can't you want me back?
Because you're *bad
and I cant, I made a promise.
If she couldn't keep them, then why should you?
And for once, my old friend made sense.
**But, I *couldn't.
193 · May 2015
R May 2015
so, maybe it's okay, maybe it's meant to be.
192 · Jun 2015
rising from the ashes
R Jun 2015
you put me on a stake and you left me aflame.
i turned to ash, but now i'm rising again.
I'm done burning
192 · May 2015
What's a girl to do?
R May 2015
He said he'd take me away
That we'd work things out
And I didn't want to tell him
But it was then I had to say
Over the times we've shared
It's all blackened out
And my bat lightning heart
Wants to fly away.
What's a girl to do//Bat For Lashes
192 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
I guess heartbreak is good for the abs.
letting ana go
by: anonymous

its a very good book, but very triggering.
192 · May 2015
R May 2015
I didn't want to become him, but over the summer I morphed into him as fast as *lightning.
Disgusted with who I became over the summer.
I'm glad for the distance, I like who I really am a lot more.
192 · May 2015
R May 2015
And how is it fair that so much love is being lost? *How is it right?
Hearts are being ripped out of chests and I do not know what to do
192 · Aug 2015
R Aug 2015
Hope is the very anchor of our soul.
192 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
she was everything and more.
The concert was life changing.... Something feels different. I feel new.
192 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i just want to dance with you, my dear.
i can't stop thinking about him, sigh
192 · May 2015
Why I need to leave
R May 2015
I can't wait to leave.
Parts of you will be scattered and left everywhere and
I'll make sure to leave them there.
I won't have to endure the pain every morning and night
and I'll leave those fragments of your heart that you gave me
in the dirt in different parts of the country,
possibly in the world someday.
Maybe then someone will see them and
water them like seeds,
because they failed to grow inside of me,
which is why I need to leave.
More and more excitement grows inside of me everyday, I can't wait to get away from everything, including myself.
191 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
Am I that easy to leave?
Just wondering.
191 · May 2015
R May 2015
Who ******* cares?
191 · May 2015
R May 2015
and I haven't left my bed all day, my heart hurts too much to even think about it.
you must know that I couldn't have ever left you, right?
191 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
I'm starting to learn that you aren't the only beautiful person in the world.
But with time, even your own beauty fades.
191 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
me: "Who said anything about liking one another?"
you: "Me"
You make even the darkest days seem a bit brighter, thank you so much
191 · May 2015
Love Facts #23
R May 2015
You know you love them when
you still want the best for them and
you tell them to say "I love you"
to their new boyfriend
because you know
that the worst crime is
not letting someone know that
you them them too.
There's no time to waste.
191 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
I've got some tricks up my sleeves.
Try me and I'll gladly show you.
191 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
I'm afraid that I've been gone for a long time.
191 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
I don't understand why you can say things and have no consequences, but the second I say something it becomes WWIII?
It's been cut
190 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i think I'm starting to figure myself out again
ignore this
190 · May 2015
R May 2015
I cannot sleep,
for my body is begging me
to nourish it.
I need to remember to stay hydrated.
Maybe now I'll be able to sleep.
190 · Dec 2015
R Dec 2015
it wouldn't matter, no, not much at all.
because, my dear, everything takes time to grow.
just thinking about flowers and things...and stuff
190 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
if you were to sink, i'd jump overboard too.
no pointing in living a life without you.
190 · May 2015
I Am My Own
R May 2015
For so long I thought it was so beautiful to be owned, but now I see the destruction that the belief that you belong to anyone but yourself can bring.
189 · Apr 2013
R Apr 2013
I'm still waiting for
189 · Oct 2014
R Oct 2014
All of this sadness just
Reminds me of the waves of
Regret that fall over me
When I think of what
I let happen.
Why aren't you protecting me from myself?
189 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
God, don't leave me too.
I love you, *I love you.
189 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
one day I will not associate even the most minuscule of things with you, like the date or what I eat or even words. I believe that this truly is something to look forward to, because I simply cannot handle the pain of it anymore.
I'm asking Him to give me strength, because while each day gets easier my heartstrings are still attached... Each string will be cut one by one as the days go on. God bless my soul and yours as well.
189 · May 2014
R May 2014
I have lost my words
and my wisdom is gone
I am not a poet anymore,
am I?
I cannot write anything anymore and it's killing me.
188 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
i sit here on the                                          edge
of my bed and i watch you
as you watch the
rain f
outside of my window.
when all of this rain clears up,
will you then shed a tear or two for me, my dear?
won't this last or will we be thrown into the depths of the sea?
i do not wish to get lost in the ocean of being "just friends".
I'm just wondering how many lullabies will be sung until you
dream of me again?
188 · May 2015
Let it be
R May 2015
I'm with the tide now, there's no time to fight it anymore.
188 · May 2015
R May 2015
Nothing* is without meaning.
188 · Sep 2015
burn me
R Sep 2015
tell me that these lips don't burn your skin and that your breath isn't as hot as fire on my neck
just writing, disregard this poem
188 · May 2015
R May 2015
i only trust a few. not you, not you, and most certainly not you.
for some old "friends"
188 · Sep 2015
B 8w
R Sep 2015
You enchant me even when you're not around.
A lyric by The Weeknd but I can't remember what song.
But it's true...he really does.
187 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
I asked kindly, "Show me who you are." And you have yet to disappoint.
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