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 Mar 2014 Harmony
why, I wonder,
 Mar 2014 Harmony
why, I wonder, have I become so fragile
when I used to be so strong

why, I wonder, do I see the world as if everyone is against me
when I can break through and see that they are not

why, I wonder, does my heart beat so fast and terror rushes through my veins for seemingly no reason at all
when there is nothing to be afraid of

why, I wonder, can I find so many flaws within myself
which were not there before

And with that I fell asleep
 Mar 2014 Harmony

Looking behind me

all I see

*is an ****
 Mar 2014 Harmony
 Mar 2014 Harmony
Moth wings fluttering against my cheekbones
you are warmth
you are light

I am standing at the edge of this ocean
watching the galaxy pool around me

I do not care if it is a halo or horns
you have hiding out beneath your hat

It does not matter to me if you have shoulder blades
where your wings should be

We can press our bones together for all of eternity
We can be an archeological discovery

Love buried in ash
You are forever all I will need
 Dec 2013 Harmony
Francisco DH
The sun sent a kiss through
The window but it never landed on his lips.
The sun tried to feel
his rounded his face
but he left with the shadows
Preventing the sun's radiant fingers
Caressing his face.
I too sent a kiss
         Tried to feel
but my advancements
were met with
dodging behind the shadows
Pulling back at the last second
avoidance of every kind.
We stare with tear stricken eyes
from a distance
while our anger
Consumes all logic
Releasing jealousy
someone grows
 Dec 2013 Harmony
Nothing is wrong
But everything is wrong
There’s no reason for this sadness,
But it’s inescapable
It’s pulling me down, drowning me
Over and over again
Lost in this sea of thoughts
Unable to find the way home
Tired of being here,
But unable to move
So lonely, but so unable to talk
So exhausted,
But always awake
The waves of guilt and shame never sleep
 Dec 2013 Harmony
You took a shovel and dug out the feelings i had left inside,
You took away my bubble and left an empty pit in it's place.
Am reeling from everything supposed to be there which isn't.
My heart beats yet it's mimicking motions of living.
My chest heaves taking in breaths,
Letting out frustration.
I know I said I let go but guess am a liar.
Or just a fool.
Cause I walked away and expected you to stay.
I turned my back and when you did too the tie between my destiny and yours snapped.
Didn't expect it to hurt as much though.
Like being torpedoed and crushed.
I passed by where we used to hang out,
Got hit in the face by a pair of ***** so big my heart stopped.
Dunno if it's cause I feel i can't compete with that, or maybe am just selfish.
Either way you won.
Couldn't do right by me.
And you got someone you are doing it all for.
 Dec 2013 Harmony
EP Mason
Every ***** in paradise
flocks to you my love
sippin' on that alcohol
you're a cheap dime store drug
but they gotta have you
spilling outta their veins
you got that emotional loving, babe
you got them all in your brain

Whistle while you're working on 'em
and they got tar and love in their lungs
you're still knocking back that whiskey
and they're all living off ***
oh, emotional loving babe
what's a girl gonna do
they crave that emotional loving
but all I crave is you
© Erin Mason 2013
(these are actually the lyrics to a blues song I've been working on)

— The End —