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Raingoaway Aug 2015
I always thought how cliché we were,
'You liked me, I liked you.' became
'You loved me. I love you.'
But then, clichés weren't meant to last were they?
Raingoaway Aug 2015
You were all I ever wanted
And I thought you wanted me too
Too bad that I was only an option
Just coming to number 2
Raingoaway Aug 2015
One day,
Ill be the one to mention your name like you didnt mean so much to me.

So many years have gone by after all.
I hope that day'll come soon.
Raingoaway Aug 2015
When I had your arms wrapped around me
It felt like I was on top of the world
It was exhilarating,
But at the same, forbidden.
Deep down, I know that I left a part of my heart with you even as I pulled away.
Raingoaway Jun 2016
after school we'd sit on the bench,
some obscure opera song -
loudly playing on the neighbor's radio
and I'd laugh at your annoyed face
you said that you don't get it
and I tell you that I like it
that its calming
and you proceed to rest your head
on my shoulders, as if you'd sleep
but you never did
oh how I missed those times
Raingoaway Aug 2015
You asked me to be yours again in my dreams,
And because Im such a sucker for you, I agreed.
You were so happy, and in turn, so was I.
But all dreams end, and when I woke, that wonderful feeling turned into this sinking feeling at the pit of my stomach.
And I hate it. I hate that you can still affect me when I know that I dont even cross your mind.

— The End —