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238 · May 2015
new bed:
R May 2015
now I'm the one crying and cleansing this new bed that doesn't know the feel of your skin on it with my hot tears and endless, muffled screams.
at least the springs don't squeak
238 · Feb 2016
R Feb 2016
i'm just doing what you always said i could do.

and you were right...

i can do it.
237 · May 2015
R May 2015
Knowledge only whets our interest and increases our wonder.
Actually using vocabulary words that I learned this year... (:
237 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
you calm my heart and remind me of who I am
About many people that I am very grateful for
237 · May 2015
R May 2015
I want you to see my darkness and vulnerability, just please don't hurt me.
236 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
i take it all back,
and a comma
I'm currently shaking and crying, whats new?
236 · Nov 2015
back & forth girl
R Nov 2015
And you're just going back and forth, back and forth;
nothing more than a girl looking for that star in the north.
And you're not really sure where your loyalty lies anymore;
nothing more than a girl who goes where she thinks that she won't be poor.
girl=gender neutral here. I just like the sound better than "boy" here.
236 · Apr 2014
Happy two months darling
R Apr 2014
Two months of love
and of lust
and of slowly
becoming something I'd
never thought I
would become...

I hope it'll always be this way.
236 · Apr 2014
Love Facts #10
R Apr 2014
You know you're in Love
when you start singing and
making up new melodies
that remind you of her
R Aug 2015
there's nothing left but tears from the sky and
blood dripping down my hands
metaphorically speaking, i suppose
235 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i just want to die
hopefully i will soon enough
theses **** pills aren't working anymore
235 · Nov 2014
R Nov 2014
And if her lips were the sea
then I have surely drowned.
235 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i hate you
and i hate this
and i hate
or the
234 · May 2015
R May 2015
How many times have I thrown up the words "Please stay", only to have them shoved right back down my throat?
Too many times to count
234 · May 2015
R May 2015
Mankind has always feared what it doesn't understand.
From X-Men (2000)
234 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i had been saved just 18 days before
you walked into my life.
it was like God sent me my own angel
from up above!
sorry, silly and over a year late on this one.
God reminds me of what I'm grateful for all the time.
234 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i know its not my place, but *******.
******* for not understanding and
******* for not giving the love
they truly deserve.

just *******, honestly.
233 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
you just keep hurting me every chance you get,
i wonder...have you even realized it yet?
ugh everything hurts
233 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and you have me giggling like a little girl and smiling till I cannot smile anymore.
you make me crazy, you make me wild.
233 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
" I gave you a part of my soul"
233 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
why couldn't it have worked?
232 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and I expected nothing more and nothing less of you
No point in counting the days anymore, I just wish I could blot the 18th from my mind like you could to those little hearts on your calendar.
232 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
i'll have to move on one day, and i guess its time to start the process, isn't it?
we barely even had a beginning
232 · May 2015
R May 2015
He bought these sweetart twist things at the movies last night.
He and I sat by each other and laughed at the movie we had to attend,
And I refrained from holding his hand or getting too close.
I thought it was sweet when he offered me a candy.
I took one from the bag, and electricity passed through my body when our fingers touch.
I doubt he noticed.
But, as I took a bite, I felt like I had to puke.
I looked around and wondered what would make me think of you right now.
He looks nor acts nor smells nothing like you.
What was it?
And then it hit me.
In my shaking hands I was holding sweetarts,
Which you absolutely loved.
While they may not have been the regular ones,
They still tasted like them and still somehow reminded me of you.
I tried to keep as calm as possible,
I couldn't let this ruin such a great night that I'd been having.
So, I finished off the candy,
And I made sure to not touch them again.
Fuxking hell.
I might be writing about him more... It just depends if we keep talking/hanging out. We shall see.
232 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
And if I could find a new place inside my ribs;
anymore space for you to carve your way into,
so you could have your own spot inside my heart,
I would.
Luckily, you are carving out all of the pain that has been
left behind for me to endure and suffer through because
all you want to do is to make sure I am happy.
How did I ever come to deserve such joy?
I don't, but you make me feel like I do
231 · May 2015
R May 2015
you're so smooth and i'm so rough
all of these rough edges will cut someone one day
and i won't be alive to help stitch them up
fuckfuckfuckfuck im sorry
231 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
They hid the pill bottles, but not the gun.
How convienent.
Maybe this time it'll work.
231 · Nov 2015
Matthew 12:36
R Nov 2015
"But I tell you that men will give an account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken."
231 · May 2015
R May 2015
If I don't leave now, then I'll never get away.
Maps//The Front Bottoms
231 · May 2013
R May 2013
i noticed that
all of the thing ive done
for you
have been out of
pure love.

i should probably
stop that,
its getting me
231 · May 2015
Charles Xavier:
R May 2015
Will you control this power, or will you let it control *you?
X-Men 3
I'm really enjoying these movies.
230 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
where do broken hearts go?
Where do broken hearts go//one direction
230 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
disgust, guilt for feeling disgusted, and certainty that we'd never be able to put this back together-- even if we tried.
from a book i read...i just can't remember which one. I've read quite a lot of books in the past few days.
229 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
you touched me and I felt a strange calmness wash over me that I had never felt before.
I cannot wait to spend this day with you.
I think he's reaching the status of me naming the poems after him.
I feel so calm and happy, but also excited as well.
229 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
I'd go to the edge of the universe if it meant that I would be able to show you just how beautiful you absolutely are.
"I know you would"
229 · Oct 2014
10 word story
R Oct 2014
If you were to leave me
Who would I be?
You're already so far away.
Happy birthday my love. Xoxo
229 · Dec 2015
weight of love
R Dec 2015
I got to think those days are comin' to get ya
Now nobody want to protect ya
They only want to forget ya
weight of love//the black keys
Turn Blue is quite the album, give it a listen if you have a chance
229 · May 2015
R May 2015
Another day passes, and the demons roar again.
I'm tired of swimming, I'd rather drown.
Can I order another round?
Where did all of that blood come from?
Im going to Hell.
I don't know
229 · Sep 2015
sage light
R Sep 2015
I wake up to find you
still on the phone at 6am.
You turn over, yawn, and your
sleepy steel colored eyes flutter open to
find a girl who is fond of you smiling your way.
You stretch and say, "Goodmorning, how'd you sleep?"
Of course I slept well...I always do.
But whenever you and I are on the phone,
I always wake up between 3-4 without fail.
I'll wake up, turn over, and make sure you're okay.
I'm not sure why I do it, but I know that I care for you and
that I want to make sure that you're happy and safe.
The sage light that shines through my window reminds me of
how kind you gentle you are.
It touches everything, but it is not harsh...
It is light and incredible, just like you.
"how do you see so much of me?"
229 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
where do you go when those colors and that safe place isn't
there anymore?
i can't breathe
i do not have a home anymore
228 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
It's been so long, yet it hasn't really been at all.
228 · Jan 2016
{ }
R Jan 2016
{ }
you held my cold hand in yours and
I knew, I knew, I knew.

*(now I don't know)
lack of circulation or just a cold, hardened heart?
probably both.
228 · Aug 2015
R Aug 2015
the night sky just isn't the same anymore.
where did the stars go? the moon? the planets?
228 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
whatever belief i had in love is gone.
so really, thank you for showing me the light.
true love is a myth.
and so is everything else that was "good"
in this world.
**** this
and ****
228 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
I'm content with being alone...

Maybe because I know it won't be forever.
Loneliness isn't fun but
Being alone?
That's not so bad.
227 · Dec 2015
R Dec 2015
Yeah, you played the martyr for so long
That you can’t do anything wrong
One of the things I love about Marina and The Diamonds is that she's all about word play. For example, these lyrics are from a song of hers called "Hypocrates", which is a play on the word "Hypocrites". I tend to go through an obsession stage with about five different artists (Marina, Halsey, The Weeknd, Drake, and Sam Smith) and that'll be all I listen to for a month at a time till I switch out. I just switched back to Marina and put her playlist on shuffle and this lyric was the first thing that really stuck out to me whilst studying, so I thought I should share it. Have a lovely night, HP :)
227 · Apr 2015
hot hands//darius
R Apr 2015
and it's getting cold, baby, I want your hot hands on me.
good song and very true
227 · Oct 2014
R Oct 2014
Nine months of a certain bliss
that can only be attained through a
pure love like ours.
I love you so much.
227 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
this doesn't count as self-harm, right?
227 · May 2015
R May 2015
You know those movies where
when the girl walks in and she is
incredibly beautiful and
the boy she likes sees her
and he does something dramatic like
dropping whatever is in his hands or
stuttering on his words?

That just happened,
But to me.
I'm glowing!
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