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Jun 2010 · 759
A Moment of Silence?
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Chased by the deafening echoes
Of the silent screams in my soul
The cold steel walls of my heart are rusty
Aged and oxidized from the briny ocean of tears
copyright©PrttyBrd 23/05/2010
Jun 2010 · 853
Hope, Pride, and Faith
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Eager and hopeful
Anticipatory nerves
Catching and holding
Each breath for a brief instant
A second of pride,
Almost missed as it passes,
Cannot be deadly
Smile for a moment, in joy
Release the clenched fist
Holding doubt so fervently
Believe you can, and you will
A Choka

copyright©PrttyBrd 08/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 408
I'd Rather It Be Me
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Walking through that door
It's twenty years ago
Stress binds the head
Yet loosens the mouth
Endless circle of love
Laced with repression
Though it is ever-so subtle
The foul flavor remains
Leaching into every crevice
Seeping through every pore
Spewing forth at the most inopportune moments
It is that explosion of the vile
That will be remembered
It will color perception almost black
The worst overshadows
The best withers away
The past is the present on the other side
This time, it was another who was the lamb
The sacrifice was unbearable and heartbreaking
As they craved fresh blood
And got their fix
Forever silenced,
To form an untainted opinion
It must be looked upon with bare eyes
Soul shaking, and silent
Only by lurking in the shadows
Can the wounds begin to heal
Under cover of the sacrifice of others,
There is safety.
But there is no freedom in guilt
There is no joy in their pain
Scars yield a thicker hide
Jaded by experience
Yet eternally marred by bearing witness
This transitory passage need not be
Cannot be, and will not be again
The innocent will no longer be sacrificed
For it will forever be me upon that altar
It is all can be done
copyright©PrttyBrd 06/06/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
Jun 2010 · 769
Road to Tranquility
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Not spiteful by nature
But spiteful just the same
Unrealized and unintentional
The tongue lashes out
Cleaving trust and respect
As it rends flesh from the heart
Innocent eyes and tears of pain
At war because they are the same
At odds because they cannot see
Longing for Peace
While skipping in minefields
After denial will come responsibility
Yet through it all
There is love
copyright©PrttyBrd 06/06/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
Jun 2010 · 891
But For The Rain
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Green, in varied hues
Lush and earthen, nature sings
Mother is reborn
copyright©PrttyBrd 06/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 974
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Invisible she
Sheets of anger like a storm
Blinding as they sting
copyright©PrttyBrd 06/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 1.0k
Freedom (by Bun#1)
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
It is like a bird soaring past the horizon

Not stopping until it reaches its end,

And sinks down until it cannot be seen

It will take to the skies once more

Until it reaches the top

Doing what is good when you please,

wherever you may go

It is life

It is you

The opportunity to change what you have done
Written by my 11 yr old son.

copyright©PrttyBrd 04/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 5.5k
Sonnet to a Mermaid
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Island vacation relaxing and calm
Her fluid nature cannot be ignored
Drawn to her heat with the promise of more
There go the lazy days spent 'neath the palm
Enchanted Princess in an island tale
A bronzen mermaid in the deep blue sea
One look, you'll be who she wants you to be
And revel with new found freedom in sail
The water sparkles in the setting sun
Splashes like fireworks welcome the night
Outlines of flesh reflected in moonlight
In the shadows of waves two become one
Reckless abandon, a perfect escape
In her arms he found that dreams could take shape
Inspired by Far Flung Fun by David Thomas
copyright©PrttyBrd 04/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 1.1k
Neverlasting (a Quinzaine)
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Love travels with the seasons.
Is love a tourist?
Will it stay?
copyright©PrttyBrd 02/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 888
Nothing Left to Chance
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Tortured inside myself
Watching in measured silence as the glass empties...again
Nervous laughter and high hopes
Tug of war lost,
As I cannot hold the stare that the glance grew into
The stare that sparked the notion of possibility
Liquid courage and bare feet
Silly jokes and that smile
That smile that melts down defenses
And breaks the dam of restraint
Impatient and emboldened
I step outside myself
As the lines blur, then disappear
**** the wine that drowned my judgment
**** that smile that drew me in
A tentative brush of the ankle
Waters test warm
Ravenous, we dive in
Inspired by Chance

copyright©PrttyBrd 01/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 1.3k
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Wildfire, camouflaged
In a shell of normalcy,
She will consume you
copyright©PrttyBrd 01/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 824
Luna My Love
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Luna, My Love
I see the beauty in the darkness
Luna, My Love
I hear the stars sing your praise
Luna, My Love
You see me off to peaceful slumber
Luna, oh Luna My Love
copyright©PrttyBrd 01/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 1.7k
Power of Love
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Stale air crosses the lips of past love
Time has turned the sweet; repugnant
Until the heart flutters again in hope,
Veiled emotion builds a wall
Weathered by time, or crumbled by loves successor
ABC style.

copyright©PrttyBrd 01/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 367
The Heart Can See
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
To see through closed eyes
Truth so bold that it's blinding
Questions answered in silence
Heartbeats tell the tale
Pounding desperately in pain
Racing with passion
Unable to fool the soul
Close your eyes and feel your way
A Choka  5-7-5-7-5-7...ending in 7-7.  Can be any length, so long as it is longer than a Tanka which is 5-7-5/7-7

copyright©PrttyBrd 01/06/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
May 2010 · 448
PrttyBrd May 2010
A sideways glance
a flush of color
Stolen breath and a smile
copyright©PrttyBrd 31/05/2010- From 14
May 2010 · 4.0k
PrttyBrd May 2010
Boiling blood and angry eyes
Boil over in tears that do not cry
For this idea, one last good-bye
Is a selfish notion
Proximity breeds what hearts belie
Jagged emotion
So this, our little rendezvous
I swore that I would never do
Until, of course, you asked me too
The doorknob's turning
Now, it must be followed through
My heart lies burning
Ferocity to match my own
Intensifies this time alone
The love has long-since been outgrown
There is no forgiveness
Just pleasure like we’ve never known
This time, I’ll win this
Then finally, you’ll realize
I’ve grown into these golden thighs
That seem to have you hypnotized
Within their power
And far too late you realize
You’ve been devoured
By the woman who stands glistening bare
Watching you with tainted glare
In a flash the passion flares
Drunk acrobatics
Bring forth new heights our bodies share
Now spent and static
Breathless and dripping wet
As close to hate as love can get
And this amazing last duet
An exclamation
In this goodbye lives no regret
No indignation
Inspired by Spite Akimbo by David Thomas

copyright©PrttyBrd 29/05/2010
May 2010 · 544
The Journey
PrttyBrd May 2010
You are love that’s unabated
You are soul forever sated
We are eternally fated
We’re our cause of hearts elated
Joy divine

Surprises come with every turn
With every breath our bodies yearn
To be explored without concern
With every smell and touch we earn
Less inhibition

A lifetime blinks and dances by
More joyous tears than sadness cry
A softly singing lullaby
Peaceful slumber
And when the angel comes comply
I’ll not encumber
In Burns' Stanza

copyright©PrttyBrd 29/05/2010- From 14
May 2010 · 3.4k
Point in Time
PrttyBrd May 2010
Tempted to darkness
Bribed in heat, the truth remains
Blind in the moment
Ponderings on 'Accomplice' by Marsha Singh

copyright©PrttyBrd 28/05/2010
May 2010 · 735
Life's Lesson #1
PrttyBrd May 2010
A lesson learned for all to know
The greenest grass lies under toe
It's eyes that ever-wander so
The hues allure
And thoughts that run away, could grow
Contempt, for sure

For darker green across the way
Could lure the tempted heart astray
Down broken streets lined with decay
To awaken
In fields of weeds in brown and gray
Perception shaken

The running, has let greed abound
Now from that field of weeds is found
The deepest green is on the ground
That once seemed vile
Back where contempt had made a frown
Now breeds a smile

Before a twist of fate can lead
A want must grow into a need
But be aware, this warning heed
Wear rosy glasses
Don't live a life that's lead by greed
Temptation passes
My attempt at Burns' Stanza

copyright©PrttyBrd 28/05/2010
May 2010 · 1.0k
Good Times?
PrttyBrd May 2010
Slithering serpents, midnight chills
The shadows twist and bend at will
The hall is growing longer still
                                   The spinning sky
Has heralded I've reached my fill
                                    A  fool am I

Instead of falling on the floor
There was a chair beside the door
I sat and smiled and begged for more
                                    And all seemed well
Not knowing what it had in store
                                     I could not tell

That floating feet beneath the mind
Had chosen to be quite unkind
And proved immensely hard to find
                                       That witching hour
Scared that they'd be left behind
                                        Or worse, devoured

Dragged with screams of desperation
Sighs lined with exasperation
Could not grasp the intonation
                                       Without my feet
Doubled over there was elation
                                        At last we meet

The wails, that proved I was insane,
Crescendoed, through my thrashing brain
This clearly was not my domain
                                        I found my shoes
Only the truest friends remain
                                        Can't hold my *****
copyright©PrttyBrd 28/05/2010
May 2010 · 1.7k
Bane of My Exsitence
PrttyBrd May 2010
The howling dog does more than bey at moons
He heralds nightmares calling in the dark
It seems that shadows heighten canine fears
For silence only takes control at noon
Sleep deprived, the sun is way too happy
Slumber awaits beyond the bedroom door
With closing eyes, the dreams begin their show
Flowers dancing, and cherubs watch from clouds
Gnawing, gnashing, gruesome scenes awaken
Barking howling doggies never sleeping
Closing eyes flash red in remembrance
A blind date's couch can offer a reprieve
In return there are no expectations
After lunch no future plans are made
Left longing for peaceful slumber at home
Trade with darkness, looking rather cozy
The Devil's beasts have conquered one more soul
Blank Verse
May 2010 · 3.1k
PrttyBrd May 2010
Liquid eyes of topaz blue
Pierce the soul through the heavens
Leaving the heart enveloped
In joyous embrace
A Dodoitsu- From 14
May 2010 · 621
PrttyBrd May 2010
Sitting in silence.  Trying not to look like I’m watching you work.  Taking in the lines your body makes as you sit in concentration.  The curve of your shoulder, the crook of your neck, the way your hand frames your face as you think.  You are beautiful.  Your furrowed brow and the way your lips remain parted moving ever so slightly as you exhale.  The brightness of your lips beckons a kiss.  Slow, deliberate kisses of longing, kisses full of intent to devour, ignited by the warmth of you.  

Watching in silence  
Waiting for the slightest sign
Caught, and feign denial

You wink that wink that makes me blush, that flushes my body with fire.  You seem tired as you sigh.  You close your eyes and blink away the glare.  That’s my cue.  Impassioned by the mere thought of you, by the memory of the last time or the first time.  

Being the hunted
Actively stalked by the beast
There is no escape
May 2010 · 828
Children's Game?
PrttyBrd May 2010
Piggies at markets
Piggies at home
Piggies eating cows
Starving piggies crying
May 2010 · 687
PrttyBrd May 2010
Hand-carved wooden frame
Longing for artful beauty
All I see, is you
May 2010 · 1.5k
A Quiet Night Alone
PrttyBrd May 2010
A colorless sunset disappears
Melancholy underlies a quiet night alone
Itchy feet and restless thoughts
No sleep for the weary
White noise fills the space reserved for real emotion
Crippled mind and clogged heart
Regurgitating memories trying to feel myself
Comfort in the absence of pain
A vapid existence
A quiet night alone
May 2010 · 857
The World Today
PrttyBrd May 2010
Severed ties to humanity
Vacant eyes
Vapid words of witless wonder
Hanging on the insipid
And shunning the inspired
Road less traveled, too much trouble
Super-sized spare tires
Alcoholic ultra-guts
Fashion models ******
Crack ***** beautiful
Shades of gray pave the way
To a rock slide of morality
Honesty; when it gets you something
Lowered standards make the grade
Submission no longer requires a beating
Consequences be ******
Village idiots rule the world
Silenced masses
Hopeless and withered
Blinded by conformity
Change the “Norm”
Can one voice change the world?
Believe in something
Suffer together
Stand alone
Suppressed by fear of unknown causes
Physical symptoms of man-made convenience
Ease of use
Stress and tension
Souls for sale
Buy one get three free
Put them in a plastic bag
Suffocate, asphyxiate
Waves of massive zombies
Couch potatoes
Governmental finger puppets
Train of thought’s run off its track
Mindless we wander
Tell us what to think
TV, a dark temptation,
A brief reprieve from real-world Evil
Close your eyes
Find religion in whatever form
Take the hand of many
Or walk the path alone
What is right for one
May not be right for all
Make the choice
or it will be made for you
Herded like cattle to our own demise
May 2010 · 2.0k
PrttyBrd May 2010
Superhero heavyweights
Alter ego misfits
Scandalous fall from grace
Public pain and private parties
Golden idol ego trips
Wrath of God
Not wrath of Kahn
Read a book
Take a look around
Stop flying high
Too messed up to see
The damage done
Idolaters be dammed
First commandment
Godless society
Superhero wannabes
Glory and the fame
Expand the putrid that make-up cannot mask
Everybody’s business
Do as you say not as you do
Becomes, monkey see monkey do
Flying high without a net
Newbies falling from the sky
That is not empowerment
Luck is not strategy
And life is not a game
Find importance
Both within and without
Then dawn your cape
And fly away
To help your fellow man
Not just your selfish greed
copyright©PrttyBrd May 2010
May 2010 · 1.6k
Cool Breezes and Butterflies
PrttyBrd May 2010
Tall grassy fields full of sunflowers
Warm sun dancing through the swiftly moving clouds
Wildflowers sprinkled across the meadow like confetti
Butterflies scatter as you pass
Filling the world with movement and beauty
The tickling wings flutter by and a smile emerges
Unsuppressed and innocent
May 2010 · 2.4k
The House in the Woods
PrttyBrd May 2010
Tattered and torn the curtains sway in the wind
The old boards moan and creak, cobwebs with forgotten meals
Images of times long past, with fresh paint and loving care
How beautiful the past, way back when
Now, its pain so evident that it saddens
The old boards still retain potential for greatness
In the cracked and broken windows of the old abandoned house, I see my reflection
- From Sunset to Sunrise
May 2010 · 2.9k
Broken and Beautiful
PrttyBrd May 2010
I know you

I know you because I am you

I see myself in your eyes

I wish I was who you believe me to be

I wish I knew me like you know me

You trust because I have proven to be trustworthy

You believe in me because I have yet to let you down

You love because you perceive the good in me

I am not evil, but I am not perfect

Flawed and broken, am I still beautiful?
May 2010 · 715
The Right Thing
PrttyBrd May 2010
A storm is brewing in the air
A tempest on the horizon
Misery is up on end
Anchoring itself to fight
Pins and needles
In the eye of the storm
Calm is all but fleeting
Black skies ensue
As fear climbs over barricades
What to do? What to do?
Preparations are useless
Barreling through walls
Ripping through the strongest will
Reduced to children
Clutching at the breast of mother earth
Vying for position
Afraid to give up the easy
Is there one right path?
There never is just one right answer
Lightning strikes again and again
Same place, same place
Melted souls of hopeful doubt
All or nothing
Black or white
Right or wrong
If only life was like a sunny shore
May 2010 · 993
Light is Overrated
PrttyBrd May 2010
Bright and shiny
Pedestrian views
Glare induces migraines
Simplistic bands of nothingness
Almost too painful to watch
Pushed beyond painted lines
Crossing into...nowhere
Where is the dark and twisted,
The interesting and obscure?
Turn the lights off and feel the way
Touch the cold steel
Delight in the balmy breeze
May 2010 · 998
PrttyBrd May 2010
Permeating the depths through cracks in the wall
The light fades into darkness once more
The hope of its return glimmers

The path to tomorrow is paved with those glimmers
Toward a day when that hope will break the wall
And the future will shine so brightly once more

When no longer remains a longing for more
The glare born in hope is much more than that glimmer
And powdered earth is all that is left of the wall

Light must return through cracks in the wall, darkness can be taken no more, a glimmer is not much to hold onto.
This is my attempt at a Tritina.
May 2010 · 1.7k
Unexpected Changes
PrttyBrd May 2010
There is no way to prepare
for the day that the reality of monsters
lies squarely on your shoulders.

One day
in one split second,
it will never be the same.
May 2010 · 1.2k
Only You, (Sijo)
PrttyBrd May 2010
Shadows creep     across the floor
Stretching their hands     to clutch your soul

In the dark     fear reigns supreme
Always searching    for an escape

There's no need    to await the sun
There is only     your embrace
May 2010 · 3.0k
Damaged (a Haibun)
PrttyBrd May 2010
It's in the blood and taking over, this feeling undefined.  Moving through veins like lightning.  Taking sanity in burning bits and pieces. Trading hope for function.  Stagnant and murky still seeking the sun.  Time stands still as it rushes passed.  The view eternally slightly askew seeing through those eyes.  Tainted and etched with salted tears.

Broken down and cracked
There's no shelter to be had
Time and space collide

Nothing left.  No hiding places.  Exposed to the universe, alone just the same.  Shoulders soaked through and soggy, gone to dry in the sun.  Far away, the sun shines brightly for them.  For those who think they are whole.  For those who feel the fire, yet are not burned.

Sulfur in the air
A storm of brimstone ensues
Hell is found on Earth

Feared by all. Belonging to no one.  Falling to the depths in isolation.  Longing to be enveloped without fear.  To feel warmth without heat.  To be wooed without woe.  To be naked, exposed, and free, no longer tethered by a past that was never meant to be.  Scars should fade but are still found bleeding.  The heart lies bare in exsanguination. The soul struggles to clutch the tiniest speck of heaven.

**Like a broken wing
Mended hearts may not fly, but
Love can make it soar
May 2010 · 731
The Torturous Wait
PrttyBrd May 2010
Right or Wrong?
Wrong or Right?
Black or White?
Moral Turpitude?
That question only lives in shades of gray
What is pure of heart anyway?
Is EVERYTHING open to personal interpretation?
Does logic walk with morality or does morality defy logic?
If it helps you get what you want, then is it not logical?
Yet, it will seldom be moral
The high road is often a lonely place
Why is it that others always seem to come before you?
Are others always more important?
How is that logical?
Black or White?
Right or Wrong?
Shade is only useful as shelter from the sun
May 2010 · 944
Gray Scale
PrttyBrd May 2010
Right or Wrong?
Wrong or Right?
Black or White?
Moral Turpitude?
That question only lives in shades of gray
What is pure of heart anyway?
Is EVERYTHING open to personal interpretation?
Does logic walk with morality or does morality defy logic?
If it helps you get what you want, then is it not logical?
Yet, it will seldom be moral
The high road is often a lonely place
Why is it that others always seem to come before you?
Are others always more important?
How is that logical?
Black or White?
Right or Wrong?
Shade is only useful as shelter from the sun
May 2010 · 1.7k
PrttyBrd May 2010
Walk into a room
There lies the new one
There lies the one who has your heart
Blink and all's forgotten
No scars to hint of pain
Nothing left but happiness to gain
And so you hold on and you're held
Effortlessly there is more room in your soul
Days so readily wasted
Just looking in those eyes
Melting the outer shell
That took a lifetime to build
It is so easy to love you
May 2010 · 1.9k
Alternate Reality
PrttyBrd May 2010
Open eyes can see as it all floats far away
Though denial runs deep even in the face of self-realization
Standing still in hopes that a small part will linger
Visions of yesterday's happiness shade today's shame
Different hues can tighten the squeeze
Small bits of who you thought you were run out
Lost in the vast nothingness that has taken hold
Twisted views of reality skew the mind against you
In a good moment there is peace
Too quickly forgotten, too quickly lost
Searching to find a shortcut back to who you want to be
Realizing in darkness that maybe, that never existed
Wondering if in this so-called truth lies the reality of others
Is this who you are?
Is this who they see?
You can choose to live in the worst thoughts of you,
Or believe in the best version of yourself
May 2010 · 747
Voice of an Angel
PrttyBrd May 2010
Chasing time results in immense frustration
Frustration that culminates in pain
The sweet sound of an angels voice
Such release to be had
Eyes closed as the music hums
Melting stress on its path to the soul
It crosses all barriers
It comforts the lonely
And it soothes the sad
It reaches through the core of emotions
Grabbing what happens to exist there
Holding fast for a ride to wherever the music will land
Accompanying melancholy through to brighter days
Smiling within
Absorbing the pain
And leaving things better than when it began
May 2010 · 876
There Is Always Tomorrow
PrttyBrd May 2010
Gray clouds block the sun
Its rays struggle to shine through the cracks
Will the sun reign and blue skies prevail
Or will the black thunder bring lightning strikes
Time takes forever
And the rain begins to fall
The sun sets unnoticed

No beauty reflected in the rainbow sky
The moon now hidden by the storm
The night is black and chills the soul
Windburned cheeks hold tears
Though the wet is quickly dried
The salt lines remain

Remnants of sadness and lingering pain
For once the heartbreak is for others
To see their losing battle
To watch it play out from the sidelines
Helpless to change their path
Their journey is their own
Yet the heart is still broken
The laggard storm clouds slowly scatter
The moonlight shows through just before dawn
The sun unceremoniously begins to rise
a haibun
copyright©PrttyBrd 12/06/2010
May 2010 · 780
Midnight Ponderings
PrttyBrd May 2010
Is there life to be breathed into a dream long since dead?
Is it too late to strive for what could still be?
If life's journey has pulled things far out of shape, can the path still be found?
Everyone is where they need to be, so then is it that what was meant to be is?
Does longing in the heart really mean that something is missing?
How can a void, however minuscule, be filled if no one knows how it came to be?
How important should one be made to feel?
If there is so much happiness in this place, why does it feel like someone else's life?
These days are good, but a little empty.
So is it better to have days that are full of bad?
If there is hope for more, does that mean that there will be more?
If you want it, but getting it might cause pain, should it be sought anyway?
When is it time to be top on the list?
In order to be on top, do others have to be pushed down?
May 2010 · 1.0k
PrttyBrd May 2010
I did not see.
I could not understand.
I believed I could.
I never knew.
I am sorry.
PrttyBrd May 2010
Chasing rainbows out of time
There is not room to pause
Hesitate and be left behind
Reluctance be the cause

There is not room to pause
When running after dreams
Reluctance be the cause
All is not as it seems

When running after dreams
The world can speed right passed
All is not as it seems
Can dreams be made to last?

The world can speed right passed
With a dream just out of reach
Can dreams be made to last?
Is there a price to pay for each?

With a dream just out of reach
The focus can be intense
Is there a price to pay for each?
Can the cost be too immense?

The focus can be intense
Yet, it can slip right through your fingers
Can the cost be too immense
When the pain from failure lingers?

Yet, it can slip right through your fingers
Through fists clenched with all your might
When the pain from failure lingers
Don't hold the past too tight

Through fists clenched with all your might
You cannot feel the world around you
Don't hold the past too tight
You will find that it has bound you

You cannot feel the world around you
Hesitate and be left behind
You will find that it has bound you
Chasing rainbows out of time
May 2010 · 1.5k
Embers, a Senryu
PrttyBrd May 2010
A glance full of fire
Smoldering in your embrace
Burning through my soul
May 2010 · 1.6k
The Weight of Words
PrttyBrd May 2010
Eggshells crack under the weight of words
How is one to walk on them?
Fear breeds silence
Silence builds walls
Speak your mind or go
Remain not in silence, but freedom
May 2010 · 2.0k
Liquid Sex
PrttyBrd May 2010
The slightest whisper of the warmest touch
The breath of motion in the still of night
Blood rushes to the surface leaving fire in its wake,
as it follows the slightest movement,
the faintest touch, the longing for more
Electricity jumps the gap
Intensity amplified by the exquisite ache
Stirring deep within
Radiating shock waves that tether
Two becoming one
May 2010 · 11.4k
Come Back to You
PrttyBrd May 2010
Slipping further away
Deeper into the darkness
Bad choices and wrong turns
Weigh the anchor speeding descent
Plastic smiles and crocodile tears
Which is the mask?
Where does the truth lie?
Reaching down to offer a reprieve
There is no hand to grasp
Helpless, watching
Tears burning as the light fades to nothing
Where is the fire that lit you from within?
If you reach for me,
I will always be there
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