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I paused to settle down for a moment , to face the incoming breeze , to briefly rest ..  As it began to swirl about me retrospection scrolled through my weary mind , thoughts of the March runaway and his life left behind ...The vociferous purveyor of forgiveness mute and dazed ..To drift across bittersweet periods , to fearfully walk in the tracks of insecurity and the minds malaise ...
Let youth represent Spring , may the child play in the bounty of April and May ..
Recall springtide as the poet , born of creativity , yellow butterflies and red roses ... June befit the Bride  , the month of love and laughter , the awe inspiring song of Turtle Dove , the Crows whimsical banter , the Mockingbird and the morning Fig ..
Attain the language writ upon the midday firmament , the voice of turbulent rivers .. The answer beheld , expressed over Sunflower field and Blueridge Mountain .. Forever ..
Copyright April 8 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
The baker made a comment on the coconut cakes layers
The artist was enthralled with the flakes on top , referring
to them as being a winter scene ..
The engineer took notice of the glass cake plate with its
intricate etching and overall design
The mathematician gleefully broke the dessert into imaginary
The poet grabbed the cake with both hands and devoured the
two pieces without reservation* ..
Copyright February 11 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I've been known to comb through the
night hoping for Dawn to quickly arrive ,
falling asleep with the first rays of light
Waking up at Noon to adjust blinds ,
securing the house , staring down the
answering machine , afraid to return calls
Lighting one cigarette with another till I
dozed back off , drinking Pepsi and dining on
M&M;'s in the dark , watching 50's sitcoms
and getting nothing done
Taking pills for depression with red wine ,
hoping I might die
Writing sad songs with an only friend , something
in tune with your mood that would never think of
leaving you high and dry
Laying in filth till rescued somehow , starting different pills
with a new job , a new month , a new time for alienating
new friends and burning bridges to the ground
Copyright April 26 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Brown Winter grass hung like Spanish
moss , hardwoods dangled like Virginia Creeper
in planter boxes , a blue ocean laid placid , nary
one ripple , the earth was King , gravity a harlequin ,
songbirds whistled and foraged non-stop
Airplanes flew inverted
Rain flew into my sky
The engine winced , then died
Blue and red light flashed before my eyes* ....
Copyright September 25 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A sullen , blue eagle sentry patrols stone fruit orchards
Black and tan beagles braying for the hunt filled morning
Orange Alabama horizons , China goose down caught , drifting south
Collard pods rattle white -washed homesteads , pollen entombs tiny towns with ragweed ferocity , cattail gardens and fog induced rainbows ...
Dove mourn blackberry winter , dew washed back roads drift quietly into lake country ....
Copyright March 22 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Adhesive memories with Sisyphean love
Where pasture , paddock and woodland divide
Where hickory trees have been carved with-
Old Timer pocket knives
Afternoon walks through soybean , corn and
sorghum , where the sound and colors of dusk are like
no other* ..
Copyright November 19 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Month of May galactic , morning star tapestries , piedmont Geese dot the rising Sienna profile , Amethyst waters ripple in the Chattahoochee wind spell as reflections sprinkle the River birch harbors
Copyright May , 6 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Memory is a punctual ghost-. A silo of bitter and sweet harvest-threshing row upon row , separating chaff from kernel , **** from grain , a long days toil in seclusion , followed by persistent spirit , insomnia , and return to labor at dawn* ...
Copyright September 15 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I scoffed at ghost stories
Greeted death's very door with a scowl*     
I never knew 'bone chilling fear' till the night I heard a bobcat howl...
Copyright November 26 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
telltale music neath a familiar bridge , hardwoods and evergreens line the river ridge ...
a confidants mystical steps , dancing rocks & steamy breath..
cottontail dancers & trepid , leary does...
bluebird , wren , titmouse & cardinal country guides ..
my sky resembles the bendable , sugary cocoanut-
candy I cherished when I was a boy ...
a coy child can turn twenty acres into the-
home of the wild on this sacred voyage ..
adults pop dreams like tight balloons
they topple homemade scenes & green -
daytime schemes ..
extend your arms ...
let the filling wind take control of your physicality
glide from tree to tree
command the sky with great longing and glee
find yourself sitting on a telephone pole ...
cackle like a morning crow ..
circle the noonday Sun
navigate the meadow , converse with the sprites ,
the fairies and the goodwill ghost below ...
Copyright December 19 , 2022 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Less than one percent have dehumanized the plight of the entire terrified migration by resorting to terroristic action against the Western world
Twenty percent are escaping the political upheaval and certain death by remaining steadfast , vigilant , praying for asylum ..
Fifty percent want to love and be loved , tend to their families , raise their children in peace ...
Ten percent will die in abject poverty if we don't step in with food , shelter and a helping hand , addressing their basic needs
Another ten percent have the unmistakable thousand yard stare , eyes conditioned to mass ****** , wholesale destruction , memories that time will never erase ..
Five percent of the young people will develop psychiatric disorders in relation to their current maltreatment , herded like livestock , kept in makeshift prisons , captors oblivious to their supplications
In desperation the remaining four percent will join the one percent in an attempt to save their people by whatever means necessary , ensuring their survival ..
Copyright November 10 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

** The Governor of Georgia is not speaking for all of her citizens by refusing to accept Syrian immigrants ..
The protester , the president and his secret agents
The fourth estate , the staged presser
The water boarder dysfunctional
The rationalization of nationalism
The symbolic elephant , the star turned *******
The hated black man and his maniacal incumbent

The thought of an African-American in office sent
you over the top
You cursed his high office , strapped on firearms ,
mobilized the churches and forever changed your
country ...
Welcome to the dangerous present
A hateful precedent
Have you witnessed the Miami Moon , the hills of Carolina ?
Walked Folly Beach at first light , toured the bazaars of Downtown Atlanta ?
More importantly , have you counted each blessing you've received by and by , have you told the love of your life how you feel about them tonight ? Well ?
Copyright February 2 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Who is this man captured in the
prison of home , captivated by a fly on the wall
Glued to his favorite window working
a song , jotting something fitting in reference
to a robin , a chipmunk bobbin' , a leaf unlike
the rest , a life in a mess
Treading the sea of loneliness , seeking the truth
behind fables , writing woodland diaries when able
Digging an itchy ear , scratching a tired back with a guitar cable ,
stirring something witty to commit to paper* ..
Copyright February 16 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A military necropolis , resplendent with period battle colors towering above , skeletal wrought iron guardians at her periphery .. Stately Oaks forever dispatch tall shadows across etched memories , unsure days of furious cannon and musket .. Ramparts once besieged before a forgotten battles fury , where deaths Angel culled the very land in search of heroes ..
Copyright February 6 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
Kindred balsam trails
Red rose convocations 'neath
Chestnut Knights
Swallows in Tangerine sky
Late night fires mingle with
Loblolly leviathans
Stellar captivations
Coonhounds bay for twilight
Where Mockingbird musicians trill
reverent evening chantey* ..
Copyright August 10 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The 'plant' that feeds the town
The one that occasionally chokes the air when the wind
blows in from the South
The one that some residents mouth
off about , the ones with position
and clout , in the name of their
environmental vows
A closing that will turn the town to dust
Cause our children to go hungry
Render families indigent , Mobile homes left to rust
A city square left to the pigeons , family owned small business
going under with devilish precision
That **** plant you speak about is
the same one that we can't live without* ...
Copyright July 29 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
To the army of gallant soldiers ,those whom have looked upon the face of Hades , undaunted , persevering till mission completion ,godspeed your journey home to a grateful Republic , may peace and good fortune shine above you the remainder of your days ........
Copyright September 12 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I  , no more than a flurry in a Winter storm , or drop of water in a raging sea , alone , left to my own devices , entrapped in deafening solitude and sorrow ..A minute particle afloat , riding breeze , destination uncharted ,  skeptical apprehension , destined to become dirt , ingested , born anew , repeating nature's furious cycle forever......
Copyright September 16 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All rights Reserved
21st Century contraption of a mind , snatched from birth , taught how to "Walk the Line , " Hammered into conformity , Play Doh brains pressed in a mold , dressed , plopped on a conveyor , not one piece out of place ..
Our State cores a whole , pours a mandatory twelve years of robot ideology between our ears , who we should emulate , who we should fear
..  Fed factory Farm swill , sequester our imaginations , zero tolerance , shot full of Ritalin ...
Copyright February 3 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

Public education ! I spent 12 years trying to de-program my two girls every other day ! Son of a ******* !!
The lake flies are in full animation , the solar deities working incognito ..
Through nimbus blankets of calm afternoon , casual glimmers of
light , our life giver in evening repose , the eerie feeling of 'calm prior to storm .
Gray Heron's work their territories , Hawks fly figure eights high above the Juniper , White Pine , Elmwood canopy ..Bullfrogs settle in for the nighttime fireworks display as the first rumble of thunder sounds far off in the range ..Insectivorous topwater fish leave breakers beneath lilly pads , dance the waters surface for the feast at hand ..
Copyright March 11 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
We receive it freely with great joy .. Open it , lick it ,
lap it , chew it , twisting it to our satisfaction . We even put it down for a spell .. Pick it up , finish it off , remember how it tasted so good and flick the stick ..We're done ..
Copyright March 20 , 2016 by Randolph L wilson * All Rights Reserved
riding in a 'doodle-bug'
happy & free
off to the hillside to see what we-
can see
the tail of the Milky Way brings awe
-& glee ..
coming home in a 'doodle-bug ,' -
sleepy & free with --
stardust , moonbeams & tinsel dreams ..
Copyright February 14 , 2024 by Randolph Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The immediate world was bathed in raw kinetic energy
A ****** hovered then returned to hardwood cover
Drops of rainwater began striking the parched surface-
as the breath of the storm invigorated every tree
Songbirds imparted the good news at every possibility
Streams were born , commanded the earth then died
Copyright March 1 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
I pray for sustenance not for the body nor vain pursuit of flesh or other
abominations .  Not to people of great wealth nor to the publicans who pursue vanity ! Bless the dawn and the gift of Earths music bestowed upon each and every one of us ! To be quick witted , full of laughter, cognizant ,
attentive and stoically hunger for everlasting peace !
Copyright September 12 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
It's time for the B-52's in Syria and Yemen
Time to air drop food non-stop for ninety
days* ...
We are as vital , colorful , precious and vulnerable -
as a happy family portrayed with chalk by a child on a
quiet neighborhood street* ...
Copyright June 30 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Brother got religion last night , no harm-no foul done as far as I'm concerned .. Although a bit alarmed or even curious , no mischief on his part however , most all folks need , dare I say crave the difference between right and wrong ... Books filled with rules and punishments , the prize at the end of the tunnel if you've managed to stumble through life without breaking one of them ... Walking the Earth with blinders , praying for a benevolent puppeteer not to turn malevolent , pick you up by the short hairs and dip you in a 'Lake of Fire '...The glue that holds the Sun way up high , theological paste keeping the puzzle together day and night ..
Copyright February 23 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Am I playing the guitar or is the guitar playing me ?
Copyright May 9 , 2021 byRandolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
If your vying for change in Gaza you could start by feeding their women and children ...
Companion streams-(political parties)  gathered
Unorganized sidewalk detritus-(thought) was overwhelmed
The dam suddenly failed
Those downstream were compelled -
to leave , their homes bursted at the seams
Like a ravenous monster the new river obliterated and conquered
The lay of the land (Constitution) was remade , suddenly the land leveled and the current (revolution) quietly withered away
The new embankment- (martial law) held the waters , a reservoir-(body politic) was born with the same cursed fate* ....
Copyright November 18 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
For I am in sojourn of this earth
with increasing thoughts of home* ...
Copyright February 16 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Our sexuality is determined by the right person* ....
Copyright February 26 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A pattern is developing , blowflies are collecting
A rush to the gun , hurtful words are being thrown
The bar is being lowered by a stone faced government
The man is signing orders everyday but I know
his game , his followers are 21st century newfangled slaves ,
his lies are cover while the destroyer heads for calm waters ,
his communication a ploy , his tact is a drone , indiscriminately
killing the enemy , his wall is already built , fracturing a country
founded on rice paper morality , we freed a people on paper
in order to **** them wholesale , psychologically and 'legally'
Regal gunships , magic dragons , daisy cutters and cruise missiles
Big pharma , Wall Street , big oil with a permanent winter refusal* ...
Copyright February 11 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Picking a row o' peppers taught me not to rub your eyes
Picking my own switch taught me not to lie
Planting corn by hand taught diligence and volition
Papa's razor strap instilled the wages of a poor-
decision* ...
Copyright November 9 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
My pen has never moved faster
than when guided by love ....
Copyright April 25 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Twilight is tangible inasmuch as -
the thrush , the owl and the whippoorwill -
touch my laden soul
Warm May wind caressing the nape
A springtide moon in brilliant perigee -
casting light upon poetry , song and art ,
teasing , enveloping , delighting sight and
sound* ...
Copyright February 3 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A white oak crowned in gold
Fragments of blue , tuscany sun and
woodland coal
The chill of October searching for exposed skin
Wind whispered nightfall , a shower of
young stars and hickory mannequins , crackling
leaves , wind racked tin and tinkling chimes ,
the creak of the 'vane', owls in flight
Burning leaves , moonlight captivation ,
the taste of dead ripe persimmons , ghostly-                   antebellum mansions
A bustling Family Dollar , a corner gas station ,
a stray along the tracks , a Ford F-150 with a double
gun rack
Bud Lite for rednecks and Slim-Fast for **** heads
Soco for alkies , wine coolers for purebreds
An empty park , a swing without a rider ,
a waitress takes a break in front of her empty diner* ...
Copyright October 24 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Black spire inspirations,  electrifying intricate patterns , Winter stars do envy the brilliant lights of Atlanta , our Southern Queen stands tall in every direction ...
Copyright February 17 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Night is a grand repository
Where the sheltered temporarily-
leave their hideouts , where the oppressed
find solace , where the voiceless shout
out loud  
A place where the beleaguered
hold their ground , where revolutionaries
demand justice , where the homeless quietly
Where the insane are neglected , where
the elderly are unprotected
Where Americas repetitive urban warfare
proceeds , where blood pools on darkened
streets* ...
Copyright October 25 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
My mind at chrysalis , medicated , artificially focused and at times detached altogether from societies interpretations......
I've been reduced from psychopath to thespian out of the fear of never being allowed to leave St. Helena ! The high court did not rule in my favor, therefore banished from society , to live toil and die in a foreign land ! Erased from the history books , my name removed from public architecture , forbidden to be mentioned in the streets of my beloved city resting upon the Appalachian hillside ! Oh Dahlonega ! Oh Dahlonega ! My Dahlonega !
Copyright January 3 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Let us seek refuge inside the 'windsong' of Boreas on this night , dance across the oceans surface forever by shimmering Moon and starlight ..
As we sail across every boundary laid before us , Alectrona will provide a lighthouse for the love weary and forlorn . Omnipotent constellations  command the shadows with all their might , a proud Venus shall direct the mighty flotillas of night . Passions moorings will be untethered , wind starved sailing vessels filled a hundredfold by the breath of Poseidon ..
Copyright December 12 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Odonata , your timing is impeccable
Gracing my window with colorful perfection
Restoring my faith in the human condition
Chasing the Hummers with buzzing emotion
Doubling back to start as if your craving my devotion
Bluedart Skimmer it's getting late , return to your
abode along placid Port Lake
Lie still beside shore with the departure of day and
thank you once again for your enchanting ways* ....
Copyright July 29 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Long live the worshipers of the Bracket Bull and Cinderella
Cling ye , to the word of Paul Bunyan , Johnny Appleseed and Peter Rabbit , to Jesus , Mohammed and hobbits
To Tinkerbell , Mother Goose and New Day Prophets
Spread thy beliefs with the sword , with hate fueled -
atrocity and calculation , systematically destroying the world ,
nation after nation* ...
Copyright January 1 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Sherry , amber shoulder length locks of hair
Passing ****** on the rail line
Beside abandoned tracks north of Ola
Sharing youth with bamboo pipes
Period hovels belonging to 'the State' collect
until a sleepy town is manifest before red
eyes , against laughter and regret tinged
with melancholia , ten seconds of concern
entangled with indifference
The crunch of gravel beneath our feet
Winter breath , *** hole lakes , dying streets
Beautiful , personal , discreet sundowns smattered with drug induced catatonia , 'Walnut guardians' and cherry trees*...
Copyright January 16 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Dig a quarter acre pond , keep it filled with clean , aerated water
and small fish will appear on their own before three summers have passed , I kid you not* ....
Copyright October 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Fish on stringers begged for their lives
Rattlesnakes came under the front door to hide
Rottweilers growled at the foot of my bed
Blood flowed from the bottom of garbage cans
I was in a firefight from every direction
Impaled by a nurses syringe with fire ants jumping
out of the needle
Closed my eyes to die but kept returning
Faces shot out of walls screaming " burn him*" ...
Copyright October 2 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Woke up in a mosh pit
Swinging , reactive , faster each minute
The band was raging but their location was hidden
The 'cotton' was still blooming
My head was trippin'
Lost in my dead ride with no gas in it* ..
Copyright January 28 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Wild Turkey sojourned the lavender -
encrusted , wooded depression
Panola sunlight tarried , engulfing a peppered
granite expanse in the vivid 'Light of Creation'
Life teemed in pools of rainwater , Jays foretold the impassioned hour
Pungent , dew marinated fields shone as the
Lamp of God* ......
Copyright September 7 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Lands end begs so many questions
Copyright February 20 , 2017  by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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