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He said he's tired of the hate and bitterness
I said I've found peace my own way
And I'm not interested in whatever he has to offer
He was part of the people that made me lose myself and become this hard, cold, cynical woman incapable of expressing love
I don't like this new me, and I don't need him to psyche me and tell me I could have been a better person.
He should let it go. Someday someone beautiful within and outside would make the hate go and melt the pain
There's little value
And no pleasure, in regret,
Yet, I can't forget.
She spreads strawberry jam
In the palm of her hand
Adding flavor to her handshakes

Sips life through a straw
Taking it slow
Enjoying the taste of each new day

She wears vintage clothes
Because everyone knows
The past holds hidden treasures

Along with rose colored shades
To help her stay
In the frame of mind that nothing much matters
Uh Oh
I use quite frequently

Uh Oh
Words made just for me

I use them everyday
In all of my mistakes

Uh Oh
Proudly leads the way

If you have no idea

When your questioning

Whether put together
Or whether pulled apart

Uh Oh
Shows the moment where you are
I pulled this poem from out of the mirror

Its reflection reminds me of you

There's a tiny dark spot in the corner that's got

The slightest bit hidden from view

The mirror takes all that it sees

Justifying the lines in between

Redefining the meaning of need

In what the mirror sees and what it believes
Love is in...

in the middle of the day
in the things we have to say
in the way we give and take
in the promises we make

Love is in...

it's never out of style
try it on for size
it fits real snug and nice
I think that you will like

Love is in...

it's too hard to ignore
if we run low we'll make some more
in different flavors that's for sure
I'll share mine and you share yours

Love is in...
Happy anniversary every day I say

I celebrate religiously every single day

Cause every day is special, my hope is you relate

And can keep the party going till death steps in the way

You may ask the purpose, throw questions at the need

Well every day is special if it's an anniversary

So light the candles on life's cake, you soon too will believe

This day was made to celebrate...Happy anniversary!
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