******* hell there's sore spots all over my body scabs forming over torn flesh i scratched until i was bleeding and then kept scratching i just want them to go away, god why are there so many bumps i'm trying some self surgery here let me know how it turns out actually, don't please don't talk to me about my skin don't mention the dried blood on my shoulder please don't say anything about how i'm going to cause scars i'd rather have scars than bumps because the scars are mine i made them and if i can't perfect my skin then i'm going to claim it (that doesn't mean i'll let anyone see them though, it's still ruined it's been ruined from the beginning) i don't know what you see in me (or what you say you see in me. i still find myself doubting) i'm too lumpy and bumpy and chubby and there's acne in all the wrong places and blood under my nails i feel like i'm wearing an old jacket but the jacket is my skin and i need to find something better under this god i'm going to peel all my ******* skin off if i lick my lips they still taste like blood from tearing the skin off of them with my teeth (teeth aren't bumpy. i like my teeth.) my teeth are sharp enough i just need to stop feeling, if i stopped noticing the pain i could tear it all off god i'm gonna tear it all off i don't wear tshirts anymore i don't want you to see my arms i don't want anyone to see my skin i don't want to see my skin make it go away i don't want it anymore i just want to feel nice why is this this so hard you'd think i'd be able to stop when i make it worse than it was and when i'm hiding all my failures under long sleeves, long pants, hands no, no i need to scratch until it's gone it's going to stop i need it to stop but god the pain is killing me (but so is having this skin) digging out part of your leg hurts like hell, who knew? i'm going to claw myself out of this skin prison or die trying i'm going to get out i need to get out let me out **** someone help let me out i'm buried in flesh i'm suffocating in my own skin hello 911 come quick i need you to cut off my skin I feel like i'm drowning i can't breathe god i can't breathe get it off of me i've scratched my scabs open again and there's blood trickling down my arm and i'm squeezing it out
as with most of my poems this hasn't been edited and i wrote it late @ night so
also stuff always seems to spiral out of control and off track when i write poetry this is fun