In pursuit of an elusive harmony summer nights rolled away from us reverberating into a numinous bass line while reconciling our dreams with a burgeoning truth
Flustered with desire and walking in a non-ordinary reality. Lost within the Source of all there is and ever was. We re-animated navigating through portals unexplained to retrieve this love
We plied our differences into commonality and re-aligned our fractured selves using the agency of synchronicity - having found an immutable archetypal truth and having found from where our self-portraits flow
Much more than soul mates, Plato offers stories of Zeus splitting souls in half as punishment for pride. In this incarnation, have we found humility? Will this be enough to carry us back to nobility?
It is challenging to find your way back into a lover's arms. Mistakes haunt us eternally (if we allow for that) but every morning if we awake and let go, using the suns setting and rising as a reminder that with experience, guidance, and repetition ... it gets easier
My half soul awoke as my mortality decomposed when half becomes one, then the real turmoil begins from the shores of St. Mary, Raven calls and I follow my destiny into an Obsidian Night
'If I cannot deflect the will of Heaven, I shall move Hell.' ~~ Virgil