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Dec 2014
We are all burdened to circumstance
Destined to wonder
We looked up to the stars to ask our fate
But it was only by chance that our stars lay overhead
They are not signs of destiny but gaze down at us as lost as we all are
Lonely wonderers
We all look for a glimer of faint dust
Glowing across the night
Trying to find a destination we haven't set.
We can walk, we can run but no matter how fast or slow
we are always exactly where we should be the current
I believe fate is circumstance
Every one alive is destined to live
They exist
So they'll be another heart fighting against the waves of the sea wondering where heaven may be
But circumstance has found me here
Right now next to you
So call it fate
But I'll gladly except it if you do to
Wander the stars a little longer than forever and no longer alone. I could be with you.
Time isn't always a burden
If Its spent chasing lights of more than stars
Written by
Josie  ajax
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