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Atlanta has about as much business being in the State of Georgia than a RC Cola and a pecan log do on the streets of Morocco*....
Nights encroachment is changing the face of town ,
an orange star phasing out ,
the borough is closing down
The elderly are content from front porches
the children called to dinner ,
bicycles , baseball bats and chalk are left
on the ground ,
the sound of buses and semis , the last train
headed south
Artificial light slowly filtering out
She's slowly , methodically , shutting down
Copyright March 16 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Goodnight Selene .. Time for a cup of oatmeal , coconut sugar and a buttered biscuit .. A good book , a cold pillow and fifty winks !
Selene = Luna ( the Moon )
If your a new writer looking for a lesson on poetry then take off all your clothes and open every curtain and/or blind in your dwelling ! You will need to control your fear of shame and humiliation from the very beginning , if you can't handle the rough stuff then go easy on yourself and stick to writing fiction !
Cold , sugary watermelon gives me chills
Red ripe melon is a Summertime thrill
A bowl full of fun , this ancient dish
Keep sweet melon vine on our list* ...
Copyright August 20 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
White girl in the room , are you cognizant of the epilogue prior to it's revelation ? Do people lose their minds when they see their grave ?
Will peanut butter **** my craving tonight , orange sunshine , scraped out of the *** , put in the corner of your eye ? Delirium tremens , psychotic cravings , tantric *** , after shave poured through a loaf of bread ! Shoot my arm , legs , collapsed vein in my neck ? Shoot every one till there's not anyone left ! Your head held high ? You'd run your fingers through dog **** for a piece of her tonight !
Copyright October 30 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I will apply your benevolent nature to my own grandchildren the remainder of my days
Instill your wonderful insight on Early Girl tomatoes ,
Sassafras Sun tea , love of family , Fig and Apple
How a smile can say so much , a perfect word with -
a timely , gentle touch
The first week of July in the Blackberry thickets ,
bumper crops of sweet Georgia peaches , homemade -
ice cream and Watermelon evenings
Weekends filled with wonder and love of the natural world
Homemade kites , fried Sweet potato pies , picnic lunches
at Jackson Lake
For country music Saturdays , 'Tall Tales' , hometown Honey and Cathead biscuits
Copyright April 17 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Carolynn , child fast asleep in Papas arms , a warm embrace , sincere smile ..Place these tiny little hands upon my face as hope , a child's love marry sadness, wisdom for a man many years lost at sea , penny for your thoughts little one ?
This has been edited about ten times this morning ! A work in progress for sure.
Watching the driveway like all the other days
All clear , nobody on the way ...
A big yard with no kids , no laughter ,-
No how do you do's , no warm friendly chatter
No Christmas turkey , tinsel , hot wine nor -
candy platters ..
Perusing an empty lot as if the Holidays really-
matter ...
Copyright December 24 , 2022 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Candy apples -
Cut pine left to season
Culling sorghum at dawn
Turning red clay
I've good memories of Autumn
Like a familiar door closed
You slip from my hand
I can see her , love is waiting at the gate
To put me under wing
Going home*.........
(C) September , 2015 Randolph L. Wilson  All Rights Reserved
She tried to enjoy the most miraculous time of day just for me ,
but the storms cleansing through her into a frenzy , with cotton in her
ears so as not to hear the thunder , eyes fixed on the floor with a broom
nervously sweeping the tea room ! Crying out with each flash of lightning , calling "the Kiddies" off the porch to stand under a table , drawing every dining room curtain closed with her hand on a Bible ...Nervously singing to grandchildren on such happenings , I pray for tranquil weather in Heaven for you Grandmaw on every evening ...
Copyright March 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A young lady sashays across the kitchen floor .. Displaying a stunning , red Ball gown , beaming , contrarily to an fro , eager for a compliment from a proud seamstress . A fidgety young boy ,  hand -me -down jacket with slacks being tailored , patches cut , hand sewn at worn out knees ..Darning Papas socks , repairing a tablecloth , custom curtains ,  flour sacks made into napkins , aprons , quilts  and handkerchiefs . A wicker box that belonged to very gifted hands indeed
Copyright September 25 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Tired feet , bad back , muscle spasms combined with a touch of senility , each strand of silver hair most certainly bears monument to copious wisdom and great ingenuity ! A fountain of knowledge for your children to draw from while secretly attacking the inevitable conflagration of age with a squirt gun ..
Copyright December 4 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I have the very boulder that Sherman stepped over
on his way through Georgia
On my shelf is the stone that Mark Twain laid a ***** boot
upon , walking through Missouri one sunny afternoon
This table holds the rock that blew out the Gainesville town clock in the War of Northern Aggression
In my cupboard sets a brown bottle holding water from the River Jordan
Within the pages of this Bible you will find a leaf from the Hanging Gardens of Babylon , a lock of Lady Godiva's tresses , Betsy Ross's
favorite thimble and a button from the suit of Martin Luther King
Copyright August 16 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Grandmother has returned to earth in a sunbeam
Swaddling her children in the cold night
Drying young tears with thoughtful light
Enthralling her kin with the pageantry of
Turning the uncertainty of rough sea into
placid , stable berylline ocean ..
Copyright April 6 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Nellie was a bright candle in my night but a candle slowly
burns away* ..
Copyright February 11 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Starless , airy Hill Country valley
Devoid of the painted sunlit emotion
Tree frogs rejoice in her solemnity while -
Lantern flies belay my ever darkened
gaze* .....
Copyright June 27 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A loving , weathered face in the morning clouds , faithful companion to my Summer occupations , a drink of cool spring water in the late afternoon hour , a studious Indigo Bunting chirping praise from the Sunflowers* ...
Copyright May 10 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Our reflections on a brass doorknob .
A skeleton key would slowly turn each tumbler ..
Dusty pinewood flooring , antique trinkets ..
Propane space heaters and fresh coffee balm private , erstwhile collective memories . A matriarchs kitchen , well water aroma and cross stitched towels , her flour tinged cotton apron , cast iron skillets and brass tea kettle with porcelain service ushers spirited times of conviviality over a simple oak dining room table ..
Hand made breakfast nook curtains , the majesty of tall Water Oaks
with foraging bantam hens and roosters ..
Dirt roads would tell of visitors long before they ever arrived ,
fishing for shell crackers at the old bridge with cane poles and and dough ***** , leftovers from cat head biscuits at breakfast ...
Pecans and crabapples fed young anglers on shady Summer afternoons . Feeding tall grass to black angus and hereford cattle through barbed wire fence , collecting afternoon eggs and walking the furrows at Dusk ,
days I'll never forget ..
Copyright February 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
To be in the top of that familiar old tree , throwing apples down for my friends to eat !  Gathering her yield for Dad's fried pies , ammo of choice for crabapple fights ! Lip smacking best jelly you've ever eaten , warm milk with applesauce when we couldn't get to sleep ...A quick snack while mowing the yard , cornbread , sweet tea and apple butter !
Copyright October 5 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Some say the lights that fly by my
window are cars
I say they're E.T's come from afar , navigating State Highways ,
plotting the eventual take over of Hill Country
Counting every house , curiously watching the cattle ,
young colts in mock battle , a braying mule
at the Tilson's Farm , a turkey hen in feathered charms
Maybe they've discovered that dried up still on Camp Creek
Or run up on Papas liquor bottles behind the 'bee-keeps'
Checking out the jeans and bloomers on Mama's clothesline
Or drinking Uncle Preachers muscadine wine way before it's time* ..
Copyright February 5 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I'd love to take a boxcar to Chattanooga ..
Life in Macon is a cold , wicked , selfish game of accrual ..
A village of lust for paper tokens , pressed coin and ***** diesel engines .. If I could get to carefree Tennessee the millionaires would call on me ,
the Governor would seek my favor , good mountain people would call me their neighbor !
O' to be in Cincinnati by summer ! The queen of the Buckeye state by the banks of the Ohio .. This town is for lovers and artisans , a city of dreamers and poets unlike greedy , frosted Chattanooga with it's earthly ******* and mean spirited city folk ...
My return to southern charm ..I pray to be in Macon by the light of the Moon ..By the fragrant Magnolia ! These yankees have no time for a man of my good quality and distinction , busy with their daily toil and cold hearted drudgery .. I long for the shade tree , the sunny scape and a feather bed to lay my weary head ...
When the afternoon freight car bound for Atlanta leaves the Macon station I should hitch a ride to a more hospitable location ...
Copyright March 17 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I am red clay suffering the boots of men
Aged Pine in fear of the saw
The plight of Whitetails in the Winter hunt
September Dove escaping the shotgun
Deforested back country robbed of fertile layer
The cold domestic animal showing unconditional -
love before their slayer
A tear for the meek
A blanket for the weak
We are every person sleeping in a car
The stars blocked by city lights
The diesel engine roar
Technologies ******
We are the riddle , the animal superior , changelings in denial
The True Killers* ...
Copyright November 9 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Attacking the blaze with a 'Texaco Fire Truck'
Tonka Tractors with plastic Soldiers on guard
Hippie high schoolers heading for home with -
Creedence Clearwater Revival on their car radios
Running through Da Nang with a stick , drinking Tang
with my heroes , adjusting the rabbit ears for Captain
Kangaroo* ...
Copyright July 5 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Red light markers over darkened waters create eerie pause , a fisherman at piers end tugging on a rope tied to a metal basket , shining blue crab with bright searchlight , buoys chiming for shrimp boats that seek the coast . So where do seagulls lay their head when night closes in ?
Lightning far off into the distance , maybe an oil rigger is working through rough seas , a sailing Captain fights the swells from a ship flagged in the Philippines , a vessel containing precious woods from Norway is tossing and turning in vicious winds ? So where do the pelicans fly off to sleep when night settles in ?
Copyright February 25 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Bewitched eyes painted Mayan gods commanding the ochre heavens .. Nautical orbs mingled with starlight ,
Black waters returning to zero at midnight
The cool breath of Ixchel teases the artist , lover and-
the naysayer ....
Copyright December 21 , 2020 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A blistering , tense July -
as the view begins to 'silver'
Excitement builds in the dancing -
trees , petrichor fills the Western -
Robins bound from tree to ground
Insects at the will of life's current -
are rushed eastbound at the 'Lightnings
The mercy of 'Michael' is now at hand
Half dollar sized drops of rain begin to fall
'The Summer War of the Piedmont' has officially begun* ...
Copyright July 16 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The butchers guard-dog , out of compelling curiosity , has tasted the meat that it defends ...
Copyright February 19 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Our ancestors shine in the night
Spreading their immense love with -
copious starlight
Bathing our souls with the warmth
of creation , exposing the pathways
of our mortal insecurity and trepidation* ..
Copyright December 30 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
He's lying in a pool of blood , the struggle is over ! The Oscar most certainly goes to him , the strongest man amongst us ! Our self professed leader called home , suicide by revolver , a noble warrior to the end ! Our battered , broken King . Victim of the minds many afflictions , pawn to several addictions ! A Father , grandfather and a brother with a good ear for his children , with many maps to guide us through turbulent waters ! Laid to rest among the other male thespians in our inner circle , four more slaves to the gun !
* I've lost a father , a grandfather and three uncles from suicide by handgun *  Please don't ask me my opinion on hand guns !                                                                                        Copyright October 30 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Scarlet shapes have found their resting place
among brunette , dew shined parcels
Golden rays speckle broomsage runways
through White Pine sentries
Country homes are entertaining with family
and chimney fires , wine and memories
Spice and sweet tea , pecan pie and dressing
Babes patter wooden floors , hearths crackle
Seasoned oak gently fills a candlelit banquet
A moment to gather and be thankful* ...
The people on this site touch my heart daily !! All my love                                                                  ­                  Randolph :-D
Cumulus , nimbus apparitions converge at dawn that instigate brief showers , sun bows , sunburst , followed by the cruel , humid unwavering heat of mid-morning.......
Cool rain at dawn , trickery , deceitfully forcing morning chores into the heat of day for farmer and gardener alike , mud , mosquitoes brought by damp conditions , seeking blood meals followed by foraging fire ants , triple digit temps , threesomes that antagonize ,  exhaust and destroy well made plans ......
At the end of the work day heat , humidity begat cloud cover with heat lightning at horizon , with the promise of relief , time of rest and reflection.....
Copyright October 2 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Green giants swaying to a calypso melody
    Cuban guitars nuance the springtime scenery
    Beautiful Wisteria dancers and Dogwood musicians
              Latino songbirds delivering ambitious acapella dreamscapes  ..    Caribbean percussive timbre in pitch perfect three point harmony ..
Copyright March 31 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Jack-o-Lanterns and Tennessee breezes
Sweet potato cobbler , Apple cider , frosted
Sweet memories 'neath the Pumpkin Moon
Whittling sugarcane to the sounds of pure Autumn
The Coyote yodel and the Barn Owl holler* ..
Copyright October 22 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
These sugar cube folk , cowering at the thought of rain .. I've repartee for every hailstone a storm cloud might contain* ...
Copyright November 16 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A joint operation was conducted this evening by French Paratroopers , Mexican Military Police and Columbian Anti-Terrorist Units on an unspecified target near the Mexican/U.S. border .. It is believed that the strike was an attempt to free refugees held captive by the U.S. Border Patrol ..This is breaking news !
Randolph L Wilson ..
Wedgwood blue , ethereal body of    
my Spring temptress  .. Sacred byways of her southern lacustrine dweller
Mourning dove wail , Muscovy duck banter
Shore cherubs prattle in the cattails , zephyrs filled-
with lake whispers
Smooth stones skipped over the kelpies
looking glass
Invisible helpers slay the lunatic bastardization
of day
Copyright April 5 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
To stair step the terraced fields of my youth ...
Privy to foraging Bobwhite quail and feeding Dove ,
Trails revisiting fields of millet , peanut and sorghum ,
dug wells and rugged , white washed cowsheds ..
Shamrock fields meeting the dusky , azure afternoon ..
The brisk shadow of redundant porch fans , overwhelmed by July's onslaught .. The welcome relief at dusk  , courtesy of sweet tea and 'brittle'
Copyright February 29 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The rain on a cool February day is sorrowful music* ....
Copyright February 2 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
God is not the cotton seedling that grows tall within manmade furrows  , coloring the land as the first snow of Winter .. Jehovah is the quilting thread binding all of creation , suturing the thoughts of men in their moment of frailty and despair , tethering the covenant between Heaven and Earth* ...
Copyright December 16 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Where the supernatural plot , scheme and-
Where the Devils soldiers howl , laugh and annoy
Where the wanton distant sound of trumpets are heard-
in the midnight hour
Her name is Helen
She flustered the sails of Magellan
Mortally confused trader caravans on the -
Saharan desert
Spun the compass of Hillary for fun
Emptied the magazine of a freedom fighters-
She dabbles in pain and sorcery
Trills a fiddle high atop a Locust Tree
She fools the unknowing with a smile an
a hug then mashes your corpse like
a garden slug ...
Copyright August , 2021 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
I would make an attempt at reaching Hell one morning , I shall return with an omen or some type of sign . Search for the infamous Lake of Fire , the Prince of Darkness himself or demons flying about ! The Sulphuric Abyss of Christian fable , Kingdom of Hades as told by the ancients ! A gold piece placed in mouth to pay the oarsman , skipped across the River Styx without fear of retribution ! I dare any demon to replicate the horror of Vietnam or Afghanistan , Iwo Jima , Gettysburg or **** of Nanking ! Walk in the shoes of the Veteran that witnessed Omaha , Utah and Normandy Beach ! The Underworld is not for physical torment nor payment for Earthly sin ! Hell is the black hole of space , swallowing souls , returned to mans past , reliving the atrocity of war forever and a day !
Copyright October 12 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Anointed shamans  , brilliant orbs in every direction, light upon ambiguity , sparking lamentations , psalms of hope unleashing joy and wonderment through power of script carved by imagination !
I'm sorry for whatever I've done , cannot comprehend your actions against  me or my animal brothers ? Why torture , leaving me in agony ? I promise I'll do my best to make you happy , if you could just release me , I'll not tell a soul , you'll never see me ! An act playing out as I write this poem , the mutilation of precious animals , one by one , assembly line mass ****** for flesh , broken hearted creatures , do you see it in their faces ? If you happen to meet a person performing these acts my advice to you would be to run like hell ! Men and women capable of such barbarism are the most dangerous animals on the face of the planet !                                                                         Copyright October 29 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights reserved
Tireless Engineers are needed for many a bridge has been destroyed ...
Carpenters , block masons and steel workers from every corner of Earth ..
Every color and creed employed to secure their timely construction ..
Many islands in need of the path by the light , wave after wave of our
brothers are in need of stout bridges tonight !
Love is needed to brighten the skies , to make electric connections to those in the black of night .. Black and white linemen are sought to wire the world in shared pain and forgiveness , to brighten the lives of those gripped in plight , answer the need of the helpless tonight !
Many energetic , compassionate people are needed to address the infrastructure of humanity on this very night !
Copyright January 24 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I've worn the bejeweled crown of a string doll prince worked with innumerable ploys and tricks .
Suffered the false admiration of the disingenuous , robbed blind by great thespians ..
Left my heart to fend for itself among insatiable howling packs of wolves ..
Offered my soul as a stepping stone for ungrateful friends with self centered inclinations and selective memories.
Knowingly trained my replacement without thought of vindication , counseled many fair weather associates in their moment of frailty who have long since forgotten my name and disavow any such deliberations.
I've repaired plumbing , installed HVAC systems , troubleshooted DIY malfeasance and performed every kind of home repair one could ever dream for free on behalf of family members that wouldn't **** on my burning corpse without charging me a fee !
Copyright January 20 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Nary one tree , stone or blade of grass
was dry omitting the feet of Elijah
The pang of drought quelled
Hickory and Oak sought Elysium
Talebearer Whippoorwill and Thrush
proclaimed the blessings of Jehovah* ...
Copyright September 3 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Cameo -pink splotches lightly touch backcountry roads , lighting pastures , trimming hardwood baselines , forgiving wounded -
spirits on hidden , vine infested shore
Retrieving the cacophony of woodland musical notes
Sharing the harmony and perpetuity of the wind fueled rote
Reaching for pearl complexion atop wisteria -
blue vistas , faint Sunlight incarnations , boundless ,
cloudburst driven streams , foaming western rivers ..
Copyright April14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Discerning life within the trees
Images in pools of rainwater ,
streams of pertinent discourse
and fluid continuity ...
Copyright March 31 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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