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 Mar 2013 Quinn
Lendon Partain
The sand hides the sun.
Through a fog of particulate silica.
For the first time in my life,
I may look upon that glowing
bearing, for minutes straight.

Innards swallow,
That rock it flings,
Paints on the light.
Now the water vapor hangs,
Amongst its spiny rays,
Creating a mist of cloudy haze.
My eyes must seek to,
Alas they lose this skirmish fray.
The sun cannot hide its specter.
The doppelganger image always,
Dapper and prim.
Amongst the thoughts in rift entrails of brain,
I think i am my brain. I don't think that when, head cut from body,
Shall my soul reside where my heart was;
Instead I may see, conscious, from where the two parted.
Creating a scar from which to view this hazed sun.
Ever notice,
How the eyes,
Are the only,
You can,
See from...

I can be an Ammonite with many chambers calcified.
Ghost fossil human head.
A ghost in a shell.
My eyes will carve shapes from the clouds.
 Mar 2013 Quinn
 Mar 2013 Quinn
Too much,
Too far,
Too fragile or
Too late.

I attack the wall
With bloodied fist,
I scream into the receiving end
Of an cold, empty staircase.

Childhood is over.

Teenage are years gone.

College life melts away
Like snowflakes on the slick sidewalk.

There is a road
One can travel,
With another
Or alone.

There is a place one can live,
Either seeking love
Of avoiding it.

There is a family
One can live for
Or brush away like dust.

Seeking acceptance,
I am greeted, instead, with

Every star that shines,
One day burns out.
Each wave of the sea,
Eventually crashes.

Instead of dying,
Let death leave you.
No longer afraid of the grave;
Cease yearning to be saved.

Death does not take me;
I take myself towards death.
Shadow on the wall holds my form
But I am gone, out the door

Melancholia straps me down with leather braces
A horizon melts in front of me like ice cream
Tip toeing through wasp filled streets
The clouds part as the smart business men of age
Count their money and double check their wage
 Mar 2013 Quinn
Lendon Partain
I once went to Auschwitz, dove in the shoes.
Saw bunch of mannequins in bomb shelters from the fifties.
the house wives listened to blues.
Saw Vietnam Memorial, passed out, ** Chi Min Got hot in d.c.
Cold War cold cuts were all the news, sewing old men toupees in our weaves.

Walked trenches through Germany in mustard gas rainclouds
Saw, **** between Trotsky and Lenin, before he was a mummy.
Listened to George Bush shake Barrack Obama's hand, we are free now.
Caught world war three on the midnight news tele.

In Shambala Destiny, Chocolate covered rose petals,
From the end of the space shuttles kettle.
Boil over tipping point, all your fighting is over.

The air hangs of hung weird folk.
We can hate everyone, but ourselves.
Each moment in history had some one to hate,
Statist tend to do that to opposing encroaching States.

WE get to own the slaves, the cows of neck tie collars,
Oligarchy of patriarchical, man meat, manipulative, demagogic, isolationist, miscreant, pro-government pseudo-capitalist, state CORPORATION dollars.
Join the army old men. You hold a gun like a limp ****.
You gotta hold mine to my head, Cause money ain't doin' ******'s trick.

I jump from a painting of war veteran spiritualism.
I give no glory to people fighting for my freedom.
I hate violence, no one will ever FIGHT for MY freedom.
I am Freedom.
No state can make me that way.
No gun in my hand will change evil men.
My words must be my gun.
No one will hold my weapon.

Evil is evil, you cannot change its face through plastic surgery, Prozac, religion, or painting any other name on true morals.
 Mar 2013 Quinn
 Mar 2013 Quinn
If my eyes should betray,
pluck them from their holes.
and if my hands deny you,
cut them from my arms.
and when my feet turn away
from us
smash me at the knees
for I would rather be
blind and lame
than not be yours,
in your garden of grey blooms.
Originally posted March 7, 2012
 Mar 2013 Quinn
Lendon Partain
A perfect synapse to this ecology.
To this drone.
To this end game night.
When all tranquil hits at the same quantum.
This time piece of us is forever as we sit above skyline in the ether.
Clouds hold us like tombstones, in their clutch as earth.
I expose you to my inner bastion of thought and you accept. You agree to love.
The environments perfect for the crispness of night.
The crisp clarity of the night and shadow.
On this grave dug dirt, we set higher than any scraper of sky.
We are at the belly of the beast ready, to disembowel the tyrant.
We no longer are two but in sync and hold all power, beauty, and aesthetic measure.
The tide eats us into its stomach, where we protect fortune.
In the end it's that one person.
That one keepsake when we die.
Our last thought besides ourselves in our heart and mind.
Our final passion.
Now tell me that’s not dying together.
 Mar 2013 Quinn
Lendon Partain
Writing from calm
Calm, blankness, stark.

Perpetuate it
always want this

this is a good outlet
by the leaves
calm is not boring
it is the opposite.
It burns with promise,
dark buildings
at pitch black;
calm is a torch in
castle walls.

Stand still.

Carry calm
in pockets,
closer to skin than
wallets or watches.

Watch the calm
and let it still
this is beauty
is, fire,

 Mar 2013 Quinn
Lendon Partain
My world changed.
Now. I. am.
Dis- inherit.

More like the unwanted
a party for yourself.

That un wanted
is always

Banners can say your name.
One thousand times.

Out of skyscrapers, bungee jumping
from space shuttles.

Saltating, from your inner
lung meat.
Banners, with names, can only spittle lies.

Now unwanted I wanna leave,
get out,
only 3 more miserly months
of a kingdom of intellectual
gods and tzars.
screaming my party name,
but I.

I am sitting
While I'm grieving
and admitting in my seat
clenching to be let out
breaking cracking/gnashing teeth
left alone. all wanted
left to brain rot
but forced to sponge
learning what i want in
learning my ashcans full
i am done
I will. remain. despondent.
I wont apply my neurons
motor-sensory illusion
for math demagogues
what the ****
crust me over
cut my brain-case
destroy all brain
function and matter
grey dissolve to black
and white every *******
shade inside
meat bowel

Lifeboats float back up to the top, after
re-inflated, I breathe air once again. My
retinas detect the light coming from
packets of waves emitting from the shore.
I float back up from the cold sea to the rock.
This is about my last three months in college. Some of the absolute dumbest people I ever met finished college with me :/ Whats that say about me....

Saltating- Synonym Jumping
 Mar 2013 Quinn
Lendon Partain
Some of the
Most important
Words I've read
Have been on very
Of paper

The greatest
I've felt

The vast Brings most pain
Atom bombs
Titanic sinkings
Power plants meltdown
Large stupid men

Of No Consequence.
Enough with the stains.
You're offensive, period.
Born with half a brain.

Logic trumps feelings?
Men are better. Then, women.
Drowning in being.

Can't control themselves,
shopping for trinkets and toys,
crap to fill the shelves.

Desperate for love.
Insecure, pathetic things.
Who do I speak of?
This is a concept piece. A series of 4 provocative haiku, meant to make you think.
Designed to be difficult for men to read aloud without sounding like an *******.
Without careful attention to punctuation, some lines are misinterpretation-bound:
for example, "Your offensive period" and "men are better than women".
My intent was to suggest disrespect to women, though men are the real target here.
Dedicated to ******* misogynists, who are more insecure than women ever could be.
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