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why close
    the petals of your heart
       or shrivel in gloom  
        bury the worries    
         to inhale sacred
         scents of earth
            touched be
        by comely smiles
        of blooming lilies
           and struck be
        by delightful notes
              of robins
         perched on trees
           shines 'pon us
          the sun glorious
         our precious jewel
         of radiant warmth  
     abundant peace to seek
         for our weary being
    under the protective shed
        with twinkling stars
a rather simple poem to remind ourselves of joys of nature, something which is becoming increasingly alien to most of us in our daily living. wrote this when struck by an urge to run away from the concrete jungle into the woods :)
doesn't find
what One's looking for;
One finds
in terms of
what One's looking for.
Title translates roughly to 'Expectation'

One finds not
that for which One looks,
One necessarily finds
in terms of
how one goes about looking
for that which One looks.
When I'm seeking shade from a relentless sun,
And brush a rejected leaf off my shoulder,
I feel poetry.

When I brought my girls home,
From hospital, school, a bad night out,
I've experienced poetry.

Walking Front St., or  Centennial Park,
While the buskers are busy,
The children are laughing,
The dogs are barking,
I've heard poetry.

If fortunate to espy a shooting star,
Enjoy the fullness of an autumn moon,
Witness the dawn light up my lawn,
Like a diamond mine,
I've seen poetry.

I've tasted poetry on my lips
With kisses and endearing words,
And lingering tastes from what you serve.
Yes, I've savored poetry's flavors.

Who reads poetry.
Caught you reading poetry.
/|\ //||//
the stillness of twilight, was disrupted,
thin, hushed raindrops, ....all of a sudden
became sharp nails hitting the roof
heavy rain, now falls generously

the night...the dark firmament, they both weep,
shedding tears...they can no longer keep...
trees, houses...anything, anyone out in the rain
all are wet actors in tonight's masquerade
all are resigned...soundlessly, accepting rain.

their heads are bowed
subservient to the rain hitting ground,
performers, dripping all over
eyes, swollen from too much water,
laughter's gone, splintered smiles...scattering
in the dim air.......floating
like debris, from crashed stars...disappearing

the night's touch is cold...and bold...
but, in weakness, there's strength that holds,
the dark connives...moves in circles with the rain
hurting, comforting, reassuring, hurting again,  
touching back, again and again...
......until healing is gained

i saw myself on the glass window
i gotta get in from the rain
.....hide from wet shadows....


Copyright September 12, 2017
**rainy days and Mondays***
warm, our Bengal bath--eelgrass tickling our shins, sand marrying our soles

we traveled across the globe to escape the frost, the gray memory of our loss

the tropic sun browns your shoulders; your lips list a smile, for me

your bikini bottom fits perfectly, revealing no trace of a life purloined

we'll try again, when the time is right; for now, the sapphire sea is warm, hypnotic

whatever spell it casts won't last when we return to the land of falls and winters

where we'll again meet in our bed, with feigned abandon

for you will never trust our union--its milky, mystic promise that can end in blood
For Mom:
(b. 1925; d.2016)*

She held on to the sunlight
longer than anyone thought.
Palms swayed as she breathed
in all her strength,
all her power
until it all calmed
Night cooled
as barren
descends, now
a dark that sings no stars
or sweet songs of life.
Her last breath
carried by crows
brushed across my cheek quietly
as I did not get to her in time.

As my sorrow fingered with my heart,
I saw the hungry abyss descend with her smile,
Still I heard in her whisper,
“do not mourn for me,
like our ancestors before,
I have found the balance
in natural tones;
in the music of stars
and in the songs playing
on Owl’s wings.
Do not mourn for me, my loves
I am alive still in the flow of worlds.”

There is a weight
taller than Denali;
heavier than Big Mountain;
I carry it with me
in my back pack
next to my jeans and dreams
as I follow her tracks,
smiling with her life.

Aztec Warrior/redzone  12.29.16

For all of you who "liked" and or commented on this poem I thank you from the bottom of my heart... your words are a comfort to me and my dad (I showed him the comments)... you have touched us deeply... I hope all of you the best...

And Nagi, you are wonderful in your kindness and a special thanks for shinning a "light" on this poem....

....thanks for reading
music is from Dax Johnson,  "Rain"
 Sep 2017 Poetoftheway
Love can be like
trapped light
existing like dusk
the likes of which we can't see
physical but not optical
gravesites for stars
a waystation for dreamers
a delta to cruise through
paradise on Sunday
cold as ice on Monday
a hundred pound block on tongs
with a butterfly at its center
your temple of madness
or the Egypt of your ***
lands of mystery
an island of death
proven theories of sorrow
your lineage, children, tomorrows. long...
... seeming to end at one point,
........yet, in truth, they just go on
.............for, currents are ceaseless
.................they find their own paths
......................they symbolize continuity.
...........................r i v e r s .....r u n...l o n g....

(Harlon are your name)


Copyright August 30, 2017
...a humble poem for you, Harlon Rivers...
...peace to you always , dear friend...
...your return is most awaited......
A fruit, tasting truly different, it was what I needed,
because in every bite, it satiated my desire, inexpressible
I climbed to the top branch of the fruit tree and
plucked the most sun drenched juicy one gleaming.

But it didn't put out the fire raging in my heart, though
the sweet fruit made me withdraw and be quiet
for a short while and then I went in search of another
when it dawned on me that it's a rare root, with
magical effects, that the nomads collect from hidden woods,
and it is the stuff used at the  dead of night for alchemy
the chemical work that makes even the cheapest metal gold!

I went seeking a girl,who was described in revelations--
her bewitching beauty, haunting eyes and the songs she sung
promised many things to my heart and I couldn't sleep
after the time I met  fleetingly, that seductive dame.
She was from a world different, her heart was unlike
any one else's I have known, yet I told her I still do search,
as it was a puzzle still, why beauty beacons me !

The black forest winds and waters, the flowers everywhere,
I needed to be alone with myself, when my heart stirred,
heard a little bird chirping that said" You make me calm,
where did you find the poem you just read aloud?"
Suddenly I have woken up from the dream I had fallen into,
eyes lit with beauty, munching a fruit, my favorite
book of poetry in hand,I went to my love, to read it aloud
to her and mull the beauty together, get rejuvenated.
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