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Pat a mule on the **** when you intend to walk behind it , rub the catfishes belly on the spot where he stuck , never turn your back on a billy goat whining , bluegill biting when cattle on the move ..
Never grab the tail on a old **** hound , Never run a rabbit in the summertime ......Throw away the first bucket from the well , don't grab a copperhead by it's tail .....Never sow a seed before Good Friday , never grow a melon in a cucumber patch , Never wipe your eye when your picking Daddy's peppers , never ride a boar in the old pig pen !......
The agnostic man that feeds the poor , clothes the enfeebled or shelters the disadvantaged shall walk the fields of Heaven someday whether he believes it or not ..For his good works came not out of fear of Hell but from love and kindness , divine works directed from a precious , caring heart ...
Copyright December 12 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Frantic , kinetic physicality for naught ..
Held within irrational ******* ... A drop of water trapped on a spoon ..
Candle light cupped within hands , fruit flies in **** jars , an open cell door to the outside prison .. Symbols committed to paper , hurtful words wander the brains topography , parables of the lost and forgotten .. Matter compressed into hardened steel , thought to action ..
Copyright March 12 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Yellow Jonquils pose with pink Begonias
Songs from the canopy , cattle calling
clover fields , the hum of Wild Locust along
back country alleys , engulfed in Summer ambrosia
beside a quiet stream
In deep retrospection , praying for a connection
A psalm for Nice , Dallas and Baton Rouge
An hour of silence for the world too* ......
Copyright July 17 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The religious leaders are vacationing courtesy of the gunmakers dime .
Copyright May 11 , 2024 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A life form resembling our trees ,  filled with talismans , hanging precariously from an orchard as far as the human eye can see ! Dreams ? Brilliant gold colored entities ? Memories ? Silver comets , red orbs cast across the Universe ! Deep blue seas , chartreuse skies , mahogany colored diamond encrusted firmament with two bright red satellites ! Violet Dawns and lavender sunsets ! Bipedal winged , reptilian type inhabitants with vastly superior intellect , well above what we could ever possibly conceive ! The bastardization of human beings from first contact , low grade semi -intelligent life forms with very little to offer ! The equivalent of Apollo astronauts dumping out a bag of moon rocks ...Conversation with a cockroach ...Collected , analyzed , sent back to Earth post haste , tucked away in an alien file cabinet ! Uneventful . Refocused ..Yawning....Earth ! Enchanted ! Amazed ! Stupefied ...
Copyright October 25 , 2015 by Randolph L wilson * All Rights Reserved
On any ordinary day the presence of love
walks up from behind like mornings first sunshine
As I stare down in defeat my chains
are released , a rock subdues my imminent
fall , the earth now solid beneath tired feet
When confronted with dark passage the
gleam lends comfort to my distress , a welcome
hand commanding duress , the path by the
light made clear by loving countenance
Copyright June 16 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Allure of allspice , cinnamon and vanilla fills her culinary workshop , warm oven and sweet memories of pumpkin , sweet potato pies , oatmeal cookies , divinity on Christmas Eve , roasted pecans , ambrosia and fig butter. Children , grandchildren licking frosting bowls , sharing stories , learning the time honored craft of baking , tradition and bonding of family , close friend and neighbor . Scent of Winter , frosted windows , smell of burning oak , sweet gum , smoke rising into low cloud cover from distant homes on this cold afternoon , bathed in glow of fireplace , Mothers book of recipes in hand , assuring , comforting , stoking fire in my very soul . May this day last forever ......
Oconee's throwing reflections at Dusk
Heavenly Monarch orange fields with -
Dove and Wood Duck silhouettes
Autumn , cool dreamscapes christened by -
the Evening Star , shadow boat anglers and -
lamp lit docks
The smoky breath of lakeside cabins
Intrinsic , moonlight interpretations -
over the piedmont treetops
The clap of olive turbid water against her granite -
embankments , voices echo over watery nighttime
level , schools of shad decorate and skim the surface
Carolina blue bows to ebony star filled October night
Dark plains teeming with starlight imagination
Copyright April 16 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
'Brownleaf Chestnut giants rattle like Spanish dancers , maracas crackle in the changing wind , do perform auburn 'Lover of Autumn' before the plenteous , frosted daughter of Winter , before Sun sprinkled dale , fig , lilac
Atop the red-rock spillway , as the piping martins , the whippoorwill
question , the wild goose direction
Voice of the swallow , of tenderness and regal griffin
Coppering , flint sparked showers upon the grindstone , mesmerizing  
twilight orbs , polished gems , starlight Guatemalan priestess* ....
Copyright September 19 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Metrical raindrops stream down my favorite
window ..
Cool , tidy , poetic gray cover shadowing the busy unkempt
world ...
Fussy Cardinals come clean in the channel
Pollen , pine needles and mans debris
collect on the washed avenues ..
Courthouse bells relay over the wet countryside ,
timid brooks become rivers for a day ..
Copyright March 31 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
My imperial , stoic raptor standing watch over sun swept , dew infused dale .. Many thanks for kinship , service and timely Hill Country beautification , long days of valor filling weary minds and ear with noble ballads .. High above , camouflaged within the wind racked Pines , soaring warm Georgia air in quiet retrospection , filling hearts with passion and awe ..
Copyright February 17 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Resrved
At the equilibrium of land and wave
Along granite jetties in battle -
with the ebbed blue sea
Across the misted olive waterfall terminus
Basking in the glory of the Almighty
from Blueridge escarpments , creek narrow tower
and river divide* ....
Copyright August 17 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Hill Country constable running silent , blue lights flashing
Some 'Rascal' entwined in mischief , some Old Billy Goat nagging
and dragging !
An elderly "Pea -picker with more than his fill of hard liquor
A drunk Old Crow that don't know his hat from his Hush Puppies
stirring up a Wet Hen's wrath and anger ..
Give me coffee , bring me milk .." O 'Lordy , keep my mind off that dang no good 'Still' !"
Copyright March 30 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Have you ever dug a cattle ramp in the Georgia sun
Cleaned a hog pen in the early morn ,
Emptied the laying boxes , added fresh hay , shoveled
manure before breakfast , picked up the slop at the
start of day
Cultivated with a mattock , picked okra at high noon
Weeded all day in the month of June* ..
Copyright February 15 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
This town wreaks of loneliness
Chipped paint and boarded brick shells
A water tower in need of repair , the bewitching
chime of the ten o'clock courthouse bells
The tapping of tin on former antebellum mansions
The lonely wail of city hounds
The sound of jet planes high above
a forgotten , country town* ...
Copyright November 9 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Bootleggers on Sunday evening  ,  a little pink house on Kelleytown Road !  Waiting by the cattle gate , taking money  , calling back to the house via radio ! Waving customers through , one by one , driving by the shack without braking once , trunk wide open , in goes the whiskey , slammed shut , out the back gate , and off they went !  Sheriff Donald didn't seem to have a clue , alcohol sales on late Sunday afternoons ? For forty odd years this house became a legend , Councilmen , Deputies and Mayors knew of it's existence ! Cars from distant counties all over the state , flying up dirt roads leaving dust in their wake ! It was surely without doubt , the entire county convinced that the Sheriff drew a months salary on Sunday evenings !
Copyright October 10 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Baby boomer farmers tailgating Carolina red apples ...
Engaged in whittling , rocking beside a powder blue Dodge pickup ..
Mother hens in white aprons selling cocoanut cakes and peanut brittle .
Bluegrass pickers drawing a small crowd , children feasting on corn dogs
with Rock candy tucked away in their shirts ...
Funnel cake fragrance on joyous September nights ...
Copyright March 3 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Along the pine- land shoreline at the peak of Spring activity , where Captains on horseback appear at times as the warriors of Chief McIntosh cry out into the night , lavender horizons touching the rainbow woodlands , where cold chills suddenly appear in the heat of Summer , where Great Owls and Bobcats compete for the hunted
Broken earth steaming at the break of day
Where rainbows right themselves from the foggy banks ,
inspired by the first peeks of sunlight through the Oak dale
ranks* ...
Copyright May 3 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Lake flies lighting reflective glass
Olive eyes focused on the blue earth
Training the purple wild flower fields -
of western Chattahoochee river country
Whirling , advancing , rock patterned shoals ,
river dancer hideaways , painted turtle middles
Mud cats , rock bass and sundry panfish skim -
the shallows harnessed in Georgia granite , indigenous
red , white clay banks , clear running waters and every
colored flower imaginable
Dandelion seedlings and dragonflies hurry downstream , lit
by the afternoon Lamp of the Almighty
Pipers of every pitch occupy every inch of the surrounding
heavens with emotional song
Ever watchful Crows burst into joyful laughter with each
Smallmouth topwater explosion
Herons work the rock island summits , Blue Jays station the crags
as the pace quickens to the Gulf , curious livestock command the bluffs
South as cascading waters grow ...
Copyright April 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Turn your demons & lifes unrelenting ******-
into Reeses cups & peppermint sticks
Seize the day licking lips & fingers with-
a 'chocolate face' , a lovely horehound day it is ,
Ride the Pepsi river with a Butterfinger paddle
Dabble in culinary witchcraft , cotton candy fields , a sugar cookie-
shield in the Land of Frosted Flakes & Fiddle Faddle ..
All Hail ! The Three Musketeers & the power they wield !
Copyright January 13 , 2023 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Barefoot and blue
Waiting for a waterbirds solemn return
Silently guided by a stiff windward call
to closure , my melancholy day in sunlit
exposure , from behind the clouds lie such
explosions , red eyes placed center stage ,
as would be thespians hide elephant red rage
Caramel colored , landlocked baptistry
Soak these tired feet , wash the salt from open
wounds , diluting memory and public affairs
Carry them to the bottom* ...
Copyright November 10 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Sunset orange ardently overlays periwinkle and thistle whilst two tone brilliant fuchsia in passionate , reserved grace quietly dominates the image of sunrise as portrayed by a child  . Forest green , royal blue and cinnamon depict backyard adventure and wonderment of Blue Jays , Begonias , Daisy and Petunia  , rainy days captured in black , silver and indigo and raspberry , magical yellows , reds and gold , smiling friends on the school bus , hop scotch , favorite Teachers and kick ball , Summer vacation , grandparents and sand castles on the beach , turquoise sea , brown pelicans and scarlet sailboats , salt water taffy , midnight blue ***** and fuzzy wuzzy starfish*....
Copyright October 2 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Life is well defined for the young couple at five in the evening , senses bewildered from eight hour drudgery , digging one hole to cover up the other ..
In the middle of three lanes , rushing to your plat of suburbia , stopped in your tracks temporarily so the unfortunate ants in the crash that didn't make it can be hauled off the drag way , so you can start the race all over again ..
Stopping at the candy bar lying on the trail to bargain a piece to do you until the weekend ..
Back to the section of the mound you've purchased to recharge your physicality and sharpen your mentality , manage your emotions , lay your outfit by the bed , ready to get up , hit the ground running , follow the lead ant back to the sustenance that awaits the early foragers at seven a.m. !
Copyright January 5 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Millie's pondering Georgia's
next earthquake , a tsunami
over Sapelo Island , volcanic
activity around Stone Mountain
Her mind is quite medicated yet
the clockwork control freak is firing on all
cylinders , she's got blue , pink and beige pills
to control "the jitters"
A week full of rage to spill in a two hour period ,
anxiety drunk , her two o'clock tea , her momma's
favorite scissors , cutting photographs for a
collage late at night , hanging her wet resume on a tree branch
to dry
Poor , poor Millicent , not a friend in sight* ...
Copyright March 8 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
When men receive the taste of money -
they are forever stained
For gold is a wind fueled fire -
in the dog days
A ravenous stray bound in -
silver chains
A parched riverbed in the February rains* ..
Copyright November 8 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The dirge of Whippoorwills along the riverbanks
Lapping dark waters onto Cattail shores , Carp
roll topside o'er the shadowed montage , the final
hour of Summer Sun
Natures many musicians proclaim the star rise  
Mayflies dance the surface like silver kites
Black , blue and orange yesterdays , night breeze
touch of Fall August ways
Oak , Maple silhouettes with calling Dove
Yearning for home* .....
Copyright August 5 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Good day Creek natives ,
commanding the brow -
of a centurion water oak
To parties gathering berries -
in the form of Whitetail does
To spearfishers in touch with
rushing waters , to windy woodland -
celebrations paying homage to -
Chieftain fathers
In the name of soft-shelled turtles -
exploring red clay flanks , to the ghosts of -
warriors protecting her riverbanks* ...
Copyright January 4 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
To stand at the breakers , at the whim of -
warm tidewaters , cleansed in the saline , spume -
chemistry , yearning to deliver the ghost imperishability
Physicality's iron manacles unbolted
Copyright May 14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Right
I'll eat fried bologna sandwiches
and drink your watered down whiskey
Give me cotton sheets and cheap concert
Morning biscuits and gravy ,
A Chilton and a wrench ,
A tractor and a plow
Good old fashioned hand to tool
" know how*"
Copyright March 15 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

* Chilton is the name of a car repair manual-had one for every car I ever owned ...
Georgia cities feeding off the interstate artery
Engorged , soulless urban ticks lacking credible -
reason and justification for their ever expanding existence
Does the state need another QuikTrip
A Home Depot every 15 miles
Another Walmart small town ******
Copyright April 10 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
In March of 2010 a 46 year old white male was brought to this hospital after a severe 'episode'. He was placed in the Mental Health Intensive Care Unit .  He was diagnosed with " Major Depression ". This is considered Slow Death , a treatable disorder by the AMA currently . Artist and Architect will lay out Hallucinations and conceptual designs , Engineers , Mathematicians and Surveyors will coordinate more pills at higher doses because minute details to within fractions of an inch followed by schizophrenia by Earth moving equipment , graders , bulldozers , psychotic episodes , dump trucks , Carpenters and Concrete ,  bi-polar disorder and  Bricklayer will labor different Help treatment methods because the drugs are having absolutely no piece by piece constructing form , pylon , shoring embankments for Steel Worker and Welder ,Pipefitter and Increased risk of suicide was reported for Plumber and all manner of tradesman , supplier and Pharmacist ........
            Psychiatrist and Psychologist will formulate a treatment plan which will include drug therapy and counseling sessions with Electrician and patient and Spouse plus other family members if needed in order to reach the island Drowning which will be a difficult task . Emory Hospital is conducting new research because they finally admit to depression drugs  not working in Freak more than half the patients today , like every other building bridges in hopes of getting to the island that is depression .
Created confusion purposefully ! I  blended the two topics together so that the plight of the mentally ill could be read by some that are more worried about our infrastructure right now. Cry for help blended in a topic that is receiving far more attention these days !

Copyright September 25 , 2015 by Randolph Wilson * All  Rights Reserved
Staring into the wood floor , straight through to the grain , connecting point of reference , the image of happiness , far removed from turmoil , a family under siege ! Concoct a scene from anywhere , summon my imagination , release it into overdrive , to the Moon , Mars , walk a dangerous mountain pass , sure footed , leading men into the unknown , from sun blistering snow capped mountain peaks to the surety of the valleys below ! Concentrate on a fixed position , ride out the storm ..Think about my grandmothers gentle hands , rubbing the back of a frightened youngster , assuring all would be well ! Filling my nose with dirt to divert my attentive anguish , scraping fingernails across my young legs , until they bled ..Hiding in the basement till the all clear was given , the beast having returned to the bedroom !
Copyright October 12 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Mowed grass wind songs enhanced by-
muted , diamond-like morning dews
Aromatic chanty bearing , offering hurrah for unemotional day's
Cheerful provider , highlighting the crisp color of Spring with fragrant marvel
Copyright April4 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
He corrected his children with a belt
But grew good tomatoes , cucumbers
and kale
He turned black earth in February ,
but drank himself into a stupor at night
He marked and strung perfect rows by day then
gambled all the money in his hand by evening
He was fastidious to a fault then shot hisself
in bed* ...
February 27 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I draw my right arm close to my side ....Hold it tightly at the wrist with my left hand , signing for prescriptions that enable me to perform feats of physical ingenuity to get through my dark days ...Visibly shake at the checkout counter ,trying not to be seen or run away ! Check the yard hoping nothing is there ... Focus on one object , ride out vertigo , comb my hair every hour on the hour , make sure the water is still on ...... Eat pre-prepared meals , choke it down with water , drink black coffee in order to maintain my balance .. Look at the same ten photographs from another time and place , dust each picture , put them back in the exact location ...Check my face and arms for signs of disease , run fingers through my hair in search of parasites ....Count every step down the basement stairs to keep my self in order , walk the entire area looking for potential problems.. ....In between security checks I find the time to write ...The only thing in my life that really seems to help.. The insanity makes the write and the write reveals the insanity at times ....
Copyright October 3 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A  jewelry box figurine pirouettes this evening to a familiar song , reminding a Mother of first baby steps , kindergarten and high school graduation ! I will hand down this sweet reminder of the past to my granddaughter someday as well ! ...
Copyright September 15 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights reserved
Sister Yellow Swallowtail , please take me for an afternoon ride
To the tips of Douglas Firs with an Eagles view of rolling hillsides , o'er stained glass , picturesque Hill Country skies
For an afternoon twirl atop the tallest Oak , a flight within the Dogwoods by natural , splendid rote
A stop at Port Lake for refreshments and quiet reflection
A zig-zag trip home full of laughter and amazement* ..
Copyright August 18 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A talented blue star borrowed a cup of the magical moon
She sprinkled the pastureland as evening songsters-
performed their tunes
Dara led Earths Opera like a hand to the loom
The northern breeze tamed the Fire of June
She crocheted the constellations
Cross stitched the horizon
Wove the Belt of Orion
Offered blessings to Hill Country & her lake environs ...
Dara O Dara , Mother of Wisteria & Gardenia Blooms ,
traipse the forest of night and return soon...
Copyright- June 10 2020 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Whisper forever your warm , endearing sweet musical question in my longing ear . Sing to me on confused , windswept blue and ivory mornings with improvisational ballads of great candor , disguised in starlights language . Ballads of clarity , brilliance and great emotion ..
Copyright January 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
If memory should fail me by the morrow , 'twould be a delight upon this romantic heart to share a picture of you and I together
Young lovers on Daytona Beach by the morning light , focused on one another , as strong as the pull of the tide
Reckless , bathed within intimate chemistry , the natural protocol of our endearing passion for one another
Breathless high atop Brasstown Bald mountain , entwined , effervescent , emboldened , enchanted !
Awarded many brilliant sunsets , scenic vistas and precious moments
Prepared for my role within our parallel universe , with you my love , throughout the ages* ..
Copyright November 6 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I oft-recall the fume o'er -
Port lake
Egrets with the patience -
of Job
Lapping silver waters
Morning sun ever bright and bold
Harper tree frogs , smoky bogs , painted -
turtles on floating logs
Creations blue eyes at her -
Wind dancers falling into -
the red earth , shores bedecked -
in dogwood , cattail , dandelion and
river birch
Brambles , feeder streams , nuthatch
and thrasher
Bluejays sing the praises of aromatic pineywoods -
high above their muscadine mansions
The crackle of gravel as I walk her shady , serpentine -
The patter of wind seduced silver maples
The call and answer of sparrows along -
the barbed wire fence rail
Copyright April 12 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Sound of the morn , songbird articulations over -
colored Maple , Hickory leaf lanes and sky blue-gray portraits                                                      
To the face in the clouds , a toast at the wake of surreality
Concurring melancholy's invoice with stoic individuality
For the benefit of worn repetitive thoughts , a culled
mouth filled with morning wine , Sugar pine fortresses
delay the burgeoning warmth of day , rain waters seek their
level whilst the privately insane find themselves addressing their taut vulnerability* .....
Copyright May 30 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Hello sunny day
Melt the wax figurines
that pass my way
Erase the demons of  plasticity , ignite paper
causing harm and misery
Shine across rolling valleys
of piedmont greenery
Turn the crayons of a child into free flowing color , images unlike any other
May they brighten and cover the world
May the sails of imagination be unfurled*..
Copyright February 26 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
On belay ? Scaling tall mountains and perilous outcrops , into the valley floor ! Great highs , perilous lows ! At mercy of wind  , rope , D-ring and intuition ! Slippery , moss covered stones , sudden changes in weather ! Possibility of cuts  , sprains and broken bones ! High above the blessings of terra firma at ropes end ! Looking out across the Earth from unique perspectives ! Far removed from mechanical , mundane , monotonous lives of the " Army ants" below , chart the course , pick the place , set the pace ! Belay on ! Cried out from below ! On your own , in control !
Copyright October 12 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I hear a chopper coming-is it coming for me-- postman in my driveway with registered mail ---Ex refusing to leave my house of bitter memories-Children are making up games about me on the streets-mean streets -I remember them well -asphalt burning my soles--want to find a group to call my own-tick tock familiar clock-were at it again-no place to be-plenty of time left for most anything everyday-answering -I hear you -I know what you want-to talk with a persecutor , family , marketer , dealer, -ex boss-medicine-hand over bad -eye-room moving always -conditioned -revolving day to day events-just like the day before -future day -Ive seen them---know what they tell-----mind reader -Im the mountain you can't climb-I'm the lake of fire-hiding behind closed doorways-trapped in Walmart with no way out ----loud on the internet where i can't be seen-making friends to take friends to quell my aggressive tendency -chest pounding-breath -window -drawing -remembering-*** beatings-hiding-drinking -stabbing childhood-screaming-parent-nodding sleeping -leaving -****** in my pants -pleading returning -forgiving dealing -needing-grieving !
Snow capped mountain peaks , murmurations in sapphire skies ..Cloud banks seeking the closure of fallen rain , Redwoods at the whim of surging winds , yet we continually seek to disprove the presence of miracles to no end ..
Copyright January 11 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
When the aliens finally arrive and systematically destroy us for being different 'twould be an irony indeed for Earthlings to chastise them for their indifference and their racism , labeling them barbarians for their principles , sort of like the '*** calling the kettle black for instance '...
Copyright February 9 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Mourning doves speak into liberty blue backgrounds
Into ebony forest at silent nightfall cry -
the keepers of lakeside memories* ....
Copyright April 4 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I would wade the calling circumstance before me , free of pagan
resistance .. To describe my color blue , the music of the lake , the calm
of the morning field ..
Raging fires of love , the yield of passion , musics hidden calling ,
echoes across frozen woodland that cry in supplication ..
Black shapes on white media foster ...I am the seagull dancing for
his next meal once more ... Yellow bell salutations , the crow that told the Jay
that called out across the wailing , waiting world , with the Noon cry of repetitive thought and due candor .. Moss atop dead Pine , familiar with it's lot in this life .. The end lying in every direction , hue of birthing green and silver blue resurrection ..
Tall white Pines tickle laughing skies , brown resignation tugging
a struggling mind to the West free , cool March afternoon ....
Sweetgum cones locked in deaths final embrace , their last gaze
unknown . Still as the day , surrounded in life's music , the love of
warm wind , the call of bush berry with each new growth of the coming
Spring .. The white reflective glow down quiet roadways , O' to forever seek such analogy for descriptive written means ....
Copyright March 4 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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