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Lazlo Mehl
Nov 2014
He is who he is
He is who he is
Someone great indeed
Although he doesn’t know it
I’m here to show him
You see
He seems really ordinary
But what I’ve read is extra- ordinary
You see his quite plain
Not always sane
Sometimes he can even be lame
Its really a shame
So he wrote this book
I then took a look
Got to know him better
Inside a few letters
His pages tells a story
Of God and his Glory
He met a young lady
And fell madly in love
She was what he wanted
And he was he she needed
All seemed fine
But there were to many lies
The bad elements of this world
Is the story he told
A girl she was
With many scars
Hatred and pain
With nothing to gain
He kissed her tears
For many, many years
And all that time
Her life was a lie
He never rejected
Always excepted
Through the Grace of God
He was able to start
Not once did he stop
even when times were tough
And when the going got rough
And she needed stuff
He stood his ground
And eventually found
She was bruised
And abused
A journey she attained
A Journey he obtained
Together making it a life
Worth writing about
His no super hero
Just a religious kind of guy
Making a difference in others lives
Only taking one step at a time
So I’ve come to know
His shared quite a lot
I’m hoping our journey
Never has to stop
But the time will come
When it’s all done
In those few pages
I was won
I’ve learnt a lot
I’ve cried a lot too
There was a lot of ****
But that seemed real
You taught me a lesson
Of love and pain
How to guard my heart
From hatred and shame
I cannot begin to thank you
For all you have done
You’ve change my life
In a short space of time
To be a better person
Inside and out
Your book is worth reading
So please start believing
Soon will come the time
Believe me I done lie
With a friend such as you
Thank you my friend,
cos it's worth reading,
cos it's also rhythmic,
ka boom boom bomb
No thank you my friend
For as you said
Stop writing in a pad
Rather post it on the net
You've giving me reason
And purpose in life
Through A Broken Reed
I was able to see
My lives worth living
And my days are few
So I'm glad that I got
to spend them with
Your book is the reason
I've come this far
I feel inspired
To do something great
I once was bruised
And broken too
But through the virtues
God lend me to you
You taught me love
You taught me patience
You taught me never to give up
And even when I felt so down
You help me turn
My frown upside down
I cannot thank you
And your book
I'm glad God lead me
And I got to take a look.
We Are A Broken Generation no longer Bruised by Our Own Devices but BROKEN...
Written by
Lazlo Mehl
South Africa
(South Africa)
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