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Ice cold rain that raises the hair on the back of your neck ! Gusty winds scatter slick brown leaves across the walkway , driveway and blacktop ! Red , puffy morning eyes , running late , a tiny clear patch in the windshield to view the highway ! Hands ten two on the steering wheel , basically driving from memory a half hour before sunrise ! Stop for gas and coffee with a cinnamon roll , off again with the morning news on the radio ! Find your parking space , making a beeline to the office , boss looks your way then glances at his watch ! Hit the lights , start the computer , raise the curtains ! Lay your bag of bones in a chair and pray for a quick eight hours !
Copyright October 25 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
If I could become vapor an -
steal away through the chimney
The crows and the hawks would -
seethe in envy
I'm circling the skyscrapers of Atlanta
Making a beeline to Alabama
Exploring the Chattahoochee river from -
high above
Racing the warm wind , the falcon and the turtle doves* ...
Copyright January 4 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Tonights shower rambles East , a rusted Massey Ferguson looks like a four legged beast .. The Rainwater from tall trees patters individual ponds , a smatter of fog then a suspicious woodland song .. Bullfrogs become ennobled .. A Barn Owl strikes the midnight chorus
A security light battles night to no avail ..  Katydids croon tall tales
Night slowly grows louder ..  A northbound train at the one o'clock hour* ...
Copyright 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A million sparkling movements every second
We gaze openly from whence we came in -
quiet reverence
For whom the mind rediscovers is a true
lover , to abide in perpetuity captivated in shore song and ambergris , our souls one day returned to the awaiting sea* ..
Copyright November 2 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I'm sure I looked a Falcon in the eye on Arabia Mountain ,
he danced the forenoon sky just for me , sang goodbye bound
for the tall trees and I thanked him very kindly as I basked in
supernatural sunlight on the granite , rocky face of Hereafter ..
Copyright February 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Faith in the tempered evening , for the Friday night reverberation -
of hometowns just over the Shamrock green horizon
For the day end Amber-glow of well kept -
Summer gardens
Blessed is the power of tonights Harvest Moon
The Suns early dedication to the Chattahoochee flora of the coming June
For morning dew prisms that ignite rolling hayfields
For talking Indian rivers , Railroad townships and period Flour Mills
Copyright May 26 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Whitetail Does crossing my front yard
Thank you Mama Kuhn , Granny Wilson -
and Grammaw for warming my heart* ...
Copyright June 26 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Learning to heal beneath blue ceilings
Persuaded by the windsong -
of August , by the miracle of whispering lea
On musical shores
Beside the red clay hillside
A gravel stone for every star-
in the evening sky ...
Copyright July 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
At the witching hour , behold , crepuscular scores-
of power and passion are scorned -
A dower belonging to the -
hopeless and the forlorn
A lovers electricity feeding-
jilted circuitry ...
Quickening skin ..
Wetted lips ...
Copyright August , 2021 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Pitch black nights , conniving 'Beast of Imagination' inch forward
with each lightning strike
The splatter of a thunderous shower takes command
over every sound in the house , all it's occupants
roused from midnight dreams , war rages overhead ,
the dog and cat jump under the bed
Our driveway is hosed and the roof scrubbed clean ,
the Peach trees are wind dusted and the pig pen made tidy and neat
The tomatoes are fertilized , the Squash brought back to life ,
our porch thermometer is thankfully on the downward spiral and the
Cicadas joyfully return on the hour with the Canary moonlight* ....
Copyright June 3 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Cottony banks dot madder blue afternoon sky as every precious second of a Summer day expires
Pine rosin clings to these worn out boots as I leave established trails , receiving the optical life-force of the Georgia woodlands from my personal , unique vantage
Granite outcroppings teem with the answer of life , off through the wildflower valley , forging clear brooks in sweet musical cadence , awaiting the cool introspection of twilight*...
July 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
While I stood immobilized in thought the sunlight turned wet streets into diamonds
People slowly returned from their storm shelter hideouts
I remember the sound of tires plowing through rain pools
A fools reflection in a store window , a straggling gust of air , the pang of solitude , scribbled chalkboard innuendo
My God stares over my shoulder with an eraser
Omitting filthy thoughts committed to the board
Smacking my young hands with rulers , the 'stuff' of unchecked imagination entwined in thorn
Hands clasped beneath my chin
Deciphering godliness from mortal sin
These wrinkled , wicked hands that feed city park birds
Eyes that recognize those in need can secretly undress women
on the busy streets
Was Jesus the beggar I looked away from or was he the
******* I made fun and sport of
Plodding the avenue , dreading home
Planning every moment , calculating every roll of the bones on the game board* ...
Copyright November 29 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Peridot twinkling Pine , Father sunshine
Shadow rhymes , intermittent portals of
ray donning signals from 'On High' , Navy blues
mingle with Dogwood whites sprayed with
Wisteria purple on a young , quiet Saturday night
My Bluebird ancestors , perched on a farm bell , bringing
joy and good fortune as long as the Summer day
Coffee on a sturdy wood porch , waiting for the Milky Way
Copyright May 7 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Angels are indeed visible to the naked eye , they can be found in majestic pose within every precious photograph , work of art or wildflower held by young hands ..
Each drop of rain in a Summer shower is a heavenly host that blesses our very hour ..
A consecrated beam of light impaling the morning fog proclaims the mighty sword of Michael leading the weary through insecurity and darkness ..
An elderly couple that occupies a park bench , children busy with games , laughter , eyes that sparkle with wonder and merriment ..
The carefree chatter of evening songbirds , the Holy Ghost that fill and nurture a wounded heart ..
Nature's morning songs .. The reflection of God's blue eyes caste across a mountain vista duplicate the Choir of Angels performing psalms on the outskirts of Zion , atop the very Walls of Jerusalem , the trumpet echoing across the Earth from the Pool of Bethesda* ...
Copyright December 11 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
When trolling Veteran Lake for answers always-
remember that government catfish feed off the bottom ...
Copyright November 16 , 2021 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Darkness with her companion love -
mix touch and memory with mystery
and *******
A Gibbous Moon tucked away in the cloudy
twilight , a flashlight sending Morse code
on a foggy night
Fidelity chartered vessels sailing the ambiguous shallow peril
Soldiers bargaining their mortality in the heat
of battle
Clarity bound in fetters of memory and worthless prattle
Copyright June 4 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
That Eskimo Pie tonight done wonders
Made me feel ten years younger
Kept me on the front porch enjoying -
the night sky just a wee bit longer
Brought back good memories for awhile
Wound the thread tying a man to his -
rightful place a little stronger* ....
Copyright August 3 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
' Fat cats ' float to the top
They skim the surface in defiance -
of gray herons
' Bullies ' alert the swampers of the
Farmers Moon , of the shimmering
robe of Venus , of the blue canopy -
lifted to the music of cicada , cricket ,
katydid and barn owl .....
Copyright October , 2020 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I would gladly forsake the hypocrisy of my human peers to sup with my coyote brothers ...
Copyright 23 , August , 2022 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Bucolic piedmont woodland avenues , where rain clouds touch the hillside after welcome showers have passed
Where pungent fields of green native wild grass connect ones place
with his past
Red-tailed Hawk sentries stand guard o'er Loblolly Pine forest
Contemplative Blue Herons work scenic marshland unnoticed
Land of Pink Dogwood , Cane and blackberry thicket
Of riparian wonders , foggy cattle- worn bottom land , lake dancers that twirl morning side West Point , Lanier and Oconee inlets
To rural lanes colored with the blessings of home* .....
Copyright 16 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Thank you for three wonderful years .. For the bluest blues , for fiery reds and spellbinding yellows .. For brisk , cheerful winter days and brilliant summers .. For beautiful brown eyes I look forward to each morn .. For lighting my world like springtime sun .. I love you more than ever Kitten ! ❤️
Copyright May 31 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The bonfire ushers a feeling of peace
just as the ocean sweeps us off our feet
A shooting star brings a smile , a fawn
leaves us speechless for a short while
The afternoon meadow could balance my
heart against a feather , Spring weather
can bring two people together , cool night air
makes for good sleeping , magenta dusk
draw us into evening
Therefore my soul seeks you
To share your burden
To color my day
To fill the summer night in fireflies
To quell morning dew with sunshine
To follow with all my heart and zeal
To tell you each day how you make me feel* ...
Copyright February 11 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Let's thrive on hot pekoe tea tonight , on
a good high with an acoustic guitar
Let's find a bright star , finish the dishes , lets open a jar of wishes and be thankful for where we are
Two porch lovers that discovered one another
in our fifties , the gift of true love thats never ending
Treasuring the start of each day , to find your pretty face
in our quiet , perfect country place
Forevermore* ...
Copyright February 17 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Love is one cross word away from -
the unforgivable , friendship laughable at best ,
your a marionette at desires behest , a piece
of rotten meat with vultures flying overhead ,
a dough ball in a bream bed , an exhausted rabbit in the dog pen
We lust for mates fully aware that our hand will do the trick , like wolves in heat , rain striking the hot street turned to steam , called again by clouds for the repeat
An encore of voracious gender neutral toys and ******
A S'more on a stick at the crossroad of fire or teeth* ...
Copyright September 29 , 2016 by randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Contacting alien life light years away is hocus pocus , scientific talent run amuck without fiscal focus , tantamount to craving nachos after the 'Taco Shack' closes
Copyright October 10 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A deadly task at hand , see the November broom sage conforming with the lay of the land
The smooth stones are secure in their creekside homes
Adolescent Crepe Myrtles abide in the company of elder Oaks
Every plant allotted soil and very much aware of their place
Under the ever meandering compression of man with a valuable lesson of humility and grace
Behold the wall builders , the ceiling setters , the clothed and the rambunctious
The soil breakers , the ravagers , the fire starters , the problem
solvers mingled with the war mongers
The breath of creation fueling their thirsted conflagrations
Behold "the thinkers" , destroyers and the manipulators* ..
Copyright October 23 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A sooth sayer will read tea leaves -
in a bid to portend the future
I would steep mine in hot water ,
served with a ginger snap cookie ,
thereby 'making' my immediate future happy ..
Copyright April 14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Young Beagles walk disoriented in changing
winds , sixteen year olds are no different with the car keys
Competing odors , night lights tantalize in every direction ,
the road home combined with myriad , compelling -
Food to the left , a deer to the right , a garbage can
dead ahead , aroma of chickens coming in from behind
Hanging out here , headed out there , always that guy
who's old enough to buy beer , the bar that will let anyone in
Keep one eye on your "pups" on breezy Friday nights ,
Lest they stray from the path by the light* ...
Copyright May 9 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I love peach schnapps on a cool front
porch , with a touch of November wind , wrapped
up in my old brown scarf
I go for Jaegermeister when I'm a bit peaked ,
a few Texas shots are just what the patient needed
I lean to whiskey when it's bitter cold and 'brisky' ,
a spiffy sock cap with a hot toddy or two work
right nifty* ...
Copyright September 25 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Squalls force the judgement of yesterday
When oblique giants commanded the afternoon
Washing rural lanes , cooling the green manmade
furrows , shadowing the very ground from where I
stand today  
Have the fruits of today retained the memory of my
yesterday* ...
Copyright June 16 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
When the whispering demons of the morning come calling
When silly , robotic thespians deliver their scripted theatrics with slow motion , foggy angles of the world as rivers of window condensation and sorrow are falling                                                          ­                                                                 ­    Be watchful for songbirds are connected with the mill pond , see the dove at peace with bobwhite songs
Be assured that the wind , the rain and the hardwoods
share pain while celebrating the whim of a cold , methodical yet temporary Earth
Copyright January 3 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Dad and I had good talks coming home from work at times ..
He would tell me about the day you two met at least twice a month .
It got better and better each time he told it .  I can still see him smiling , talking about your red hair and picture perfect smile , sometimes a tiny tear would swell up in his dark brown eye .. Seems you two met at the Fair back in '58 , it must of been a great time to be young back then .. I'm certain that I feel the same way today Mom , though it's auburn hair and big brown soulful eyes I've stumbled upon .. Hopefully a grandson will have the chance to hear my tale , told just like my Dad spoke years ago , with a tearful eye and a warm , thoughtful smile ...
Evergreen soldiers at the whim of Alraus
I've had a recurrent dream of the enlisted warriors
abandoning their post , occupying the fertile grassland
in a chess type move to gain control
Free of shade , of root-bound thirst , of choking
moss gathering unchallenged in overpopulated arbors
A celebration courtesy of the Robin Knights , the Chickadee troubadours ,
the Cardinal gentlemen at the Court of Queen Chestnut
Slash , sugar , loblolly and white oak
Persimmon , hickory , honey locust and dogwood
The myrrh of gardenia , magnolia , honeysuckle and tea rose
Earthen red clay , white sand , black loam and kaolin
Grasshopper cellist , cricket flautist , a chuckling crow with a
Spanish guitar
The toad trombones , a bluebird violin solo , a mockingbird reads
a touching poem that even sways the worker ants into a brief pause
The Old Forest becomes pasture and the grassland young woodland
The dove cue the night , the katydids croon to the moon ,
the bullfrogs 'pooka-dooka' and the lovers swoon* ...
Copyright October 20 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Silver drops of rainwater released by the breeze , pecan grove orchestras , fortuitous hardwood melodies , a needed moment of serendipity
Petrichor melding with Pine
Pools of piedmont wine
Shrilling jays , a curious crow , afternoon rays
paint turned gardens with yellow and gold
Boiling gray mountains rumble away to the east
The return of solace and songbird pleasantry* ..
Copyright January 18 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
"The placid lakes are filled with the tears of those-
in mourning
The rolling oceans are the turbulent , healing answer-
of a benevolent God in wind sprayed glory" ....
Copyright March 6 , 2021 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
We'll never move forward as a society as long as our children are left to die from abuse , sold for *** like a piece of meat , bullied by their peers and killed on our streets ..
Depression misdiagnosed by primary physicians and medicines that only help half of the affected , high suicide rates amongst our young civilians and soldiers alike , addiction rates that continue to spike .. When the nails rain down again we'll most certainly be caught off guard , zealots hung by their thumbs and water boarded will lead the charge .
Martyrs in shackles will fan the flames at the base of the tower once again ..
Woefully few ambulances will be available to minister to the dying , not enough heroes to answer their cries , political parties will begin their denial , those that remain will swear revenge against "the Cowards .."
A faith will be declared illegal and guilty , this time the Eagle will have zero pity ..
She will pursue the same mistakes of previous nations , attempt to firebomb the very soul of a civilization . The Crescent Moon has endured many military occupations , defended a long list of potential aggressors , their bones lie in antiquity , across her deserts and within her cities while the Lion , Eagle and the Bear scar another generation who will in turn castigate her enemies silver cities with relentless terroristic abominations ..
I witnessed the carnage in a dream , hate bursting at the seams , flowing like a river down city streets , sweeping the innocents into the storm sewer , oblivious to their screams .
We worry so much about nuclear weapons as we wipe each other out with pipe bombs and pistols , we fear chemical weapons while drugs are destroying our nation ..
I wonder how far the funds for one missile would go towards treating children with cancer ? The cost of one grenade could feed a homeless man  freezing on the street .. The price of one Humvee could provide shelter for the forgotten society tonight in this misguided nation of ours ..
Copyright December 6 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Verses from Proverbs highlighted in yellow
Dogeared pages in Mark and Matthew
A flattened rose from a previous lover  
A Home Depot coupon book marker
with a few four leaf clovers* ..
Copyright November 29 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Defining the crossroads of mankind in a medium of guilt ...
Copyright July , 2021 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
I would prefer my solitude and gift of self , answerable to Randolph and no one else  ! I soulshine alone with the Earth , Wind and Sky as my trail with undying love and affection for all creatures .. Plastic ******* I've long since melted , molded into splendid candles that light my quest for guidance and direction .. Surfing the bell curve free of the pack instinct , armed with abundant memory , opposable thumbs and a mountain of creativity !
Copyright November 15 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Let life be about good hot coffee with an English muffin .
Paddle boat rides and endless Summers ..
Cherokee Red Pop and ******* Jacks , playful baby goats and Sugar Smacks ..
Christmas mornings and roasted pecans , John Wayne movies and cowboy songs ..
Falling stars and evenings on the lake , whipped cream topping on strawberry short cake ..
Cool well water and fried pies , the blackbirds that etch the tangerine sky ..
Copyright December 12 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Wake me when the Elephant Ears grow tall , when the first red rose comes to call , as the mesmerizing scent of Gardenia fills the air , when the Butterfly bushes receive their host in Spring ...
Come to my door when the Crape Myrtles stand glorious , as the Peach trees blossom , when songbirds of every shape and brilliant song prepare their nurseries , as the Pink Begonias undertake their beautiful Summer journey ....
Copyright February 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Velveteen butterflies sail into strawberry way , strike a pose against the meditative , sunny disposition of the coming May
Harlequin horseflies and Bumblebee jesters
Pear bloom ballet , Mayfly soloist , interpretive Ferns are quite dashing in the Alabama breeze , Wood Thrush dancers and Mourning Dove romantics cooing in the Honey Locust trees
Madame April's storybook of Springtide scenes
and fairytale dreams ...
Copyright April 20 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Skedaddle you little *******
Go find your purpose in life
somewhere else for I've no clue what it
might possibly be* ...
Copyright February 2 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The sapphire surface was dappled
in April sunshine
Evergreen seeds soared in the
morning breeze
Bluejays , Warblers and Finches
announced the rite of Springtide
Songbirds of every color replied
from her hardwood canopies
A psalm from every tree
A shower of blessings unto me* ..
Copyright April 2 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Guitar buried in effects
Women mired in makeup
Men wrapped in ego
Woodwork dripping with shellac
Seafood dipped in breading
Carpet drowning in dust
The baptized cleansed in water
The son copying the father
A publican garnering trust
A 62' John Deere seized with rust
The dead becoming dust
A poker hand royal flush
An over and under combination
A gods abomination
Traipsing the woodline for a spell
A five o'clock trip from hell* ...
Copyright March 28 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Cry o'er this sadness
Refreshing red clay in the guise of granite
With pools of wrigglers , black tadpoles ,
water striders , afternoon of titmouse , bluebird and robin
Of lacewings and locust culled neath
the bounty of spring , lantern fly , mantid ,
field gnats riding turbulent April waves
O'er tin shack , pole barn and smokehouse
Barbecue pit , wood shed and well house
Hour of depression abated , of fragrant treasure
ablated* ...
Copyright February 8 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
*I became invisible one Summer , a ramshackle empty home was my
safe port , the walls my confidant , my July bastille in constant danger of being overrun
Hostility answered in midnight dreams , a flea the mongrel couldn't reach , unbathed in reprisal and pain killer forgetfulness
I dreamed of my death , I entered a dark place , burnt musical scores to light my way , sang out loud to show I was not afraid , I dreamt the same nightmare everyday
I ran out of money , ate cornbread for five days straight , running out of "Oxy" was sweaty , demonic pain , on the eighth day a I heard a voice on the answering machine asking if I was okay
Pawned a decent guitar that morning , went to work the following day
I was at the crossroads that year and by sheer luck I just happened to turn the right way
Dew drops fell from leaf to leaf
In hopes of finding the storied sea
Falling with a dream of something better ...
Together , forever , wherever & whatever ...
Bigger , constant , urgent & quite clever ...
To grow old with tales of churning seas
Boggling young , maritime minds with --
thoughts of oak , pine & evergreen ...

Rainy day soldiers in groups of ten-
have overflowed the pond again
Hastily seeking the culvert to freedom ..
Bravely forsaking their watery kingdom..
Boarding rickety rafts of vegetable , tinsel , fescue , monkey-
grass & thistle ..
Leary , weary , fearless & fickle
They drill , patrol & preen ..
On a collard green leaf they chase-
the dream
Rafting uncertain , storm churned brooks-
& streams for a chance to mingle in-
nautical schemes ..
Copyright June 17 , 2020 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
She's focused on the sea
I think I'll call her Miriam this
morn , she's right sure of her
place along the shore
The ocean is a teleprompter , a
memory barometer , a gauge of the past ,
something that'll last
A living photo in a seized thought process ,
a pretty blue gown in a beauty contest
Best of luck to all the Miriam's on the beach
I pray thee peace and inner strength* ..
Copyright February 23 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A potters clay urn , a gift from talented , artistic hands ! Fragmented , stained glass images on cathedral walls overlook a repository laden with mans indiscretions ! Saints cast in marble , everlasting tributes ! Two young hands imprinted into fresh concrete by a proud Father , telling a story a thousand years later ! Names , pertinent dates , a cherished poem or Bible verse etched in black granite , recognition for a short time on this Earth . November winds command every tree in the woodland , breathing life unto mountain vista ! The same ardent desire to conquer and control that became our albatross ! Egotistical , rebellious vehicle , entirely responsible for its own extinction !
Copyright October 29 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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