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252 · Nov 2014
R Nov 2014
And if you would read between the lines
You would realize that not everything
Is about you.
251 · Apr 2013
You control me
R Apr 2013
When I lie close to you
I can feel your breaths.
Your hot, wet,
Exhaling into me.
I accept it
Inside of me
And I
Let it control me.
251 · Apr 2014
Love Facts #1
R Apr 2014
When in Love
you know that when you
accidentally stick ******* in,
you kiss her all over and
say "I'm sorry" and
"I love you" more times
than you could ever
Starting a new thing called "love facts" and every day I'll try to post a new one. This one made me laugh because I am ridiculous and I get quite caught up in the moment ha. L<3
251 · May 2015
R May 2015
Stop ******* reminding me
******* hell
R May 2015
i don't know where my home is anymore,
so I guess I'll just have to open up my ribs
and find a place in myself.
250 · Nov 2014
R Nov 2014
If all what I just posted
Are not actual poems
Then what are most of the
Words on here considered then?
250 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
how good it felt to leave everything behind
and start the year off right with
hope everyone had a lovely night..i know i did :)
250 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
am i even worth it to you?
it surely doesn't feel like it...
249 · May 2015
here... Here..HERE..h e r e
R May 2015
tell me about the girl I used to know
she was loving
and passionate
and loyal.
where did she go?
249 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
last weekend I was getting better
and then I got worse
and this weekend?
what's the point of going
when you can so easily keep
no point in anything anymore, really
I'm sorry I hurt you too
249 · May 2014
R May 2014
Her eyes switched from
lust to love in a matter of
seconds. I cannot describe the
things I felt in that moment
of time and I do not think
that I ever can.
249 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i shouldn't be alive to taste such sweetness
but there i was with you on my bed
finally feeling at home
one part of me screams that i should die but
another part of me wants to stay for
so many reasons.
249 · May 2015
sleep talk, sleep walk
R May 2015
she said I talk in my sleep,
but I don't wish to know what I say
for fear it may be me calling out your name
even in my unconscious state.
I don't dream anymore. It's quite sad, actually.
249 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and you're absolutely beautiful, but you already knew that.
la la la la
248 · Oct 2014
R Oct 2014
It drips like water, sometimes gushes like a spring
It rolls down faster, hits it with a ding!
You know what this is, I know you that you know it
Because if you did not then what where would it fit?
It dribbles and drops and falls and goes down faster
Wouldn't this be sexier if read by my pastor?
And oh how you know what I'm talking about
But sadly there is no water where there is a drought.
248 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
and due to unfortunate circumstances, i woke up this morning.
i can't even do that right
248 · May 2014
10w on yesterday
R May 2014
Her eyes weren't hers
but they could
get me off.
they changed and I liked it... alot
248 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
No**, *you can't pin me down.
Can't Pin Me Down// MATD
Good news: I've been invited to be in the National Honors Society. Woo.
248 · May 2015
Love of my life
R May 2015
Love of my life, you've hurt me,
You've broken my heart and now you leave me.
Love of my life can't you see,
Bring it back, bring it back,
Don't take it away from me because you don't know what it means to me.
247 · Nov 2015
A Curse
R Nov 2015
she said I'm this way due to a bloodline curse.
that it's already been broken, but
because i've apparently "decided" to live this way
I will continue to suffer for my
I was told today that because I'm not straight I will continue to suffer in my life unless I choose to not be who I am????
I'm not suffering because I'm not straight, I'm suffering because I was once a ****** person who did ****** things.
247 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
I shouldn't have begged for a second chance.
I was right when I said I didn't deserve it.
I don't deserve anything good, you know?
I tried to be someone who did, but I'm not.
I can't be.
247 · May 2015
Love Facts #22
R May 2015
Look at number #14
I've cried countless times
because of it.
246 · Feb 2016
R Feb 2016
there's no point in having emotions anymore
no point at all
246 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
I don't think that I'd mind the smoke,
I'm used to choking.
don't be scared
embrace it
let it cloud your lungs and
burn your throat
let it fill you with
something other than sadness and
246 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
It's hard to forget a year worth of love and memories, wouldn't you agree?
246 · Apr 2013
Back (5w)
R Apr 2013
I'm glad that
you're back.
246 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
you think of me as an oncoming storm who only wishes to bring destruction. am I not more than death and ruins?
"yes, yes you are"
245 · Sep 2014
10 word story
R Sep 2014
You kiss my lips like how you kiss my heart.
Trying to write some actual love poems, I've been so illiterate lately and I can never think of anything to write anymore :( I do love you L<3 happy seven months my darling girl.
245 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i am in pain everywhere
and i am trying to
make it better and
heal as much as possible but
you make it harder to do that
because new wounds are harder to stitch
and these gaping holes
are spewing blood all over.

i am burning everywhere
because you keep lighting me on fire
and you love to watch me burn
this inferno won't die down
i was foolish to call you my

i am limping
from the knives you've
thrown at me with your words
and the scratches all over indicate that
you don't mind washing my blood
from under your fingernails
as long as it means
you won't have to
deal with my pain
later on.

i am throwing up
all the ****** intentions that you've
sent into my body through your
kisses and i am
closing the door that i left open
for you

because i believed you already owned a
key to my heart when in reality
you stole it from someone else.
ohhhhh boy
245 · Apr 2013
R Apr 2013
Seems to me like we're
But to where?
I don't know.
Most likely
Or possibly even
In love.

How can one be
So sure?
245 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
Wash me with your blood,
Cleanse me of my sins,
And remind me of all I have to live for.
Happy Easter everyone (:
I love you
244 · Dec 2015
R Dec 2015
it takes everything i have inside of me to resist this temptation
i have no other choice but to resist
this could literally be about cake or a person, there is no in-between lol
244 · Jul 2013
Sometimes (15w)
R Jul 2013
I want to say what
I've been through but
I'll just end up
In tears.
244 · May 2015
R May 2015
I haven't listened to the song since you've left, and I guess it's just because I'm afraid of what will happen if I do: will I sob uncontrollably or will I not even be phased by the song that brought us together?
Who knows? Not me.
The Rain Song//Led Zeppelin
243 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
I wasn't in love with you,
243 · May 2015
R May 2015
That's the scariest thing about love.
When it turns on you like that...
It truly is so frightening.
One day, the same reasons they fell for you
Become the same reasons they start to hate you.
From the way you laugh to the way
You step on their toes when you dance,
To the way you tell jokes.
Or maybe it's the way you wear lipstick,
Or the way your throat makes that noise
When you drink. gulp
I always had the loudest one.
But it's not fair, it's not fair at all.
You started getting annoyed with every single little thing in the last month and a half. That was one of the worst pains I've ever felt. Knowing you didn't love the same things you fell for me for.
243 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
There are so many adventures to go on, I hope I'll be ready soon.
I'll be ready to explore soon enough. Time heals all.
242 · May 2015
Why I did what I did
R May 2015
I did it so I wouldn't have to feel your fingers playing with it anymore
even though you're not here
and I did it because I knew you loved it and I was ready for a change and I thought you didn't love me, so I thought keeping it was useless
I needed it all to be gone, really. I figured if my skin cells won't know you one day, neither should my hair have to endure the pain anymore.
But then I remembered that no matter what I change, my heart and mind will always remember you.
I will always be reminded of the way you smell, of the way your eyes crinkle up when you laugh or smile, or the way your voice sounds on the phone at 3am.
So, I guess being reminded isn't such a bad thing.
But I can't allow myself to rely on you anymore, I need to remember who I was before you and to bring that into the person I am today.
Why did I do what I did?
Because I needed to learn how to do something for myself again,
because I forgot what it was like to do something that wasn't because I loved you or because I wanted to put you before anything and everything.
I just need to love myself again, purely because I am beautiful and I am worthy, without or without another person to tell me so.
I've forgotten how to love myself. May the next month away be a month of magnificent transformation for me and for all.
242 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and I said, "let me explore all of you. I want my hands to caress your mountains and I wish to dive deep down into your oceans below. I know this time I will not make the mistake of drowning. I will swim throughout your whole body, and I will dance along your spine. I will catch a ride on your blood pallets and I will learn each crevice that makes up the pattern of your fingertips. I will know what makes your soul so light, and I will kiss your mind with my lips. You will no longer fear something so beautiful and pure, and you will inhale something far more enticing than the scent of my skin. You will exhale your deepest desires, and you will breathe me in and ******* caramel skin. You will know ecstasy from the way your mind shines when you are around me, as mine does around you. When did beauty become something far more than a physical feature? When did it become something you could live? You live beautifully, and I am ever so grateful for you heart."
242 · May 2015
Lo siento,
R May 2015
I can't risk losing in love again.
242 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
he's dangerous, such a dangerous kind of man.
you can see it in his eyes, sometimes they almost seem evil.
while they may be soft, his hands tell a whole another story.
when his hands touch me, the darkness in his fingertips seeps through
and they stain me with black blotches and unheard of obscenities.
like a piece of paper, he writes all over me with a dark ink that cannot be erased.
everyone can see the marks that he's made, and those he continues to make all over me.
he is dangerous, and he is the ink that you see all over me today.
241 · Dec 2015
R Dec 2015
and i forget about the world around me when I'm with you.
you make me feel a little less blue.
241 · Mar 2015
Black holes
R Mar 2015
Black holes aren't always in space, sometimes they are in our own hearts, and they sure as hell are more dangerous there than in the middle of our galaxy.
All of the information and memories are being ripped apart by the black hole residing inside of me. Nothing can escape me now.
240 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
the future is unclear, but I know what I want.
let's take a ride, I'll be on top (as per usual) and you'll watch.
(Shhh it's all a metaphor)
239 · Aug 2013
R Aug 2013
The world always
Spins and
Makes me terrified
Of you.
239 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
Loneliness is starting to become
Synonymous with my name again.
238 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
It'll be okay, *I'll be okay.
Didn't mean to cause a scare last night, I'm sorry. I'm okay.
238 · May 2015
R May 2015
I want to cut open my skin with all of the "I love you's" left unsaid, because they're sharper than any blade could ever be.
Not yours, but my own
238 · May 2015
new bed:
R May 2015
now I'm the one crying and cleansing this new bed that doesn't know the feel of your skin on it with my hot tears and endless, muffled screams.
at least the springs don't squeak
238 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
I'm already there
home is in my own arms now
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