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Dec 2014
I never want to stop seeing
Different sides of you
Until the stars all explode and the earth fades away
That will be the only day
Because each one is never the same
And certainly not any two
Because after a while I stopped expecting the unexpected and expecting everything too
I want to run my fingers over your scars and tell you that every one is beautiful to me
Because no matter what I could never see you any differently
Running my fingers through your hair
And memorizing how every strand feels
I want to see every shade of your eyes, if that's even a thing
Seeing every bit of your soul that no one's ever seen
I want to kiss your nose because it's adorable
And tell you that you're wonderful
Because I can and will
And well I guess here I am
Written by
AllAtOnce  19/F/United States
(19/F/United States)   
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