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Dec 2014
The winter is around me,
I stand as the wind brushes against my skin.
Sending shivers down my spine.

Closing my eyes,
Putting my face to the sky
I can hear them sing.

Singing so gallantly,
Of love once lost.

His velvet voice sings.
I open my eyes as he takes me hand.
Pressing his soft lips to mine.

"I've waited a long time.."
I replied softly.

"I know..
Don't fear me.."

He doesn't realize,
I would never fear him.
Even in the light of the world.

"I love you."

His whisper so sweet..
I simply melted..
Dark Jewel
Written by
Dark Jewel  20/F/Greenville, SC
(20/F/Greenville, SC)   
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