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 Jan 2021 manlin
sandra wyllie
are as acorns. I bury
them; by noon forgetting
them. The rain and snow
mix. The earth beneath

my feet freezes with all
my bright ideas of making
a brighter year. So, I skate
on the topping.  And as fall

arises I’m propping myself up
as a scarecrow. The ground melts
the snow. And I see the buried
wish, crisp as apples in a dish.  I’d

make a pie with them all. So, high
it’d topple and fall. But this year
I shan’t. No, this year the solution –
No resolutions!
 Dec 2020 manlin
Lev Rosario
 Dec 2020 manlin
Lev Rosario
God is when
A child shares his food
With another
Filling both with joy

God is when
A poet rewrites
An old poem and
Shares it with others

God is when
Mushrooms grow
Red and white from
The corpse of a tree

God is when
Workers come
Together and fight
For one fallen

God is when
Comets crash
On a young planet
Filling it with water

God is when
Two atoms combine
To form a compound
Unique in its splendor

God is when
A monk comes
To help one
Close to death

God is when
Musicians perfect
A mozart symphony
In one breath
How am I supposed to feel
When you leave me at the alter
The bride to be
A family
Where did it all falter
Our love was strong
So I believed
Our worlds combined
Was well received
I wish I had
At first been briefed
To prepare myself for misery
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