**** **** **** hell My adrenaline fueled brain swells Tells me of a kid who needs this The seed splits The shell cracks 39 lashes across your dads back Broken A token of appreciation Mis-conceived determination Reverberations Echo Art gecko Whatever that means! Split the seams of dreams Perception is... Reality Realty Sold out The windows to a soul behold cold strongholds Drought! Boute Route Taken Called to the small and weak Looked past but not forsaken Earth quakin Quaker Oats moats surrounded Shark infested daughters Lambs led to the slaughter Living water Thirsty world Has your well run dry Draw nigh Apples and eyes Sparrow Jack into the narrow Firey arrows Shield of faith Held together by grace Through... One more The heart is a door And Jesus is the way. Pray or be prey.