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Rae E Smart Oct 2017
I know I am the burden
The weight of heavy stone
Annoyance and regret
The strain of splinted bone
Mishap and misfortune
Broken record prone
If only I could find a way
To lift this weary load

To you I am frustration
My mirror suggests disgust
I wish my presence meant relief
A face that displays trust

I understand such hesitation
Avoidance at the helm
For why would I expect conviction
When I can't even trust myself?
Rae E Smart Aug 2016
It never really stops hurting
through contagious laughter,
filled glasses,
and occupied beds.
It's still there
Reminding you that he once existed
through strangers smiles,
and unfamiliar but comforting hugs.
They're there,
the memories.
And although you chuckle and say
"Who him?"
Nothing will ever remind yourself
that you’re a liar
quite like those words.
Because he existed,
he made you believe,
then told you none of it mattered.
And you know he's still on this path
leaving casualties behind
whispering to themselves
"Who him?”
  Jun 2016 Rae E Smart
and i have never really understood why i hate luggage.
why i barely own handbags,
and would much rather fit the necessities in my purse.
why school didn't seem so bad if i had less books on my back.

i had never really understood why i hated so much baggage.

until i realised that it was because i already had all of me,
to carry.
  Jun 2016 Rae E Smart
Ford Prefect
the thing they don't mention
the thing they don't want
or the person with the
checkbook to know is
after it gets better
it always gets
  Jun 2016 Rae E Smart
Ellie Geneve
I'll be an empty canvas
as long as you're the paint
adding color to my madness.

I'll be the midnight sky
as long as you're the fireworks
and it's the fourth of July.

I'll be an empty stomach
as long as you're the butterflies.
I'll be the void
If you'll be the cries.
The ketchup to your fries.

Can't you see?
You fill me up so perfectly.
Like you were made for me
like you and I were meant to be.

You are...

The feet to my socks
The juice to my box
The tic tok to my broken clocks

You are...

My reason being.
Rae E Smart Jun 2016
It was bursting inside me!
I needed him to know.
But every time I mustered the confidence
to voice what had been encircling my brain,
I was once again burdened
when only a small breath was released from my lips.

He's just so soft,
yet when I lay next to him I feel only security.

Soft, strong security.

Like the most comfortable bed
that allows you to continue dreaming during a hurricane.

He answers all of my questions;
my pointless, curious questions.
And when he answers them
he never makes me feel
like asking if anyone would notice
if everything in the universe grew three sizes
is an unimportant question.
His tales of the world and war take me to different places
which my spontaneous mind,
always looking for an escape from daily monotonies
really needs.

He is my escape.
Right here at home,
right here with him.

I escape, and dream, and smile.

I needed him to know all of this,
but he is a man that likes to get to the point.
And I felt these small words would make him understand.

It started deep, deep down inside me,
in a place I hadn't even known existed.
And with each passing moment
got nearer to my lips.

Yet again, the tiniest breath escaped.

So I grabbed his hand and thought to myself,
"maybe tomorrow"
as if one days time would give me the courage.
So I intertwined our fingers,
and squeezed his hand.
Hoping that it would be enough to make him see
that I thought he was the most magnificent person
I'd ever met.

As I closed my eyes, and silently admitted defeat,
I felt his breath on my neck
followed by the words
"I know,
and I love you"
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