He carries the scent of spring and looks prettier than pearls on a string. He carries the best kind of beauty within which makes him differ from all the other men. She collided with him as he stirred the chaos under her skin. Whispering in her ear all that hurt you in the past is about to end. Heat filled up the room before they knew it they were surrounded by love fumes. In a room with just them two they had nothing much to do. Under the covers they went and kissed like mermaids lost at sea clinging on their humanity. He exhaled his cigarette smoke and she inhaled it in in the form of poetry. It wasn't planned but they won't deny they were happier than the seas clams resting inside under their shells. Looking at the roses in the vase present in his room they saw them bowing down after they saw the view sighing in a big loud aweee they clapped with their delicate petals shouting out for an applause. And that was when he decided to strip off her clothes* ~