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Calamum et gladium ! Sally forward debilitated artist in various permutations , abnegated and incessant ! In simultaneous battle between thought and creativity ! Such is the day for the architect of Spoken Word........
Copyright September 12 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The three o'clock shift empties , fills the parking lot
Factory people heading for cars , some on foot
The war is over , no ennobled cause of freedom  -                                           fought for in the textile mill , no bastion of democracy  on a hill
Shadows facing the ground , economic yellow lights ,
security guards waving goodbye
Headlight illuminated , neighborhood dogs running fence lines
Stopping for milk , beer and bread , hometown newsprint
Watching utilities .. Paying rent ..
Another quiet Dalton evening , gone ..
Copyright April 14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Our wind chimes sound like loose -
change jingling in Granpa's britches
He's coming in the door from a day at Scott -
Lake with a wry comment on Bluegill fishing
Every time the wind blows at the house I'm wishing
that I could be with him for just a smidgen* ...
Copyright October 2 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Friday twilights overlooking treetop reflections ,
with a smooth Marlboro and a jigger of bourbon ...
Copyright February 22 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Riparian whippoorwills became martyrs to the crystalline
lakeside at Dawn
My reflection grew long in placid waters
Nellie sunshine forsook the chill of morning
I became an artist without need of brush or manmade color
Painting the precipice of Heaven with each determined view*....
Copyright July 12 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
We acquire the target of our curiosity simultaneously , each other , both committed to revealing our loneliness to compassionate ear , a gentle touch , a long gaze into our souls by moonlight , touring cool , damp city streets , our hands clenched as one , silence speaks volumes to wounded hearts , the losers are victorious this evening , a warm home is the reward for a long cold journey , relish these epochs for they are fleeting indeed , passion for one another reveals the short time we've been allotted upon this Earth , hold this morning the remainder of your days , a light upon your path together , flesh having received deaths invite from it's very inception , love endures forever and a day !
Copyright October 27 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Someday we'll look up and find ourselves -
occupying the same park bench.
It'll spark a chit -chat about the weather and-
the government ..
The rainy north & the parched south
The winners & the losers
The crazy blue world
Love forever seeking the right words ...
Copyright January 29 , 2022 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Creek stone's inspire thoughts
of the other side
Some are dry and sure footed
Some are like ice
Some are stable
Others giveaway and tumble like a roll of the dice* ...
Copyright February 18 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The painted rock will return to the pool
Through virile eddy and greenstone
In the heat of June , along the autumn smoke -
of November
In the face of winter and -
the torrent , new birth of spring
A jealous sea shall forever beckon
A tempting wind will violently stir the
shoregrass of summer to no end ..
Copyright May 4 , 2021 by Randolph L Wilson ** All Rights Reserved
Morning rime ...The indulgent , overcast pallor of winter morn ...
Hardwoods revive with Robin songs , daffodils crown the throng
of Falls red gold delivery ...
The portal of fair days draw near , the harmonic tune of naked perennials
in Winters fleeting puff of air ...
Feast upon frosted creation , forever watchful this season of hope , for cold weather berries line thickets , dashing evergreens enthrall with all due solemnity , migrants seek the blessings of home , Spring wine
and recollection from the cask of yesteryear ...
Copyright February 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A daily tradition , toasted pumpernickel bread and black coffee ...
From my favorite view , looking South across the front yard , on a Maple rocker . My rightful place I wonder ? What gifts will today bring ? What role will I play and when ? Time is precious one day , painful the next ! Mornings filled with peace , contentment . Afternoons with fear , resentment ..Clocks are quite loud when alone ! My chair vibrates across the wooden floor , echoing down the hallway . A picturesque morning , Pileated woodpecker , familiar call of Bobwhite Quail . Looking for me ? I'm unable to meet anyone today ! The child is afraid to come out and play .. Maybe tomorrow or the next ! Sometime this Fall if able , Thanksgiving , Christmas or wait until Spring ! I never know what the next day might bring ! Pull venetian blinds closed , finish my cup of coffee , commit my morning to prose , music and song ? What does it take to belong ?
Copyright October 11 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights reserved
Georgia Winter with icy rain , bone chilling breeze , sweeping hayfield , light of day returning , brushing distant storm clouds ,  same field that my great-grandfather worked , recovering , renewing , reborn ... Red , pink and golden hues , from West to East , tolling of metal and hammer from farmhouse , Canadian Geese having received their cue , in flight , South , to their annual resting place ...A time of rest and rebuilding , planning and giving thanks ...This is November ...
Copyright September 15 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The heavy afternoon did break
Freed to weep with space to manage
To assess its damage and differentiate
friend from foe
To form a quick flanking maneuver against
betrayal then fearlessly go..

If I were a commander my perplexity
would never show
My troops would blindly follow
Eye to eye contact with the opposing leader would
ne'er break
The first move of my enemy would be their
ultimate mistake

Like a soldier a few battles are visible just as a few remain obscure
Victory and defeat appear on my sleeves ,
across my chest
My checkerboard adversaries have been
crowned , my weakness profound , my knights
lie motionless on the cold ground
I face the blackness in contempt of my god
As the evening rain
Forever planning
Forever in battle* ...
Copyright January 20 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Hey cold gray decrepit wall , paint me a pretty picture this morning because I'm too 'unstable' to be let out ..
Draw purple sunsets and seagulls flying away because I'm to'combative ' to be walking about ...
Good morning minimum wage , mad at the way the creek flows orderly , keeping the peace in the psychiatric world , strong arming sweet people to consume their numbing drugs , walking around like your in the WWE ,  NFL or something ...
Drink machine doctors , twenty second physicals for a thousand bucks , not even looking up with an apparent hundred percent hearing loss when your patients happen to speak up !
Good day Nurse Loser with zero patience , handed out drugs like your poisoning the hogs .. Now that I'm gone I wish you all the worst , I hope you find a Gaboon Viper hiding in your purse ..
Hello kitchen staff , how could I forget , how much sugar does it take to sweeten dog **** ? Trapped in a room with food a rat would refuse to eat .. Standing indignant by your slop like your a Food Channel cooking queen !!
Copyright February 16 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Where the river was born and bred
'Neath the gird of Appalachia , nurtured from 'The Crag-
of Arariel' .. Freed , to explore the foothills of Mother Georgia -
through hardwood scape and granite juncture  
O'er Red clay valleys , shale to sandstone impediment-  
and piedmont cascade
Bitter travails seeking the 'discernment' of sea ..
Copyright April 3 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The River of the Painted Rocks inspires a heartfelt allegory , imparted unto Butterfly and Zinnia , River to Seashore , Hill Country to a grateful resident .. May White-tailed Deer appear from her woodlands at Dawn and graze upon her open countryside forever ! ......
Copyright -September 15 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Where the stars are my own
With a guitar and a private audience
of killdeer to critique my songs
Where daffodils and yellow bells bloom
just for me
Where hardwoods bear new foliage at my discretion in
every tree
Where the rain taps the same song on a tin roof
Where picture perfect Alabama sky cradles the
Harvest Moon* ..
Copyright February 11 , 2017 by randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Box Elder arms brace for the wrath of the December wintertide monster , naked and forlorn the defenseless struggle onward , Rock bass shine like polished silver in sluggish , crystalline waters
Lakesongs and velvet moss with dancing Birch motion , Crows begin to quote each note verbatim with rehearsed , telltale emotion
Creek rocks command the jetty , foundation and cattle harbors
Morning brooks continuously speak of a hidden , silent struggle* ...
Copyright September 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Who's hiding neath black pine borders
Whispering tales into the wind throughout -
the beechnut forest
Crossing Novembers broom sage
Will fickle weather entice Hill Country's
chilling rains
Will Rico don the coat of ice and snow
The smoke of home fires travel South --
and swirl to escape the field hollers
The rack of wintertide from naked treetop to
a cold , unforgiving stream below ...
Copyright November , 2019 by Randolph L Wilson  * All Rights Reserved
The song of the Nor'easter captivates this southern boy , quite happy among 'the snowflakes'
Chipping reminders on a frozen -
catfish pond
Just like love , here then gone ....
Copyright November 8 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
With curiosity and trepidation , decisions reviewed prior to any action taken ,  questioning every visible or hidden , unknown angle of attack , strategically taking my Castle with your Knight ,  learning valuable life lessons on a game board tonight .....
Copyright September 16, 2015 by Randolph L Wilson  * All Rights Reserved
If I place it under my chin it might ruin the beautiful stippled ceiling Father paid so much to have put in , against my temple could quite possibly destroy the gorgeous wallpaper here in the den . Putting it in my mouth would almost guarantee maximum spread in just about any room in this haunted house ..These walls are as confused as I , beautiful artwork and photographs mingled with dark secrets within . Joy and abject terror blended together like off white walls and walnut stained wood baseboard and trim ..Two one of a kind lamps , family Bible , pure white doilies crocheted by Mother on every table ..Pine flooring and wormy Chestnut kitchen cabinets will prevent the inevitable this morning !
Copyright October 25 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The Christmas wine bottle is already empty
Seems the family has little if any empathy
Yet I'm quite content , drunk , carefree
and talkative
Another ten pounds fatter on honey ham ,
egg nog and cinnamon biscuits
Some get high on the festivities
I require a tad more intensity
So douse the fruit cake in Sangria
and chill the gin , strike up another round of rummy
and deal me in* ..
Copyright December 10 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Christ was afire as men were lynched ..The hopeless , unwanted , forgotten sons and daughters .  Christ was afire as the black child cried in abandon , unto the night .. Christ was afire as they continued to **** , long after physical death .. A symbol of Christ rages somewhere tonight ..
Copyright March 12 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson  *All Rights Reserved

My Georgia and its history .. Not all flowers and honeybees sadly ..
Maculate Cheddar Moon nights o'er Aquarian countryside
Hinterland for young lovers , pathways for romance rediscovered
Shangri-La midnight glen , flaxen mane , astral beacons of
Smoke blue in concerto with Flame red
A reflection on a chosen star at curiosities unlatched gate
Traipsing rain washed , cool clover with strawberry tressed , porcelain 'Inamorata'
Ebony hour capitulation and seduction* ...
Copyright August 18 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I see through the confusion of the hour as the February wind rushes to fill a void with ominous power
The creatures of the world begin their toil
Cars stacked in tight rows , red , green , amber lights assume control
Tabs are paid , tabs are made , hot breakfast on neutral tables , neutral
dining halls  , neutral patrons
Painted roadways inflict order , revolving doors , crosswalk children
of gold , bakers mold loaves of bread in need of packaging , airplanes
stack upon concrete runway intersections ,  America's caste system swings into action* ...
Copyright February 9 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Afternoon walks around this calm body of water are as precious and innocent as a toddlers first steps , orange sunshine reflecting across her mirrored surface , Canadian goslings proudly trail their mother , Great Blue Herons stand guard at the treetops as young couples laugh and share their joy for one another
Pekin Ducks feast along along the manicured shores , Bullfrogs signal the hour of Dusk as the Piedmont Corn Moon heads for home
Shadow lovers commit bucolic images to lifetime memory beneath the periwinkle twilight blush
Astral plats of silver and gold , the distant cry of Turtle
Copyright April 28 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Solitary mornings along the maple avenue
Outer colors change , and so do I
Ground squirrels play a game of chance
with hawks at treetop level , the pious
hold their cards and bet the bank on forever
Acorns fall then roll down the concrete sidewalk ,
fully expecting to land in dirt
In tune with the Sparrows that seem to go out
of their way to maintain a secure distance from the
other birds
Gray sky refusing to rain , a smile concealing pain
Tiny mansions all look the same
Metropolitan moths circling the morning flame* ...
Copyright November 11 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Who will pen my 'final page of poetry' when I'm called home ?
Will someone render an epilogue to my life's work when my time is done ? Our ghost encapsulated in flesh continues forward at the moment of physical death , therefore I implore of anyone to define for me what constitutes 'the end ?'
Copyright December 4 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

If we express ourselves from our soul and the soul never dies then we express ourselves forever and a day ..
Art is a child slinging paint off a brush on canvas ! Happy faces colored with chalk on the driveway ! Water color sunflowers on a bedroom wall , hearts and flowers wrote with an innocent finger in dust on a car hood ! Playing with their food , thinking about tomorrow , borrowing Dads pocket knife , carving first relationships into a Sweetgum Tree ! Get well cards written with crayons ! A sunny scene drawn by a precious little dreamer on a frosted window !
Copyright October 12 , 2015 by  Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Gene was flat topped , honest and old school
Not one for shootin' the bull
He woke up everyday at four in the morning off to twist gas pipe for a living
Sometimes lame , but rugged and independent , he'd say your either making money or spending it* ...
Copyright December 29 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Skirting the railroad opportunity along the cotton mill wall ...
Bagging shards of coal in a burlap sack , to light home fires , to warm boiled cabbage on a December night ..'Tis a blessing indeed to be filled ..
Copyright March 12 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

In 1925 my grandfather would gather coal that fell off boxcars along the rail line adjacent to the Fulton Bag Cotton Mill in Atlanta .. He was ten years old ..
Never grab a moccasin or go to Clayton County at night --if you car breaks down -run in the woods and hide--Don't try to convince yourself that your  a plumber- Stay out of Riverdale-Winter and Summer ! Don't go to Clayton County during the day--if caught alone , you will surely pay ! Never cruise Clayton County on a lark-for Gods sake stay away from Forest Park ! Never grab a bull by the horns , stay away from Jonesboro-you've been warned ! Old National Highway is a long lost cause , Lovejoy , College Park and all points south ! Tara Boulevard , Pointe South Parkway , Highway 54 and Conley Drive ! State 85 and Flint River Drive , like playing the lottery with your own dang life !
Just South of Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson Airport . I kid you not !!
A pall of construction yellow and tarnished silver overwhelms -
forest green , wetted , life giving potential
She's forever the lady , forever a student of
charm , forever grace in harms way
A curtsey before the leviathans longing-
to destroy her* ...
Copyright February 7 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Tunneling into Sunday with a
gift of self
I'm the number twelve on the clock
The copied , most followed bird in the flock
A dominate loblolly
The general of a fictitious army
I'm the sunny side of the yard
A one eyed jack wild card
Let my contemporaries be the paddle ,
for today I am their handle*....
Copyright February 26 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Where has the sunlight gone
The joy in framed photographs on a garbage riddled nightstand
Memories of laughter across heirloom , wooden floors
Benefits of friendship , I cease to comprehend anymore
The hope of poetry's salvation , fallowed ink symbols on yellowed paper
Copyright March 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A devout pacifist of the natural world , with all the affairs of the day given their due diligence ..  My muse , a small yet adequate brick house surrounded by woodlands .. I peacefully succumb to misty rain as evening songbirds sing to the close of Monday .. Thankful for another Dusk , inquisitive as to the days ahead .. Biological clocks returned to zero ..Rest ..Renewal ..
Copyright November 10 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Cold , clear creek water hitchhiked from Alabama , caught a thunderstorm
just the other side of Anniston ..
It rode into Palmetto at the stroke of midnight , jumped off a wall cloud and hit the ground running !
Straight down Main Street taking everything it could carry .. Pine straw , old newspapers , bubble gum wrappers ! Oak leaves , bottle caps and fast food napkins !
The storm came and went , city life returned to normal  , a hundred gallons of well travelled transpired water now has it's eyes set on the city of Savannah ..
It'll bide it's time in the heat of Palmetto , laying in a storm sewer waiting to be called skyward ... A one way ticket on the 'Evaporation Express' ,
riding within an eastbound thunderstorm , dropping in on another little city to clean and cool the street , meet at the bottom of a hill to start the journey all over again ..
Copyright March 2 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I ran to awaiting hillside , crushing-
grass and microscopic fauna beneath naked feet
Killed for a beautiful view
'Twould be better to report on such-
miracles from indoors
Was a jaunt through green scenery a homicidal-
To safely assume the Red hawk is circling for his next meal
Fish are feeding at topwater , trees are dying , toppling over
Creeks are rushing to river , Bluebirds attending their nestlings
Warm winds grinding rocks ever so slowly , a red Fox is at rest
Is the end a step higher , have the random killed received a great reward
How high the trees minus the pang of death to halt their reach
How odd the beach with no shell to teach
To curse the cold of January with no knowledge of June
Life equals discovery , equals eternal motion
Copyright April 7 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Wren , heron and robin wailed                                                                            Cold , clear waters swirled o'er
black glass boulders                                                         ­                                                       Her river song was endless as
thrill seekers walked the tall , treelined shoulders ,
as the blue eyes of God watched from above
Copyright April 23 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Twas essential to see her in wintertide -
misery in order to appreciate the abundant daffodils -
of spring , the cardinal ever watchful over -
her fledgelings , the gaiety , pomp and circumstance -
of damsel flies , the mockingbird flautist and -
the peckerwood drumming
The morning laughter of Bear creek
The multicolored blades of March that -
stair step the Mill Falls
Morning dove woo their lovers , whitetails -
in repose , in the backdrop of misty , hardwood -
Her poetic omnipotence in touch with my -
innermost being
Ever watchful as the cardinal
Breath exposed
Forever thankful
Copyright March 8 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
When the day is a flickering bulb .. Doldrum afternoons , uninvited hindsight
The enemy continuously cruises by in different vehicles
Telephones are coiled serpents , televisions-
attempt to monitor my every move
My dark , hidden existence ..Tenth power magnification
Eating raisins , hoping for rain to justify-
my lack of worldly participation
Reading Melville and Grotius with waning passion
Secretly bored with silly public games
Copyright April 5 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Today I'm Nathaniel Egger  , walking the clover narrows , enjoying his java and the morning Sparrows ...  Tomorrow morn with the flick of a switch I'm the Eskimo Pie that fell off the stick ..
Copyright March 17 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
On a black reliable swing 'neath the noble Firs-
on a blue blossom morning
Sparrows bound in the sunblind-
of Sweet gum giants
Crows barn dance , craving-
seed and **** new grassy delights
Bluebird performers guard their settlement-
atop the Boxelders with a touch of class ,
Mockingbirds work their piece of forest with a bit of sass
Feisty Mother cardinals squabble-
with Jays in the golden dale
Heartsmitten ancillary sunlight pulling-
earths flowers to awaiting sky
Sweet spring breath of Georgia clearing-
my troubled mind
Copyright April6 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Atomic blue anesthesia ,
microscopic spheres gravitate
to Earth , only to flatten and
Sidewalks lead the forgotten
elderly home
Chocolate rivers swell in August
swelter , steam collects on lettered
city windows , screaming trains
draw blackbirds skyward into sullen
iron , brick boneyards
Buses track wet asphalt , state flags
hang dead , killing diesel fog
Cars continually trouble a dead dog
Mean people vie for brick homes
Second class citizens pay for poison -
at McDonalds , BC powders at Family Dollar
Purchasing money orders for the machine
Dying a little more each day
Copyright April 17 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Sugar frosted sorghum fields , icing on divinity branch , conjures
a few borrowed phrases scrambled in a Croaker sack . At latitude with
a blue tick coonhound sneaking a peek through the brambles that twist through the hedgerows at a meek , timid mink with a playful eye on morning snow ..
Curious Crow concerned with which way the wind blows , Eastern gray's curious as to why their shadows grow , chasing one another without a care at all , relax outside their sweet gum abode ..
Milkers in the onion field led to proper pasture ..Cowbells break the chilly silence , Red rooster performs *****-nilly atop the pole barn .. Guineas spinning yarns about the other end of the farm , lively geese turning heads for miles around ..
******* jack beagles bray for the edge of the soybean field with no desire for corncake and hot cereal ..
Copyright January 10 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Frigid Winter whorls ,                                                                ­                         Sunlights antithesis .. Cackling , disabling and bitter ..
Spring becomes a 'mongrel' with fragmented , midnight blue -cranberry evening apogee hallucinations .. Daytimes forfeiture of youthful ambition mingled with the wailing cur of March  ...
Copyright March 19 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

Cold night in Georgia ..
A spinning mind , lying in wait
like a remorseless assassin
Taking my wide expanse of natural -
pleasure , reducing it to one small -
ant exploring a stepping stone , a drop -
of rain squeezed from an otherwise benign cloud , poetic fervor into pathetic doubt
No song banter on depression mornings
Black and white stupor , life turned boring
Cumulative poisoned psychology , could anyone find the color in my -wretched dichotomy* ...
Copyright July 29 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I'm not privy to the politics on this page ...I've tried to stay clear until it finally got to me .. I was packing up and leaving this site up to an hour ago when I finally figured out what was happening .. I have effectively removed the cancer and will continue to do so as I see fit ...
With arms outreached , commit to the light , resign a hardened countenance reserved for fools , thy fall now broken for eternity , as heart grows heavy , she is standing by the door with Hope , Intimacy ..Savor her , unleash your burden , recall all things beautiful at her every turn , announce the warmth inside your heart , inquire , secure and maintain her happiness and well being for all your days , she is the candle upon thy darkest path , reason in uncertain times , giver of life . Encircle her offerings with abundant admiration , Dawn till Dusk , forever and a day !
Copyright October 1 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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