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Lose your scientific , orderly mind an learn to fly ..
Rename anything you like , re-tool the world to thy
satisfaction .. Sing colors , draw vocalizations and write
poetry based on your first hand accounts of 1905 ..
Copyright March 16 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
As a young boy my bare feet were baptized in the tumbling waters of Tobesofkee Creek .. Along the rock incarcerated , chilled pools of its juvenile deliverance , within the rushing avalanche of cleansing freshwaters , both young hands cupped to receive her cool afternoon blessing .. To walk the living word of Jehovah along granite infused trails , steeped in shoreline tranquility and wonderment .. Cottonwood and Birch ..Tall Pine and Sycamore testaments , shorebirds proclaimed the everlasting tenure of the Almighty , Blue Herons carried the 'Gospel ' downstream to the waiting oppressed as guardian Angels enveloped these Holy waters in the miracle of sunlight and warm , everlasting devotion ...
Copyright March 19 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

High Falls , Georgia
Spray grazed my brow
from the wooden trestle ,
her countenance was of thunder and
explosiveness devoured by the
piedmont countryside
Copyright March 15 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Beauty with awe reaching the end with
song filled waters , a cadet blue repository of -
tree top reflections tinged in the shawl
of splintered sunlight* .....
Copyright August 5 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
What if cheerleaders rant an raved when the garbageman emptied
a trash can
What if the marching band burst into song as the septic tank truck
was backing in
How about the paparazzi following the mailman
A live TV shot of the roofing foreman being interviewed by ABC , CBS or CNN* ...
Copyright December 28 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Spinning silver , silken sweaters with -
my catawba brethren , foresting oakwood estates
beside red fox companions , in witness of white-tail herds ,
compelling frigid streams of yellow perch and shellcracker , lemongrass sun hued byways engulfed in dewdrop prisms reign atop pattern encrusted red clay earth
In memory of morning , of the caterwauling Alabama easterlies ,
of vagabond waterbirds that sail frost laden , bucolic scenery
Copyright October 7 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Afternoon storms smother the candle of Tuesday
Cars come and go by shuttered portal , gaggles of cautious blackbirds evacuate West as a gust of wind opens a screen door  
No thoughts to pen
No blissful outcome to portend
Devoid of August sunshine pleasantry
Riding the high-speed symptomatic causeway
Searching for a better tomorrow* ...
Copyright August 12 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Chalcedony breakers
Amber light horizons
Footprints dissolving in -
the very blood of earth
My hand reaches for hers
Our bodies share warm froth in the pull of
crystalline surf* ...
Copyright February 20 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I witnessed a previously unknown apostle ministering to the self imposed deaf at Daytona Beach , shouting out the gospel to vacationers that moseyed down Capitalism Avenue , a souvenir committed to memory  just like the pelicans , white sand , salt water taffy , dining at Joe's Crab Shack on fish and chips , the ships returning home far off in the distance , trinket shops lining the streets ..
Two guitar players performed on the pier , hopelessly out of tune and a bit tone deaf in my humble opinion ... Shady characters roamed the shore selling condo's by the score , seagulls knew I had tangerines and wouldn't leave me alone ..
The waves crashing into shore caught us off guard and ruined a two hundred dollar camera , a fifty five mile drive back to Orlando took us two **** hours !
Mickey Land was turning money hand over foot with eighty degree temperatures at the end of December , the boats on her canals were the high point of my vacation , cranberry juice on the veranda overlooking a par three provided a treasure trove of entertainment , men and women penning their frustrations over that little white ball with a mind of it's own , looking right and left before cheating like anyone really cared ..
People watching on Boardwalk , a cup of tea at Old Key West , a riverboat jaunt across Lake Buena Vista , a fried seafood feast at a local restaurant ..Such is the life of the temporary Floridian .. Sun screen , ruffled road maps , cool shades and Palm tree dreams ...
Copyright January 9 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Hot biscuits
Sorghum syrup
Brass kettles
Frosted glass
Burning oak
The timing of a rocker -
with a fan above is perfect
Guitars stand ready
A ukelele lays on call
The autoharp , ready and willing
Sunshine wins the battle of night-
and day
Bluebirds and dragonflies in some -
whimsical foray ..
A 'steel horse' bound for points south ..
Copyright May13 , 2020 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Hardwood hillsides pray for Autumn winds to convey their colors upon the Earth ..There is no greater expression of love in the world* ...
Copyright October 27 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Turkey's appear from morning brume
Trek the homefarm fields of cut hay ,
the bell-cries of Black Angus cattle thresh
the checkerboard , cloud laden , terraced
clover valley
Red , wild Roses lace split Pine fencing with taut barbed wire
moorings , Sunlight slowly releases the ******* of
Dawn , Little Bear Creek reborn , turned black
earth steams awakening field rows* ...
Copyright May 9 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Crows have gathered in a brown field
sprinkled with frosted glitter
Sunshine wanes and flickers with
burst of artistic vigor
Woodland song , bluejay gay revelry along pinewood rows  
Water oaks crowned with mistletoe
Christmas Day adorned with the blessings of home* ...
Copyright December 25 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Douglas Firs shudder beneath a Northern breeze , deliver tall shadows to her earthly recipient as songbirds mirthfully awaken .. Light in reluctant travel across frozen brown grass , a once boastful Sun rendered mute and restrained ..
Copyright November 15 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Grey coyote why do you cry such a sad song , are you blue from being misunderstood for o 'so long ?  Repentant for hard days and unforgiving cold nights , have you surrendered to the Winter Moon , are you cursed to perform the same sad tune ?
Cotton tail bunny what a huckleberry indeed , crouched beneath the tall grass , skipping from tree to tree ..
Playing games with the Red -tail Hawks , toying with your reflection in the blue farm pond ..
Carolina Hen , announcing her morning egg . Peckerwoods effectuate the same familiar rags ..
The same glorious stars light the January sky , the Sun falls asleep in Alabama tonight ..
Copyright January 2 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Morning birds sing the praises of Dawn in the confectionery forest of home
Red-Tip hedges bustle with Springlike description , Mother Jay cackle and Eastern Gray playful volition
Simple shaded homes bursting with the wonders of rebirth , sunshine canopies appear as visions to Heaven , Red Fox banter in the Sorghum plat lowland , sprite Doves working fields of Millet and Sunflower , Magpie guards , tickled and curt
Hunter Bluebirds falling to earth for grasshoppers , back to the "Crows Nest" in their continual search
Copyright May 14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Winter lanes painted with sunlit gems-
swaying to some unseen whim
Evergreen bastions defending January-
greenery , rail-tie soldiers stand stalwart in brown scenery ..
Songbirds coaxed from their cold weather-
quarters , the sparrow , the cardinal & the -
Smoke bound for the heavens
China blue dancers tend before the mountain & the marsh
Sprinkle the steaming earth with sage , mint ,wild onion--                      
& coriander..
Copyright January 4 , 2022 by Randolph L Wilson * AllRights Reserved
Vayu stands at the shore , with arms outstretched , shrieking wind from four corners of Earth ! Tornadic winds , vigorous , turbulent , battle of ocean and Moon , every tree racked with its ferocity ......
Parvati appears at the horizon , releasing pheromone across the waters , pulling seed to sunlight , fruit to vine , unleashing the rebirth of plant and animal ! ... Kama appears at the edge of the multitude of new tree , grass and herb , power of wind carrying pheromone dominating the air , forcing his very hand ! Love is all consuming and alive !
Pollen season in Georgia with a romantic twist !

Copyright October 1 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * Al Rights Reserved
To shield your eyes from ****** images requires a wee bit of tact ,
discretion and wisdom ...
To peek is the basis for religion ...
Copyright March 10 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Our artificial Christmas tree stands tall in the living room , a monument to holiday material splendor and greed , blocking my favorite view of the natural world and it's abundant sacraments .. Its location being quite pestiferous yet proper ..
Copyright December 12 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Chocolate soldiers wield peppermint sticks , guard the Duke and Duchess of Licorice Whips ..
Admiral Nougat Candy Company sails the ocean blue with a cargo full of candies made especially for you !! Bound for Cinnamon Beach on The Cocoa Islands , home of Marshmallow Trees and Butterscotch houses !  
Lemon drop dancers perform in sweet harmony with a Lollipop Choir and a Sugar Cookie Orchestra !  Sir Candy Cane and the Earl of Peanut Brittle , the Baron of Gumdrops , Lady Plum Pudding !
Queen Divinity reads a poem to her JellyRoll Kingdom while a Cupcake plays a tune on a Horehound Fiddle !
Copyright December 2 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
As I take in this beautiful confusion
November's breath is but an illusion ,
misconstrued as something permanent ,
simply frost longing to paint the firmament
A homeward trail , sugar glazed southern
pastry begging for black coffee , chips of
black walnut and pecan , golden apple
stained glass fragmenting portals to nirvana
and beyond
Happy sun , frosted window masterpiece -
Tall , ***** loblolly knights guard this wooded
Nosey , noisy ravens giving away my location
Aromatic , seedling evergreens to tempt my
imagination* ...
Copyright November 21 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
May the deity that paints your sunsets -
improve your outlook towards your fellow-
man ...
Copyright December 5 , 2022 by Randolph L Wilson 8 All Rights Reserved
Quietude coupled with soft memories .. Panoramic views from marble benches , peace surrounding soft lakeland scenery ..  Bronze testaments dot shamrock greens on motionless , Sunday introspective afternoons ... Soulful communication and memory with the interred , curious dialogue between songbirds spark the hopeful hour of communion and togetherness ..
Copyright February 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
We're downy feathers thrown into a turbulent wind
We land where we land , good or bad by -
the laws of chance and happenstance ....
Copyright January 21 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Cotton fields , row after row from land's zenith -
to lowland riverside
Gravel roadways beside native flowers of every color , forested shadows with unique trees of every design
Magnolias and Live Oaks cooling farm and village alike
Courthouse squares , cascading brooks and marbled
This is where I reside* ....
Copyright August 7 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Give me brown sugar grass
Sunny afternoon dispositions
Soprano bluejays & country byways
Grandkids , daughters & warm inspirations
River-rock chimneys , hot coffee & loving memories ....
Copyright January 1 , 2023 by Randolph L Wilson & All Rights Reserved
Precious , precocious Bluebird fledglings ,
seeking their bravado in the Red Tip hedges
Ruby Hummers running circles 'round Swallowtail dancers ,
Anoles playing tag in the Red Rose bramble
Chipmunks hard at work 'neath the Weeping Willow canopies ,
Bumblebees and Yellowjackets claim the stone- fruit
trees while aromatic Gardenia , Magnolia and Pine Sage belong
to Paper Wasp , Honey and Cuckoo Bees  
The Sunshine a long lost lover , the broom sage a friend
yet discovered
Cherokee brothers visit the Chattahoochee lowlands , Thor
rumbles on the Alabama border , the sky a mosaic of brilliant
hues , purple flowered grasslands and Morning Glory blues
Copyright June 2 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Where do honeybees go
after they die
Do they grace and forage a universal
Do they still seek honey day and night
Do they navigate by sun and starlight
Will they continue to entertain us in our next life
Copyright March 14 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The volition of Augusta planter and blacksmith ..
Elberton Pulp-wooder and Quarryman .. The song of the steam fired engine , back breaking labor of Tifton Sharecropper and Atlanta Iron -worker ..
To the heat lightning of the humid Georgia night , the cold rain of
November , the unsure , bitter turbulent shrieking winds of March ..
The first turn of the Albany Ploughman , to the evening whistle of Macon Factory worker . To dawns horizon goes the Brunswick Shrimper , to the honor of Cattleman and Savannah Tugboat tender ...
Copyright March 23 , 2016  by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

My Georgia heroes ..
A few of my relatives have become screen doors -
trying to hold back a Winter storm
Copyright October 22 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Calm . Anchored by sea , low on provision . Indifferent placid waters , inescapable heat . Rumor of cannibalism on board . Our penance for wickedness , gluttony and vanity .. The Horses thrown overboard at noon !  In spite of travail , military bearing of crew has solidified ! The confusion , fear and cries of their sacrifice failed to remove the firm countenance of weathered , battle hardened sailor ! The sea shall return her dead one day as told in Scripture just as the the westerlies have returned to guide our party home . Georgia's continuous coastal breeze haunts my mind , work and at rest , painfully filled with the cry of the Horses !
Copyright September 25 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A hammer has a face and a claw
Let the painter paint , the sketcher draw
Two rowers to the right , two rowers to the left ,
one man only at the vessels helm* ...
Copyright December 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Millicent hid a rotted tooth with her pretty hand , schemed every whimsical , nervous smile .. St. Patricks medallion hung prominent at the neckline , Millie scribbled in black marker on a company name tag ..
Her back to the building at closing time , an occasional laugh , whispering in a co-workers ear like girls do sometimes , glowing in the realm of a yellow security light .. Locked in brief thought , waiting for her ride home ...
Copyright February 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Fiery Sun virga o'er flaxen cover
The wishful phoneme of rain-
has come over without a sound
Crusted , fragmented farm shares ,
storm ditches turned to stone
The choking dust of August collects ,
covering homesteads in barren misery-
and stunted harvest
Hopes for the chilled rain of November
in the Dog Days of Summer have long
since gone
Copyright April 6 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Winter mornings tinted with frosted chalk
Beautiful , fleeting and delicate , at the mercy
of the eastern Sun* ....
Copyright August 30 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
If we were all tinted morning gold & sky blue ,-
what a clever way to retort the truth
Our light from within exposed in the cold
unsure night , the reflection of our gods -
curbing the thoughts of war & strife ...
Love nestled in the looking glass
Mans curiosity centered on the life-giving shore &
the mountain pass ..
Becalmed in the company of cardinal , jay &
wren , in stalwart faith of the evening wind ...
The morning musician , the noontide thespian ,
the evening surveyor & loves genteel purveyor ...
Copyright February 11 , 2022 by RandolphL Wilson*All RightsReserved
If I could invert myself and travel into the blue
T'would be a magical thing to do
Grab a cloudy pillow to rest my weary head
Find the crescent moon to make my bed
Ride an asteroid on a voyage through the Milky Way
Approach the Little Dipper via galactic train
Hang my hat on a star , catch a comet with a jar
Stair step Orion's belt , stop for angel cake cooling
on Andromeda's shelf* ...
Copyright February 15 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Summon the Strategic Air Command
The world could use more rock bands
Load the B-52's with Ludwig drum sets
and Marshall stacks , tie a twelve string
around the paratroopers backs
Saturate the zone with music books , score pads
and stands
Run missions non-stop , send commandos behind
operational lines bearing SG's and Les Pauls
Microphone stands and PA's , Roland keyboards
on every corner , continue dropping supplies till the world comes
to order* ..
Copyright December 9 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I have in my hand , the very dollar bill , was a cash settlement for postage stamps in Chattahoochee Hills , same bill that fed the Kitty at a strip joint in Dallas ,  bought a Charms Sucker at a bowling alley in Texarkana ! Helped pay the rent on a duplex in Santa Fe , went toward the water bill in Reno , Nevada.  On its way to New Orleans , handed off by a trucker in Abilene . Handed over to a **** dealer from Chattanooga , wound up in a offering plate in Kalamazoo , Michigan !
Copyright October 1 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
You foolish beings
You left the safety of the trees with
a plentiful diet of fruits , nuts and berries
You acquired a taste for blood that -
sent you to your knees
Your protein addicted brains developed
tools to inflict pain , to carve flesh ,
introducing your animal brethren to the pang of
uncontrolled , calculated , violent death
Today , we continue to watch from the branches
Thankful for the power of flight
To distance ourselves from your -
destruction with all our might* ..
Copyright December 7 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Have you heard the black 'n tans -
howling by the December moonlight
Have you shot mistletoe down -
from high atop an oak tree
Gathered pecans on a frosty -
morning , toted well water -
in the heat of summer , led cattle
to their winter quarters
Have you picked blackberries and wild plums -
all day from the side of a gravel road
Have you ambled long distances through -
piedmont forest to get to a little country store
Did you ever seine minnows an hunt crayfish
in the springtime
Have you tasted concord grapes fresh off the vine* ..
Copyright November 29 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Ever done time at a dog pound with
lackluster nurses ,where they're free to
curse and carry on , the only witnesses
are "the crazy and the captives" , professionals angry with their lot in life ,
acting quite put upon
Feeding the animals through a security door
Handing out the chemicals at 10 , 2 and 4
Waking 'the dregs' every fifteen minutes all through the night
Treating people inhumanely then acting shocked when they try to bite* ...
Copyright February 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

The care for Psychiatric patients in this country is out of control ...
Good morning Mary Ellen , you are absolutely right .. Depression shouldn't be the focal point in a beautiful life .. Confusion easily disappears while holding hands with your best friend .. You've returned me to the miracle of creative afternoons with virtually no end ..
When you touch me it makes me want to cry .. As I implore of you to understand my darker side your eyes irradiate my night ..
All the beauty in this world returns my heart to your window ..
I've great comfort as your voice brightens my soul , solace unlike anything I've ever known ..
The joy of Winter constellations that explain the cold sky , the companionship of my dreams purveyor ,
the Muse of a wondrous poetic new life* ..
Copyright January 20 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Mirrors hold rolling eyes and snickers
Times looking glass houses shame and trickery
The death of the mind for the weak
I can see their grotesque faces while I speak
Reflections of people that feed upon pain
Their very corruption vying for a cast iron drain to fill
Their laughter during the ***** ..
Copyright October 9 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I have yet to let loose of the youngster within , methodically drawing pictures into red clay ..
Breaking tiny twigs , sailing them in storm ditches after
thunderstorm rains ...
Climbing Live Oaks , high atop the " Crows Nest " on a Navy ship
in treacherous seas , writing poems in chalk on a lonely 'Summertime
street ..'
Copyright April 5 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Child do not sigh , for birds to grow weary , South they fly into picturesque scenery , happy thoughts abound after storm clouds depart , visions of rainbows and trunks full of gold ! ... Set upon the moon and sprinkle pixie dust , reach for a star to call your own ! Ride upon Pegasus through the Milky Way , past Orion , Pisces and the Pleiades . Float down to Earth and kissed by the Sun , awake and cheerful for the Dawn !
Copyright October 2 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Hot buttered biscuits , homemade strawberry jam
Cool November mornings I've felt through a pane of glass
The beaches of Nova Scotia to the lighthouse on Tybee Island
Mother ocean , she pulls at my feet as the tide draws away
Good morning Savannah dancer* .....
(C) September 2015 Randolph L Wilson   All Rights Reserved
Shucking ten bushels of corn would've given Socrates philosophic insights far beyond what we currently have record of* ...
Copyright April 24 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
There is nothing more beautiful than -
a confidant worker in the midst of his -
or her labors ...
Copyright March 19 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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