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I wish I could
Scrape the faults off
like old and worn paint
From the wall I created.

But my nails are worn
From fighting and climbing
Up these holes I somehow dig

As soon as I see light and breathe
In the sweet scent of your presence,
I slip.
I fall.

But I'm tired
and I can't climb again this time.
Not alone.
Part 4
It's hard to say what grabbed my attention on  
On this platform we perform on
You say you don't perform
Don't kid yourself
We all need to present our
Best side to the camera
It's just we don't always succeed
I give to you
The wishes I give myself
To look in that Mirror
And see ourselves
As we really are
 Feb 2014 Rasputina Keen
I want you here with me
I want you to be the moon
So I can see you everywhere
So when I look up I see you looking down on me
But that would only be at night
And I can't only have you every sunset
I want you to be the sun
shining down on me, brighting my day
But I wouldn't have you at night and baby that's when I need you the most
I want you to be a ghost
Haunt me, follow me around, watch me
But then I wouldn't be able to touch or feel you and darling I can't, I need that
I want you to be everything around me
I want to feel you in the wind
When the cold air hits my faces
I want to feel your arms around me
Blocking me from the chill
I want you to be the tears that fill my eyes when I'm having a bad night
I want to be able to touch you when ever I please not only at the night time when we can only be together
I feel as my heart is getting attached to something again and that feeling is scaring me
he left me cold and alone not knowing when to let go and break away
Not knowing if anyone could possibly try to save me from the cold
I'm not one to ever be saved or wanted
But darling you make me feel like I'm the only one
and I have never felt like that before to anyone
Don't leave, don't ever run cause I feel my heart would follow you and disappear forever
I only have half a heart and I'm given it to you
I'm letting my slowly beating heart in the hands of a boy who I need
I hope you need me too
I hope your heart feels the same as mine
Dose how it beats faster when I'm around you
How the smile comes back and wont leave until you leave
I wanna be a better person for you and for myself
Cause baby I have to say I hated myself till you came around
I hated myself to the point were breathing Hurts, it hurt to the point I wanted to make it stop.
sitting next
to Ingrid
on the grass

Banks House
remembered one
of his female

junior school teachers
who always wore
short sleeved
flowered dresses

in summer  
and imagined
the dark hair
under her armpits

were small pets
she had secreted
into school
but when she

leaned over him
to check out
his school work
he thought  

that maybe
one of the secreted pets
had either
dirtied itself

or had died there
and he had to
hold his nose
the best way

he could
without appearing
or rude

blushing slightly
as if he had gone
to school
in the ****.
Swept up in a sea of nets, discarded, flapping, drowning in air.
Waiting to be landed, dashed upon the dock, waiting to be dressed and dished, fed up, on the menu to fill the mouths of men.
Makes me think before I eat, how it must feel, to be a captured fish.
I don't know how long it takes them to expire.
Think it must must dreadful, to be a fish, captured in a trawlers net.
With thousands of wriggling soul mates, and perhaps the cod father too, not many left, only a few.
Morals aside, I'm afraid, I love their taste.
A profound Saturday morning!
 Feb 2014 Rasputina Keen
do you even understand
what it's like to go home
and have nothing?
to walk into your house
and see that there is no one
at the door
or any family invading
everything you've done that day
and that at night
when you turn out all the lights
the only greeting you receive
is from the darkness
telling you to be fearful
of the unknown.
a swift kiss from the air
speaks you wont be left alone tonight
and again
there is nothing i can do
to stop the scarcity of company
and to accept
this distance
is the only thing i must realize
while being intoxicated by
my fierce surroundings.
 Feb 2014 Rasputina Keen
 Feb 2014 Rasputina Keen
Sometimes ***** tastes like you.
Like having *** on the bathroom counter.
Like pizza movie nights.
Like getting high on the roof while reading poetry.
Like eating you out in the back of that church.
Like crashing that car in the field behind your house.
Like playing the guitar on your back porch.
Like the sound your horrid contagious laughter.
Like drawing hearts on each other's backs with crayola markers.
Like your tongue after the first cigarette.
Like you and me.
Like you.
Like us.
Like you.
Like you before those pills and those blades took you away.
Now like me.
I always taste like *****.
 Feb 2014 Rasputina Keen
 Feb 2014 Rasputina Keen
My fingertips
A heavy weight.
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