O black beauty ! o wayfarer, unaware of destiny ! anguish,how long ? like an ancient river challenging the stars?
come, come with me will collect the shells of dreams quench our quest of melancholy
going to loose nothing, come! at all , will rest in the ocean of time will copulate with harmony
when the thoughts of beloved are sown in my body the wisdom of passion spreads like moonlight, when the grim reaper smiles glittering memories and tears are left on shore, when the fallen leaf sounds like her anklet the belief of spring and faith of life are restored
come, come along with me.... o black beauty ! under this moon only siddharth became buddha in the lap of this moon only omar khayyam tasted the nectar the same moon i am walking holding you under the same moon !
o black beauty ! the ancient wayfarer ! come, come with me.....