I dressed as me for the party. What do you do for a living? I am a poet twinkled calloused eyes between disbelief and comic relief of fake heroes marveling, spitting out punch cause it tasted like grease, their business cards burning in speechless canopies. Those grieving batmen pleasuring the guilty, wasting precious time, Oculus Rifts on their eyes.
Oh and... I wasn't asking what I should do with my precious time. I am asking what you don't do... and why? You say you hate to trick, but that it's the only way to get treats. You probably were the kid that filled your pillowcase with doorstep pumpkins of candy, abandoning the suckers like me.
But life isn't Halloween all the time, just one night. And lies are not costumes we can sell on ebay when we are done tricking people. They eat us alive. Trick n' die.